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Angels love series by bluefire-33
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Summary: rn rn Set after New Moon. When Edward, and the rest Cullens leave. Bella tries to move on. She moves out of forks and becomes more confident and outgoing. She becomes a get in your face sarcastic b****. rn rn rn Still hurt from the Cullens leaving her, how does she react when a human male comes along and changes her life forever? Can she let someone in her heart again? Can she trust someone again? rn rn rn Read this series and find out rn rn rn This series is for the people who want Bella to have a human love, husband and kids. rn rn rn This series does not mean you don’t like the vampire, or the werewolf love; it’s just something different. rn rn rn Brace yourselves you’re in for a wild ride rn rn rn
Categories: New Moon, AU-Human
Characters: Bella, Other Character
Parent Series: None
Stories: 0
Series Type: Moderated
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