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An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight by GiveYourImmortalityToMe
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Summary: rn A series of fluffy short stories and one-shots. Read just one, or read them all! At least one missing moment will be posted for each chapter of Twilight in the order of ocurrence. Fluffy fun for everyone! rn rn ***If you would like to submit a short story (under 5,000 words) or a one-shot to this series you can PM me. Please no AU or human. Remember, these stories are supposed to feel like they could have just fallen out of the book by mistake***
Categories: Twilight
Characters: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 5
Series Type: Open
Summary: This is a missing moment from chapter 2 of Twilight. A one-shot fiction from Edward's self-imposed banishment to Alaska as part of my new series... *An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight* Edward meets up with Tanya and the rest of the Denali clan as he broods over his exile from Forks and she wants to play some games... This is fluff story number 2 in this series of flufftastic missing moments.
Categories: Twilight Characters: Carmen, Edward, Eleazar, Irina, Kate, Tanya
Challenges: Series: An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1384
[Report This] Published: November 18, 2008 Updated: November 19, 2008
Summary: This is a missing moment from chapter 3 of Twilight. A one-shot fiction that akes place during Bella's ride in the ambulance to the hospital after almost being crushed by Tyler's van as part of my new series... *An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight* Bella is fuming on a stretcher while Edward gets to ride shotgun! How unfair! Indignation and humiliation ensue... This is fluff story number 3 in this series of flufftastic missing moments.
Categories: Twilight Characters: Bella, Charlie, Edward, Tyler
Challenges: Series: An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 962
[Report This] Published: November 19, 2008 Updated: November 23, 2008
Summary: This is a missing moment from chapter 1 of Twilight. A one-shot fiction from Bella's first day of school as part of my new series... *An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight* Bella finds herself on a whirlwind adventure to the strange and secretive girl's lavatory where she hears some rather shocking gossip. This is fluff story numero uno in this series of flufftastic missing moments.
Categories: Twilight Characters: Bella, Emmett
Challenges: Series: An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 756
[Report This] Published: November 17, 2008 Updated: November 17, 2008
Summary: This is a missing moment from chapter 4 of Twilight. A one-shot fiction from Mike's perspective of asking Bella to the Spring Dance as part of my new series... *An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight* What if Mike, Eric and Tyler made a little bet on Bella? This is fluff story number 4 in this series of flufftastic missing moments.
Categories: Twilight Characters: Bella, Eric, Mike, Tyler
Challenges: Series: An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1523
[Report This] Published: November 27, 2008 Updated: November 30, 2008
Summary: Fluffy Fluff. What if Tyler wasn't the only one who had their sights set on taking Bella to the prom? Edward's gonna have to start beating off Bella's suitors with a stick pretty soon.
Categories: Twilight Characters: Bella, Edward, Mike
Challenges: Series: An Introduction to Fluff: Twilight
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes
Word count: 2470
[Report This] Published: November 16, 2008 Updated: December 02, 2008
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