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Solstice by TochuNadu

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Author's Chapter Notes:

Ah, another baseball game... What kind of trouble could Lily possibly get herself into here...?

The Game


             I woke up in Edward’s arms. I grimaced when I saw Daniel sitting on the couch. I didn’t remember any dreams, but apparently I wasn’t sleeping very well.

            “Daniel, I’m sorry,” I said in a raspy voice.

            “Don’t be.” He smiled. “I know it will take time.”

            I looked at Edward, What happened? I asked.

            You were just very restless. That’s all. We all know how grumpy you are when you don’t sleep well. He smiled. Give it time, love, Edward thought, kissing my head.

            I didn’t remember Edward and Daniel changing places, so I guessed that it had been late last night, since I didn’t feel tired or unrested.

            “Get up,” Edward said, pushing me away and climbing out of the bed. “Renesmee and Jacob are waiting for you and Daniel to come play with them.”

            I yawned and stretched and then stretched more. I slowly slid out of bed and walked over to Daniel. I plopped down in his lap and laid my head on his shoulder. I kissed his neck and he leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him and suddenly I was on my back and he was over me.

            “Are you still ticklish?” he asked.

            “Um, no, not at all,” I lied.

            “Yeah right!” He laughed and started tickling my sides.

            I squirmed and kicked and fought but it was no use. He was ten times stronger than me. When I could hardly breathe anymore he stopped and pressed is lips to mine. My chest heaved and I struggled to breathe, but still managed to wrap my arms around him and kiss him passionately. I ran my fingers up his back and through his dark curly hair. He wrapped his arms under me and picked me up off of the couch.

            I slid my hands down his back and up under his shirt, sliding it up and over his head. My hands traced the solid contours of his chiseled chest and abs. My breathing wasn’t getting any better. Finally I had to stop, before I really didn’t want to.

            “In time,” I whispered, more to myself than to him.

            We stood up and I wrapped myself around him and held him tight. He did the same. We stood there for a few minutes while my breathing and heartbeat returned to normal. I didn’t want to stop, but I knew I had to. I didn’t want Edward to have to stop us because it went too far. That wouldn’t get Daniel any closer to their approval, even though it would’ve been my fault.

            I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I stood in front of him and ran my hands up through his hair again. I grabbed two handfuls of curls and pulled him toward me. I kissed him again and then let him go.

            “I’ll meet you downstairs,” I said to him. “I have to take a shower.”

            “Okay,” he said, kissing me gently.

            He walked past Edward, who was standing in the doorway.

            “I’m proud if you,” Edward said after Daniel passed.

            “Why?” I asked.

            “He wasn’t going to stop unless you did and he was on his way to taking you both to the shower,” he informed me.

            “Oh really?” I smiled, probably a little too much.

            “Really. You have nothing but time Lily, remember that,” he said, disappearing down the hall.

            I love you, Edward.

            I love you too, Lily.

            After I showered, I ran downstairs and jumped into Daniel’s lap. He was sitting on the couch.

            “Well there you are.” Daniel smiled and then kissed me. “Renesmee has been in three times looking for you. Wait thirty seconds and I’m sure she’ll be back.”

            No sooner than Daniel had finished the sentence, Renesmee came barreling through the living room with Jacob right on her heels. She past us then slid to a stop nearly causing Jacob to run over her, but he dodged at the last second and missed, barely. I laughed at the annoyed look on Renesmee’s perfect little face. I was just waiting for her to put her hand on her hip and start tapping her foot.

            “Well, I thought you were going to hang out in the shower all day,” she chirped.

            It had taken me all of ten minutes to shower, get dressed, brush my hair and come downstairs.

            “My apologies, oh impatient one. Of what did I dare delay?” I said, as sarcastically as I possibly could.

            Renesmee crinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue.

            I tried not to laugh but I couldn’t help it. I put my forehead against Daniel’s cheek in attempt to hide my face. Renesmee stomped her foot and stormed toward me. She took my hand and pulled, forcing me to stand. I kissed Daniel as I was standing up and took his hand. If I was getting dragged into something, he was coming too.

            “Come on, Lily,” she sang.

            “Where are we going?” I asked, as she dragged me toward the back door.

            “Baseball,” she said. “There’s a storm coming.”

            Edward, Bella and Jacob were already outside waiting for us.

            “Are you ready?” Edward asked.

            “So this is the baseball that you talk about all the time?” I asked.

            “Yes ma’am,” Edward answered.

            “We’re following you,” I said.

            I jumped onto Daniel’s back and we were off. When we reached the clearing, Alice was warming up her pitching arm. Emmett was swinging what looked like half of a tree and Esme and Carlisle were talking about something, apparently bounds, because Esme kept pointing from home plate to some distant trees. Rosalie was tapping a bat against the inside of her foot.

            I looked at Edward then Bella. “Bella, you play baseball?” I asked.

            “Not well,” she admitted.

            “But she’s getting much better,” Edward said.

            “Not much,” Emmett laughed, tossing the tree about seventy five yards into the clearing. It landed then slid into the trees at the forest’s edge, taking out a few saplings in route.

            They divided off into teams. Carlisle was the captain of one team and Emmett was the captain of the other. Edward and Bella were on Carlisle’s team and usually Esme had played too, but today Daniel played in Esme’s place and she was the umpire. I was the other umpire because Esme said that they all cheated.

            “How do you cheat at baseball?” I asked.

            “If it can be done, they’ll find a way,” Esme laughed.

            Rosalie, Alice and Jasper were on Emmett’s team and Jacob played hind catcher for both teams. Renesmee’s job was to annoy Jacob as much as possible.

            “Call it Emmett,” Carlisle said, as he flipped a coin up the air.

            “Tails,” Emmett said, smacking Rosalie on the butt.

            Rosalie tackled him and they went tumbling across the field.

            Emmett ended up on top and pinned her to the ground. She tossed him a few yards and he landed on his feet not too far from where Carlisle had just caught the coin.

            The coin went so high, so fast, Jacob and I just looked at each other and waited for Carlisle to catch it.

            “Heads,” Carlisle shouted.

            “Emmett’s team bats first,” I yelled.

            Edward kissed Bella and they ran into the outfield. Carlisle took the mound and Daniel ran to second base. Esme stood behind home base and Jacob squatted down between her and the plate. Rosalie walked up swinging a bat.

            She rocked back and forth beside the plate and tapped the bat to the inside of her left shoe. Carlisle looked over his left shoulder to Bella in right center field, then over his right shoulder to Edward in left center field.

            “And here’s the wind up,” I yelled from behind second base.

            Carlisle threw the ball just as lightening struck somewhere nearby and Rosalie made contact with the clap of thunder that followed.

            The ball flew directly toward me and Carlisle snatched it right out the air.

            Rosalie slammed the bat down and stomped off.

            “Shake it off Rosalie! Shake it off,” I yelled.

            She gave me an irritated look and shook her finger at me. “Don’t start with me, young lady.” She tried to keep a straight face, but failed miserably.

            Emmett walked up the plate, set his footing, swung the bat a couple times and looked at Carlisle.

            Carlisle pitched the ball and Emmett hit the ball with a thundering thud. The ball flew high and fast over the trees in left field. Edward was already in the trees. Daniel covered second base and Carlisle covered home. Two seconds later the ball came flying out of the trees toward home plate just as Emmett rounded third.

            “Why doesn’t Jacob cover home?” I asked Bella.

            She laughed and pointed toward Carlisle. “Watch.”

            Carlisle caught the ball and then there was a loud crash, like thunder and snapping trees in one. They both went flying head over heals and Carlisle stood up with the ball in his hand.

            “Out!” Esme yelled.

            “Oh,” I said, now understanding.

            Alice was up to bat next. Carlisle brushed the grass and dirt off of himself and was quickly back on the pitcher’s mound. Well, it wasn’t much of a mound, it was more of a bump. He looked over each shoulder before he threw the ball. Alice grinned and looked at Bella. Carlisle threw the ball and with another thunderous clap, Alice made contact. The ball whirred at lightning speed right toward Bella. She waited until the last possible instant to put her hand out. With a loud slap, the ball hit her palm.

            “And that’s three!” I yelled.

            The teams traded places. Alice went to pitch, Rosalie went to second base and Emmett and Jasper took the outfield. The sky darkened overhead and rain began to fall.

            Bella was up first. Alice wound up and threw a perfect curve ball right over the plate. Bella took a swing and the ball thundered over Alice and toward center field. Rosalie made a quick leap and grabbed the ball right out the air. She trotted past me, crinkled her nose and stuck her tongue out at me.

            “Nice,” I said as she passed.

            She threw the ball back to Alice and Carlisle was up next. She threw the ball and Carlisle knocked it out over the trees in right field. Jasper took off into the forest and a few seconds later the ball went flying toward home base.

            Carlisle rounded third then stopped as Alice caught the ball at home.

            Daniel was up next. Alice pitched and Daniel hit the sweet spot. The ball flew over second base, way too high for Rose to catch this time. Emmett and Jasper raced into the trees. Three seconds later they apparently found each other. A rumble echoed through the trees then the ball came flying over the treetops toward home base. Alice caught the ball and tagged Daniel before he touched the base. He didn’t try to run her over and hope she dropped the ball, like Emmett did to Carlisle. But he knew Carlisle never dropped the ball, he just did it for fun because he knew was going to be out.

            “Out two!” Esme said.

            “And the score is Carlisle one, Emmett zero,” I shouted.

            “Oh shush,” Rosalie joked. “It’s only the bottom of the first.”

            Edward was at bat next. Alice pitched and Edward swung. He made full contact just as a clap of thunder rang out from the lightning that struck the ground not fifty yards away. My first instinct was to run and hide but there was nowhere to hide. Edward stopped at me as he ran the bases. He stroked my face and assured me that everything was alright. He nearly flew around third base and stomped on home plate as the ball made a loud smack in Alice’s hand. She missed the tag.

            “And the score is…” I began but was interrupted mid sentence by Rosalie running straight at me.

            I ran for the trees but she caught me before I reached the tree line. She pinned me to ground, sat on me and tickled me until I was gasping for air.

            Then she kissed my nose and asked. “What was the score again?”

            I couldn’t speak. She looked at me for a moment making sure I was all right, then kissed my nose again and gracefully trotted back to the game. I rolled on my side and watched her walk away, still trying to catch my breath. Bella was watching me intently.

            “I’m okay.” I gasped for more air. “I’m fine,” I whispered and rolled onto my back.

            When I finally caught my breath I ran back to my place behind second base and behind Rosalie.

            “Two, nothing,” I said pointedly at Rose.

            She took a step toward me and I flinched, ready to run, but she stopped and just grinned and pointed at me.

            “Watch it,” she said.

            “Oh yeah! I know where you live, Goldilocks.” I joked, making a step toward her.

            Rosalie took a step toward me the same second that Bella hit the ball. Rose turned around in time to run to first and catch the ball from Emmett and that was out three.

            Jasper was up. Another too close for comfort lightning bolt hit the forest not too far from where we were playing. The sky seemed to open up and the rain came in torrents. Carlisle threw a slider and Jasper knocked it out over left field. Edward ran into the forest and threw the ball to home plate, but it was a split second too late. Carlisle caught the ball and swung his arm around, missing the tag as Jasper ran across home plate.

            “Safe!” Esme yelled.

            “Yes!” Rose cheered.

            Rose stepped up the plate. Carlisle pitched to the inside. Rose took half a step and swung hard. The ball went flying just over my head. Edward caught it on the first bounce and threw it to second where Daniel was waiting. Rosalie slid into second but Daniel tagged her leg before she touched the base.

            “You’re outta there, babe!” I yelled.

            “Oh you little…” Rosalie said, darting after me.

            I made it to the forest this time, but barely. On my way I quickly focused on Emmett. Emmett, what can I do to get Rosalie? I asked.

            What do you mean? he asked.

            A weak spot, I thought. Like, she’s ticklish behind the knees, or she jumps if you poke her below the ribs… Anything!

            She’ll kill me if I tell you, he thought.

            I’ll hide parts of your jeep for a year if you don’t tell me something.

            Uh, I like hide and seek, he countered.

            Fine, I thought sternly. I will make sure Rosalie has a reason to stay with me constantly for the next month.

            You wouldn’t! he gasped.

            Do you really want to test me?

            The base of her neck, the hollow right above her collarbone…

            Thank you, Emmett!

            Rosalie tackled me and we went tumbling across the ground. In mid roll I wrapped myself around her. When we finally stopped I kissed the base her neck then gently bit the spot Emmett told me about. Her entire body stiffened and she froze. I heard a low rumble in her chest and she slowly pushed my shoulders away from her. She looked at me, eyes wide, mouth agape and just stared.

            “That. Is. So. Cheating,” she said slowly, annunciating every syllable.

            She tossed me to the ground, pinned my arms above my head, put her lips to my neck and blew. Then she tickled me to the brink of oxygen deprivation.

            “I wa… I was on…” I tried to speak but couldn’t catch my breath.

            When she finally stopped she had to sit me upright and hold me up for a few minutes until I could breathe again.

            “I was only trying to get an advantage,” I said. “You’re ten times stronger than I am.”

            By her reaction, I had thought that she was mad. She had growled at me and I was afraid I was in trouble but she only laughed at me and tickled me again.

            “It’s okay, baby girl. But if you tell anyone, I will kill you.” She laughed and continued tickling me.

            I would’ve responded if I could have, but I was out of breath. She gave me a raspberry on my neck again and was halfway back to home plate before I could even sit up.

            “I’m fine, thank you,” I yelled and waved my hand then plopped back on the ground so I could catch my breath.

            I trotted back to the game and took my place behind second base. Edward had caught a pop fly to left field by Emmett. Out two.

            Carlisle pitched to Alice and with a crack, the ball went nearly straight up and out of sight. At least I couldn’t see it though I’m sure they could.

            Carlisle took a step forward then two steps back then a half step to the right. He held out his hand, palm up and the ball fell squarely into his palm. He tossed the ball to Alice when they passed each other and she handed him the bat. Alice went to the pitchers mound and Carlisle went to home plate. Once Emmett and Jasper were in the outfield, Alice threw the ball. Carlisle rounded second, Emmett threw the ball to Rose who tagged Carlisle out at third. Daniel hit next. He hit it toward the ground between second and third base and he hit it so hard it actually went into the ground. Daniel had made it to third base by the time Emmett and Rosalie had dug it out of the dirt.

            Alice caught the mud covered ball just in time to tag Daniel out at home plate. Alice floated back to the pitchers mound. She pitched to Edward and he hit the ball as lightning cracked nearby. That was it. The storm was just too close for comfort. Jasper ran into the trees after the ball and I ran into Daniel’s arms. I was drenched and dripping just like everyone else. Renesmee had worn a raincoat but her pants and shoes were soaked.

            Alice tagged Edward at home plate and that was out three.

            “Time!” Esme yelled. Everyone made their way to home plate. “Let’s let the storm pass from overhead then we’ll continue,” she said.

            Daniel pushed the wet hair from my face and kissed me gently. I grabbed a handful of hair on the back of his head and kissed him back. He lifted me off the ground and held me tight as he kissed me harder. Thunder cracked overhead and I buried my face in his neck. He laughed quietly and placed his hand protectively on the back of my head.

            The storm hovered for nearly half an hour before the cell moved off slowly to the southeast. The rain lingered but when the worst of the lightning finally moved on, the game continued.

            Edward and Bella ran to the outfield, Daniel carried me to second base with him and Carlisle went to the pitchers mound. He pitched to Jasper and the game was underway again.

            The game continued through the pouring rain. Rosalie was called out at home by Esme and when I agreed with the call, Rose chased me again, but this time I ran to Edward. He and Rose had a brief play fight and ended up covered in even more mud than the game had already decorated them with. Rose finally crossed home plate safely in the top of the sixth inning. It was still raining when the game ended, still tied at two.

            It was nearly dark when we returned to the house. I had nearly fallen asleep on Daniel’s back during the run back. Renesmee was sound asleep in Bella’s arms and Jacob had already headed home.

            Daniel handed me off to Edward and he took me upstairs to my room. I wanted to crawl into bed and go to sleep but I was reminded that I at least had to put on dry clothes first.

            “Oh yeah,” I said wearily, looking down at my wet and muddy clothes.

            I wiggled and writhed out of the wet blue jeans. Not an easy task when you’re half asleep. Edward pulled my shirt off and wrapped a dry towel around me. He draped another towel over my wet head and dried my hair as much as he could. I walked into the bathroom and brushed the knots out of my disheveled hair and washed the mud and dirt off of me. I walked out and Edward tossed me a set of sweats to put on.

            I put on the dry clothes and crawled slowly into bed.

            Goodnight Daniel, I’m beat, I’ll see you in the morning, okay? I thought.

            Okay, I love you. I’ll see you in the morning.

            I could tell that he was disappointed, but I was so tired. I couldn’t remember the last time I ran around playing all day long.

            Edward sat on the bed beside me then stretched out.

            “Goodnight baby girl,” he said, kissing my temple.

            “I love you, Edward,” I said, kissing his cheek.

            I curled up against him and was asleep before I knew it.








Chapter End Notes:

Reviews help combat global warming! Okay, not really, but I really like to get them! ;)

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