Summary: Preface
My life is good at the moment. I have got the two most important people in my life my lovely husband Edward and my darling daughter Renessme. We all live in our own small cottage which I got for my birthday by my family. Nothing could get better than this. But what happens when your love ones go? What happens when people so close to you risk their lives for you? It`s life you have to live with it, though I won’t go down without a fight. I will do everything in my power to protect my family.
I stood next to Edward while putting Renessme to bed in her pink cot. She is a very fast sleeper she goes to sleep quicker than me when I was human, but now I am a vampire just like my one true love Edward. I know it was the right choose for me to become a vampire. Life is so much easier now, well for me anyway. I felt Edward hand on my shoulder pulling me towards him. He was smiling at me with the smile I always love.
“Bella my life is so peaceful and wonderful now you arrived I have got a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter I couldn’t wish for nothing more. You have changed my life and I love you so much,”
I admit it if I was human I would have blushed but what he said was really touching, it made me feel special which he always says I am but this time I knew he really did mean it.
“I love you to,” I said in a shy voice.
He pulled me close to his stone chest and kissed me passionately. I hugged him tight, like I would never let him go he was mine forever and always would be. He picked me up in his arms and carried me downstairs and sat me by the piano in the living room. I sat next to him while he started playing. He was playing the song he gave to me for my birthday. I started smiling while he played because I knew he was playing it for me. I leaned into him and put my arm around his waist. He stopped playing when he finished the song. He looked at me he was smiling.
“I love you Bella,” He said
“I love you too,”
I looked over at the clock it said 8 o’clock in the morning. I was sitting next to Edward with his arm around me. We were watching television. I could hear Renessme calling me.
“Mummy, Daddy can you take me out of my cot!”
“She’s awake we better go and see her,” Edward whispered in my ear.
He stood up and pulled me off the sofa and we both walked upstairs to Renessme.
“Hello mummy hello daddy,” She spoke in a soft tone.
“Hello sweetie good morning did you sleep well?” Edward asked.
He went to pick her out of the cot and place her on our bed.
“Yes what were you and mummy doing?” She asked curiously.
“I was playing mummy her favourite song on the piano and we watched television.”
She was sitting on Edwards lap on the bed playing with her curly brown hair. She looked a lot like Edward but she had my brown hair. I was sitting next to Edward and he pasted her to me.
“Hello honey what did you dream about last night?” I asked her.
She touched my face and she showed me everything that she dreamed about she was dreaming about. Me and Edward and her together we were saying goodbye to each other because Edward had to leave and we were never going to see him again. A shock of terror ran through me. I wondered if it meant something if it was true. She gently pulled her hand away from my face. I turned to Edward in shock his face was looking at me as if it looked like I had seen a ghost.
“It wasn’t a nice dream I don’t want daddy to leave us daddy`s special like you mummy,” She said.
“I’m not leaving Renessme, what did she dream about Bella?” Edward asked.
I was still in shock from what she had seen I turned to Edward with Renessme still in my arms.
“You were leaving and you never would be able to come back you would leave us forever and we would never be able to see you again,” My voice cracked.
He put his arm around me and Renessme for comfort, his face looked confused.
“That will never happen don’t worry it was only a dream I would never leave my two favourite girls.”
Renessme smiled at him. He took her back in his arms and hugged her. I was still a bit frightened from what she had dreamed about. She couldn’t have seen the future had she? Whatever the dream was about I didn’t like it. I bet neither did she. Edward put Renessme on the bed and went downstairs to get her breakfast. I liked it when me and Renessme where on our own. We talk about things that we don’t want Edward to know. But I wonder if she thinks about the things we say when Edward is near. I hope he doesn’t ever hear them, it would be very embarrassing.
I looked at Renessme and she grabbed my arm.
“Mummy? Do you know what day it is?” Renessme asked.
“It’s Friday 7th October why?”
She gasped.
“You forgot! Mummy yours and daddy’s Anniversary, daddy told me the other day.”
I thought back to when me and Edward got married, she was right it was the day when me and Edward got married, I looked at my ring he gave me on my finger. How could I forget I’m so stupid? But why then has he not said anything. I saw Renessme giggle under her breath. I went to the wardrobe that Alice brought me, and got Renessme a pink dress with roses on it out. I changed her quickly I bathed her and put her dress on her. She looked like a real Angle in it. I knew I had to get Edward something nice for our anniversary. I brought Renessme downstairs; she played with her doll we got her. I saw Edward playing with her while I quickly looked in my purse I had £100 to get Edward something nice. I had to make up an excuse for going out so I planned it all in my head I was going to tell Edward I am going to give a letter to Charlie but instead ill go into town. I got my bag and went over to Edward and Renessme.
“I am going out to give a letter to Charlie I will be back in a little while,” I spoke.
I hate lying to Edward and Renessme but I have to get him something.
“Ok see you later honey, drive careful and keep safe,” Edward said.
He stood up and kissed me on the cheek. Edward is always very protective of me even if I just trip he gets concerned.
“You can talk Edward you are always driving fast,”
Renessme started laughing. I leaned down to kiss Renessme before I went. I walked out to the Volvo, I started the engine and I was off.
I arrived in La Push I parked outside this tiny shop which was called Handmade Life. I walked in and had these little handmade heart ornaments which you can decorate. They looked really nice so I decided to make Edward one. I put it in a heart shape with a picture with me and him at the top then a small picture of Renessme at the bottom. I said I love you don’t forget that. It was £20 so I decided to buy it. After I brought the ornament I saw a nice red rose and it would be perfect for an anniversary. I went into another shop that had shirts in. I brought Edward a light blue one because he needed some, and it’s his favour colour. I don’t know what else I could get him. There is not a lot of shop in La Push, I wanted to go to Seattle or somewhere to get his present, but I didn’t have time. I knew it was hardly anything but it was the though that counts.
I started walking back to the car when I saw some men that I recognize. They reminded me of a bad memory. I wasn’t sure who they were, but then I remembered they were them men that approached me walking back from that book shop 2 years ago. But that was in ages ago, it couldn’t be them, could it? They came over to me and started shouting at me things that I couldn’t understand. I walked a bit fast trying to just get to my car and drive off but I was nowhere near the car yet. I thought they were way behind, but I turned and they were only about 2 metres away from me.
“Hey look it is that girl from ages ago who didn’t like us,” The black haired man shouted at me.
“Where’s your boyfriend, his not here now is he you’re alone come with us don’t be scared we won’t hurt you,” One man laughed at me.
I now knew it was the men before who I meet at the book shop. I growled at them, they just laughed I walked a bit faster but suddenly one grabbed my bag with my ornament in it to Edward they took it and read it and smashed it on the ground so it smashed into pieces.
“Opps my bad was that too Edward? Is he your boyfriend and that your daughter. What an ugly family,” One said.
I got so mad but also frightened that they were going to hurt me. I got on my knees on the ground and looked at my smashed ornament I brought Edward. I looked up to them and glared, though I had tears in my eyes. Then I realized I was crying.
“Aww don’t cry baby you don’t need that,”
Suddenly one man pushed me over and tried to take my jacket from me. He had his hands on my waist trying to get me close to him. I screamed and wacked him he flew right back about 5 metres. All of a sudden all the men jumped on me to push me to the ground.
I turned my head and saw a car like Edwards. I didn’t think it could be him. He was with Renessme at home. I tried to get the men out the way but I couldn’t. Suddenly they were off me I jumped up but I felt very dizzy I fell down but somebody caught me.
“Bella are you ok. Its fine I am here now I won’t let them hurt you.” A soft voice spoke.
I looked up and saw it was Edward. He was carrying me in his arm, and gently put me down in his car. I sat up in the front seat I saw Renessme in the back. Her face looked worried.
“Mummy, are you ok? You don’t look very well.”
“I am fine darling just a bit dizzy ill be ok.”
I reached out to take her hand. I looked out the window and saw Edward shouting at them.
“Ever touch her again you will have me to answer to!”
They all ran off and Edward went and sat next to me in the car. He was holding my hand; I still had my bag in my free hand with his top and rose in it. I was really upset because the present I got him was broken.
“Its ok Bella you are safe ill get you home now.”
We drove home in silence.
When we got back Edward took Renessme out the car and carried her into the house and I followed. Renessme was really tired so Edward put her to sleep for her nap. I went and sat down on the sofa. Edward came back from putting Renessme to sleep. He came and sat next to me and kissed me, I smiled at him. He was holding something in a blue box and a red rose.
“Happy Anniversary,” He spoke in a gentle voice
“Happy Anniversary Edward, I am so sorry for getting into trouble, I was getting your presents they took it and smashed it. What have I done? I should just leave I am not worth it Edward I am a danger zone,” I said starting to cry.
“Hey please don’t cry it’s supposed to be happy them men are stupid they know nothing. I don’t care what you are I will always love you. I don’t need any present from you. You have given me enough.”
He stroked my cheek wiping the tears away. He did mean the world to me. I never would want to lose him but at the moment I am not sure I should be with someone so perfect. I cuddled into his chest with his arms around my shoulders.
“Here I got you this,” He whispered to me.
He pulled me away from his chest and passed me red rose, it was lovely all the petals stayed on it smelt nice as him. I sat back up holding the rose with his arms still around me.
“Thanks Edward it is so pretty I love it just as much as you.” I said feeling a bit happier.
I could see he stilled had a blue box in his hand. I thought it could be another CD or something. He passed it to me. I slowly took off the lid and saw what it was. It was a Necklace with the words Bella and Edward on. It was really shiny and blue. It was nicer than the necklace Aro gave me last year.
“Edward it’s beautiful. Thank you so much, you shouldn’t have spent a penny on me.,” They were the only words I could say.
I stared at the shimmering necklace.
“Your welcome Bella I hope you like it, its real Diamonds.”
“Real Diamonds! How much did you spend on me? These are so expensive.”
“It doesn’t matter all that matters that we are together and you like it. Do you want me to put it on you?”
“Yes please.”
I turned for him to put it on me. He lifted my hair up so he could put it on. He got the necklace out of the box and put it on my neck. He leant closer to me and kissed my neck. I looked down at my necklace and turned around so I could kiss him properly. He held me tight in his arms. I pulled away from him so I could get my bag with his presents in. I knew it was not a lot but I didn’t think he would mind. I pulled out his shirt and rose.
“Here it’s not a lot my main present for you got smashed.”
I gave him his top and rose. He smiled at me and hugged me.
“Thanks Bells I needed a new top, and this rose is lovely.”
“Edward I know it’s not much that is why I am taking you somewhere.”
I planned it all, I didn’t get him much, so I decided to take him somewhere nice for a changed there is this piano place which he wanted to go to so why not go their?
“I am taking you to the Piano House tomorrow. You wanted to go their so why don’t we go, it will be my treat.”
“Bella you don’t have to do that for me please.”
“I want to and don’t you dare try to stop me,” I demanded.
“Fine if you really want to thanks.”
I hugged him again, thinking back to the day when we got married it was a really nice day. I remembered Alice dressing me up like her own personal doll and dancing with everybody even Emmet. It was a day I would always remember.
Me and Edward sat their culled up on the sofa together for ages. We were watching Romeo and Juliette a film we normally watched. We used to watch it when we first meet in high school. I heard Renessme upstairs talking to herself.
“Don’t worry ill bring her down she can come and sit with us,” Edward spoke, getting up.
I watched Edward walk up our wooden stairs. He was really quick, I glanced at the television once and then I saw Edward walking back with Renessme in his arms down the stairs. He came back down and gave Renessme to me.
“Hello Mummy, wow your necklace is pretty it’s all shiny. What does it say? She asked.
“It says Edward and Bella me and your daddy.”
“Oh I like it; its pretty why is it blue? Who got it for you?” She said.
“It’s blue because it’s my favourite colour Daddy got it for me.”
I looked at Edward he was looking in my eyes meeting my gaze. He leant over to me and kissed me on the lips. His lips were soft they touched mine quickly, then he pulled them away.
“Eww Daddy why are you kissing mummy?” she asked looking grossed out.
“Because I love your mummy Renessme. That is what mummy`s and daddy`s do.” He laughed
She started laughing with a little blush on her cheek.
“ Mummy I am hungry please can you get me some food,” She asked.
Me and Edward have put her on normal baby food now, she likes it a bit but she still prefers blood. Though now she has to eat it even though she might not like it.
“Ok then ill get you your baby food.”
“No I want blood!” she screamed.
“Renessme do what your mother says don’t answer back you get what you are given,” Edward said in a hard tone.
I like Edward sticking up for me. If it wasn’t for him she would probably get her own way and be live on blood forever.
“Fine,” She grumbled under her breath.
I put her on her feet and she walked over to the table. Edward got her highchair out and put her in it, while I got her food. I opened it and put it on a plate and gave it to her. She glared at it for a while. Me and Edward were watching her to make sure she eats it all.
“ Renessme do you want me to feed you?” Edward asked.
“Ok then,” She said politely.
Edward took her spoon and pretended to be an aeroplane flying into her mouth. She was laughing and in the end she ate it all up.
“Well done sweetie,” We both said at the same time.
She smiled at us. I took her out of her seat and put her down on the floor to play with her toys.
Suddenly the phone rang. I went to answer it.
“Hello Bella is Edward there.”
“Yes is this Carlisle?” I asked.
“Yes it is,” He said clearly.
“Edward, Carlisle is on the phone he wants to talk to you,” I called.
Edward took the phone from me, and walked into the other room. I went over to play with Renessme. Edward was on the phone for a long time. He came back in after about 15 minuets.
“What was that about? You took your time.”
“Oh Carlisle just wondered if I could go over to their house later they want to talk to me,” He said.
“What about?” I asked curiously.
“I am not sure they just asked me to come round.”
“Oh ok then,” I said
I was not sure Edward was telling the truth. He had been on the phone for 15 minuets they must have talked about something else. Oh well maybe they just want to meet up or something. Whatever it was I didn’t really mind.
“Right I better be off now. Bye Renessme be good, Bye Bella.”
He kissed us both on the cheek and then was out the door. He didn’t need to take the car; their house is only a few minutes away. I lifted Renessme up and put her on my lap and we watched television for a while. I had to phone Jacob because Renessme couldn’t come to the Piano House. I put Renessme on the sofa next to me while I went to get the phone to call Jacob. Renessme adores Jacob his like a brother to her. I knew Jacob wouldn’t mind babysitting they both get on well. I started dialling the number, Jacob answered.
“Hi Jacob it`s Bella can you do me a favour?”
“Hi Bella how is Renessme? I haven’t seen her in a long time. Depends what is the favour?”
“ Its mine and Edwards Anniversary today. Could you look after Renessme for us tomorrow? I’m taking Edward to the Piano House as a treat. Would it be ok if you can over about 10?”
“Sure see you then bye.”
I hanged up the phone and went back to the television with Renessme to watch the Barney with her.
Edward came back after about half hour. I stood up to answer the door. Edward was standing their next to a blond haired girl. She looked about the same age as me, she a lovely face and body. She looked a bit like Rosalie but a lot prettier.
“Hi Bella this is Layla, Carlisle asked if she can stay with us for a while, her vampire family the Vambrookes chucked her out. Is that ok?”
“Um sure hi Layla pleased to meet you come in.”
“Hi Bella, Edwards told me a lot about you, you are so lucky to have someone as nice as him.”
She starred at Edward, glazing at his perfect face. I felt a bit funny why was she complementing Edward? She pushed me out the way and went and sat on the sofa next to Renessme. She took the controller out of Renessme hand and put the music channels on. I looked at Edward wondering why she was here. He smiled at me. Suddenly Renessme started crying because Layla changed the channel. I went over to Renessme and cradled her in my arms. Edward was still in the hall hanging Layla`s coat up. I turned to face Layla.
“She was watching that you know can you change it back please,” I demanded
“No why should I, I am the guest I should be able to watch what I want,”
I glared at her so did Renessme it was getting late so I took Renessme upstairs to get ready for bed.
“I don’t like Layla she is horrible. Why is she here?” Renessme asked me.
“I don’t really like her either. I think she’s here because her family chucked her out.”
I put Renessme in her bed and kissed her goodnight, then went back down stairs to Edward and Layla. They were both watching the TV now. I went and sat next to Edward.
“I phoned Jacob he said his coming round tomorrow about 10 is that ok Edward?” I asked.
“ Yes that is fine. Layla Jacob is a werewolf his looking after Renessme tomorrow is that ok?”
“Anything for you Edward,” She said.
I was starting to get a bit mad at her. She was flirting with Edward and insulted my daughter. I wish she would just leave. Edward walked up to the Bedroom to say goodnight to Renessme. Layla glared at me.
“Edward is so handsome his a real gentlemen. How come his with you, your not pretty at all.”
I was shocked she said that. It made me really mad.
“Ok listen, Edward is mine stop trying to flirt with him it’s not going to work ok!” I whispered.
“ Whatever, I bet by later tonight he will be mine,” She whispered back.
I couldn’t believe what she just said. I got up and went to my room and slammed the door behind me. I just wanted to sit and cry. I knew I couldn’t though so I sat for most of the night and read my book.
I looked at the clock and it said 6 in the morning. I read all night, though I couldn’t forget what Layla said.
I wondered why Edward hadn’t come and see me and asked what was wrong. Layla probably said I wanted to be alone. I walked slowly don’t the stairs and peeked to see what Edward and Layla were up to. I couldn’t believe my eyes Layla was right up close to Edward they were almost touching.
“ You don’t need Bella you can have me. I am everything you always wanted come and live with me we can leave this dump,” She whispered in his ear.
She leant closer to him and for a moment all I could see is Layla lips on Edwards. She was kissing him! I felt like my heart was broken that I had lost everything to a skinny blond rat.
“Get off me Layla how could you do this to me I don’t love you! I am in love with Bella get out of this house you will never have me! Edward shouted.
Layla didn’t care she leaned in to him again and tried to kiss him. This time Edward pulled her off. His face was full of anger. I ran down the stairs Edward saw me I had tears running down my face.
“Sorry Bella he was all over me it’s me and Edward now, you aren’t worth anything to Edward,” She spoke.
“ What are you talking about Layla! Bella means everything to me you mean nothing get out of my house I never want to see your face again!” Edward shouted
Edward was by my side with his arms around me. I shrugged him off and went over to Layla.
“ You ugly cow!” I shouted to her face.
Then slapped her as hard as I could
“Don’t you dare ever touch Edward again like that or their will be nothing left of you.”
I saw now she had a big red mark on her face where I slapped her. She rushed out of the door as fast as a cheater.
“You will regret this Edward I will be back. You wait and see!” She shouted at us.
I hoped she would never come back again. Edward rushed to my side and put his arms around me again.
“I am so sorry Bella. What have I done I promise to never hurt you and I have. You have to believe me I love you not Layla please forgive me,” He said.
“You haven’t hurt me,” I lied.
“Yes I have I can see it in your eyes.”
“Ok Edward I forgive you it wasn’t your fault that little skinny cow was doing it. I love you too.”
He kissed me on the lips it was a kiss that I really liked. I now knew that he did love me more than that cow. He wrapped his hands round my waist while my hands were in his hair. The door bell rang it was Jacob. I pulled Edward away from me and got the door.
“ Perfect timing Jacob not,” I moaned to him.
“Sorry was I interrupting something?” Jacob asked.
“ No don’t worry Jacob,” Edward came to stand next to me.
“ Are you ok Bella, you look like you have been crying,” Jacob said to me looking into my eyes.
“Well I’m ok now. I will tell you about it later.”
Edwards arm was still around my waist. Holding me tight, I knew he didn’t want to let go of me not for even a moment. I could tell he wanted to prove he loved me more than Layla. I knew he did though nothing could change that.
“ Renessme is upstairs Jacob; in her cot ill take you up to see her,” I said.
I pulled Edwards arm off from my waist and grabbed Jacobs hand and took him upstairs to Renessme.
“ Do you want me to wait down here?” Edward asked.
“Um ok then, I will be down in a second.”
We walked into my bedroom where Renessme slept. I saw that Renessme was still asleep. Jacob went and sat on my bed I went and sat next to him.
“Right I am going to go now, her food in the cupboard. We should be back around eight.”
I walked back down the stairs to Edward he was waiting for me. I got my bag and then we were off.
We arrived at the Piano Museum. It was huge; Edward helped me out of his shiny Volvo. And we walked into the Museum. It was huge. We walked over to where we had to pay. I played for Edward because it was his present from me. We rushed through to where the main Pianos were they were loads of them. Edward was holding my hand.
“Look we can write our own music.” Edward said.
He walked over to the piano still with his hand in mine. I sat down next to him and he started playing. It was a song I never heard of, but it was lovely. He started humming some words and turned to me, he was looking into my eye. The music was so calm and peaceful; it was like I was in heaven. The music stopped and Edward kissed my forehead.
We had a look more around the Museum there were a lot of things to see. Lots more Pianos, pictures of people who wrote famous music. Edward seemed fascinated by it all. After we finished looking at everything it was time to go. We went back to the car.
“ Thanks Bella that was fun, I love looking at all the Pianos.”
“Its ok I am glad you enjoyed it.”
It was really quick getting home. Edward drove really fast we were back in 10 minutes. We both got out the car and walked into the house.
“Ill go and get Renessme and Jacob stay down here,” I said to Edward.
I watched Edward take his coat off, while I walked up the stairs to the bedroom. Renessme was still asleep.
“Hi Jacob we are back, was she ok?”
“ Yes she was fine I fed her then we watched T.V then I put her down for bed.”
“Thank you so much.”
I went over to Renessme and kissed her head lightly. Then went and sat on the bed next to Jacob.
“So what was that about, when it looked like you have been crying. Did Edward hurt you.”
“No Edward didn’t, it was Layla.”
“Layla? Who is that?”
“This girl she is about my age but a lot prettier. Her family chucked her out and Edward offered her to come and stay with us. She kept flirting with Edward and I got really annoyed with her. I told her to stop it, but she just insulted me. I went up here to read my book and this morning I came down and she was kissing Edward. It broke my heart. Edward had a go at her and I slapped her then she went.”
“ Wait a second Edward kissed her! But he is with you, how can he hurt you like that.”
“Don’t you see Layla kissed him? Edward didn’t kiss her!”
“Yeah but he still kissed her. I will not let him hurt you like that Bella! You mean a lot to me, I hate it when you’re all sad he should have controlled himself.”
Before I knew it Jacob was right up close to my face. I had a few tear running down my face. I turned my head and he was about 5cm in fount of me. I was not sure I wanted him to be so close to me. He touched my face wiping one or two tears away. He was looking in my eyes I knew he was, I was not sure I wanted to look into his, I felt uncomfortable.
“Bella I can’t stay away from you anymore, I hate seeing you get hurt. I want to be with you more than everything in the world. I want you and Renessme.”
I stared at him confused I only wanted to be friends. I love Jacob but only as a friend. He took me by my cheek with his warm breath on my face, it felt so nice with his warm breath on me, but I didn’t feel happy with him really close to me. He put his fingers around my neck then he was only about 1cm away now.
“I have waited for this moment forever now I know you really love me.” He whispered.
Before I knew it his lips were touching me it was a kiss that I never expected. He pulled me down on the bed his lips still tight on mine. He grabbed me by the waist. I quickly pulled my lips away from his while I could.
“Get off me Jacob!” I shouted.
He wouldn’t let go of me. I felt like I was trapped in his own little prison. He grabbed my arm and wrapped them around his back still kissing me. He was trying to undo my buttons on my white top. I managed to get my hands free to put them in front of my belly so he could undo them. He put his head up for a moment, I stared at him.
“Bella I love you.” He said in a small voice.
He still was on top of me now. He grabbed my hands from my belly and put them to my side. He undid six buttons on my top and now I felt really uncomfortable. I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t like this. The only person I wanted to ever kiss me was Edward.
“Edward!” I screamed.
Suddenly the door burst opened. Edward was standing there he growled at Jacob. Jacob stopped kissing me and sat up a bit, but still lying on me. I was still in shock of what just happened.
“Get off of her Jacob,” Edward said in a hard tone.
“Why should I she loves me, don’t you Bella?”
I started at Jacob his eye looked like they were about to attack me. I started shaking.
“Jacob...I...I...don`t love you in this way I love you as a friend,” My voice cracked.
He glared at me and then leaned closer to me to kiss me again. His hard hands on my neck again.
“Edward get him off me!” I screamed.
Edward quickly came over to me and pulled Jacobs shoulders away. Jacob was a metre away from me now. Edward lifted me up in his arms and took me to the other side of the room.
“Bella are you ok? Did he hurt you?” He said still cradling me in his arms.
“No he didn’t but I don’t feel very well.”
“It`s ok I am here.”
It was so comforting to here his voice though I felt really dizzy. I suddenly felt a pull on my top. I thought it was Jacob again.
“Bella it is ok I`m just doing your buttons up.”
I didn’t mind Edward touching me it felt fine but with someone else it didn’t feel nice. I felt Edward stop, I looked at his eyes they were looking at Jacob .Then I turned and saw Jacob leaning over Renessme she was still asleep. I am surprise she sleep through all that screaming. He was about to pick her up.
“Don`t you dare Jacob,” Edward said.
“Watch me,” Jacob said.
I didn’t know what Jacob was on about, but then I realized. He was going to take Renessme away from me and Edward. Edward put me on my feet and I glared at Jacob.
“Give her back to me!” I screamed running towards him.
Edward caught me.
“Bella no! I will deal with this,” Edward said.
“Give her back to us Jacob,” He said in a harsh tone.
All of a sudden I saw Renessme eyes open in Jacobs’s arms.
“Hello Jacob what’s going on?” She said in a sleepy tone.
“Well you’re coming to live with me. You won’t see mummy or the monster for a while.”
I glared at Jacob again. How could he do this to me? Taking one of the two people I love. I didn’t like the way he called me mummy to Renessme and instead of daddy he called Edward a monster.
“I want to stay with mummy and daddy,” She pleaded.
I looked at her and saw terror in her eyes.
“Who is the monster?” She asked.
“Your daddy! He is the monster he kills people.”
“Daddy doesn’t kill people!” She screamed.
“Yes he does!” He snapped at her.
“Don`t snap at her like that,” I shouted.
She was starting to cry.
“Put her back in her cot Jacob,” Edward demanded.
“No she is mine!” He shouted.
Edward wasn’t having this. He walked forward towards Jacob; I stared to look what he was doing. He went up to Jacob and pushed him out the way. Jacob flew right across the room then I saw he had blood coming out of his head. I had a pain in my throat, his blood smelled so nice. I could just go and drink it and it would be so tasty. I thought he was going to drop Renessme but Edward caught her in time and placed her in her bed. Then he stared at me. I didn’t see at first why he was looking at me. I turned to look at Jacob again with the blood running down his cheek. I got down into a crouch poison and was about to pounce on him. I landed on him before Edward could get me. I looked at his cheek with the blood running down it. I put my tongue out to lick it but Edward grabbed me and pulled me up and put me behind him.
“No Bella don’t do something you will regret,” He said.
“I will not regret this. His blood smells so nice. Please not even a taste.”
“No,” He said in a stern tone.
I looked back at Jacob he put his hand out to touch the blood running down his cheek. I pulled myself forward. I so wanted to drink it. It was so temping.
“Get out Jacob you are making things worst.” Edward demanded.
It looked like he didn’t want to risk his life I could see he would leave because he was backing away from me.
“This is what you turned into Bella a bloodsucker who wants to drink your friend’s blood.”
“You are not my friend Jacob. I hate you.”
“Get out now before things get any worst Jacob,” Edward said still growling with anger.
I saw in Jacobs’s eyes that he had been beaten; he got on his feet and walked out the door.
“Rot in hell Bella,” Jacob whispered to me.
I growled at him again.
“Now!” Edward shouted.
“Ill be right back Bella. I need to make sure he goes.” Edward spoke to me.
I watched Edward walk out the room behind Jacob. I went and picked Renessme up and sat her on the bed.
“Mummy I am scared what’s happened to Jacob, his all mean now.”
“It nothing Renessme Jacobs ok.”
I hugged her tight she hid her head in my hair. I saw Edward come back in and he mouthed to me that Jacob had gone. Edward took my hand and came and sat down next to us.
“It’s ok Bella I will not let that happen again to you ok?”
“Ok Edward I love you and Renessme.”
“I love you to.” Edward said.
“Right come on Renessme you need to go back to sleep its ten o’clock.” I said.
I put Renessme back in her cot. I saw that Edward was walking into the spare bedroom. I followed him after putting Renessme back to sleep. He was lying across the bed. I went and lay next to him.
“What a day everything has been so hectic.” I said.
“I know but at least we are together.” He said.
He leaned over me and kissed me. I pulled him close to me.
“I have to say you are a better kisser than Jacob.”
He laughed and so did I.
I leant closer to him and kissed him and began taking off his top.
“Bella behave.”
“Ok I am sorry how will you forgive me.” I said.
“Like this,”
I cuddled close to him, leaning against his chest.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked.
I laughed and so did he.
“Ok then.”
He kissed me again it nearly made me dizzy. His lips were soft and icy. I leaned closer to him kissing him through the night.
I lay next to Edward his arm was around my shoulders.
“That was nice, now I can never forget how you kiss me,” I whispered to him.
“So what are we going to do today then?” Edward asked.
“I don’t care as long as I am with you I am happy.”
“Bella your eyes are going very dark I think we need to go hunting.”
“Oh fine a good hunting trip should be good for me get my mind off of things. What should I wear? Stay here I am going to get some clothes out the other room.”
I stood up and walked over to the closet. There were a lot of clothes. I picked up a blue short dress.
“Hold on a second Edward.” I shouted to him in the other room.
I quickly ran to the bathroom to change into the dress then ran back into the spare bedroom.
“What do you think?” I asked Edward.
“It looks really good on you. You look amazing, stop doing this to me.”
“Ok stop ill stop. But stop you stop flattering me.”
We both giggled.
“You don’t think it’s a bit short to go hunting in?” I asked.
“You’re planning to go hunting in that! Of course it’s a bit short Bella it’s only about three centimetres below your waist. You are not going wearing that. At home then maybe, but not when you’re hunting what if someone saw you running. What would they think.”
“Ill be wearing pants.”
“No, go and put some leggings on.”
“Fine,” I grunted.
I saw Edward stare at me as I walked out. I found some legging so I put them on.
“Better?” I asked Edward again.
“Yes though you did look pretty good before, but your perfect is everyway.”
He was still lying across the bed.
“We should wake Renessme up. She won’t get to sleep later,” Edward said.
“Sure can we stop of at your house later? I haven’t seen Alice and everybody in ages.”
We walked into Renessme room. She was awake already she sat up straight with her eyes as bright as anything. I know I love Renessme very much but I am so afraid of how she is growing. She is growing too quickly. I don’t want her to grow up. What would people think? I am a mother who has a 15 year old daughter and the mother looks 18. It is not fair though I would not trade her for anything in the world.
“Hello Renessme,” Edward said leaning over her. He took her out her cot and cradled her in his arms and brought her downstairs, so I followed. He sat her down on the sofa and put his hand to her face. I saw Edward was looking into her eyes. He had anger in them. He slowly he pulled his hand away.
“Can I go and see Jacob today daddy?”
“I don’t mind you will have to ask your mummy.”
Edward and Renessme both stared at me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see Jacob again I was starting to feel a bit afraid of him.
“I don’t know I will see later.”
Edward lifted Renessme up and sat her on the sofa, then turned the television on for her. Before I knew it Edward was behind me with his hands around my waist.
“What do you want to do? You can’t keep Renessme away from Jacob she dreamed about him last night,” He whispered in my ear.
“I know I`m...I`m...I`m scared that he will do it again. We will have to take her to Jacobs though.”
Edward tightened his grip on me. I know he doesn’t like it when I feel scared but I can’t help it I do. I don’t like hiding things from Edward.
“You are not going to be scared Bella by him. I won’t let him touch you if you don’t want him to. I will not let him do anything to make you feel seared ok?”
“Ok Edward thanks. Then you are right Renessme has to see him it is not fair. I will take her to Jacobs today but I want you to come with me.”
He turned me round and kissed me lightly on the cheek. I sat Renessme in the back of the car and done her seatbelt up. I was not looking forward to seeing Jacob but at least I will have Edward with me. I know he probably wouldn’t like me to see him. But I know he wouldn’t hurt Renessme. I slowly kissed Renessme forehead and went and sat in the passenger seat next to Edward. He took hold of my hand and took it up to his perfect mouth and kissed it.
“Don’t worry it will be fine,” He promised.
“I know.”
I stared out of the window through the whole journey. I didn’t want to confront Jacob what if he got really mad and changed into his wolf form? What if he acted all nice and took Renessme and hurt her to get back at me and Edward? I know Edward wouldn’t let that happen but I hate having to risk it. I turned to Edward still hand in hand. He smiled at me but I could see he was angry with Jacob I don’t blame him. He went through the pain I had when Layla kissed him. I hate thinking about her. I still don’t understand why she came. I looked back out the window we were at Jacobs now. Edward pulled up out side their house. Before I knew it he was opening my door and lifting Renessme out and giving her to me. I held Renessme in my arms and went up to the door. Edward rang the doorbell Jacob came over and answered it.
“Hello Jacob we have come to see you and sort things out,” Edward said.
Jacob was glaring at me. His eyes were big and he then looked at Renessme in my arms.
“Sure, but I have got my girlfriend here,” He hissed.
“Girlfriend?” I chocked.
Jacob had a girlfriend since when? I thought he loved me. I felt a tiny bit of jealously in me but hopefully it was nothing. Maybe the girl will be very nice.
“Yes is that ok?” He asked.
“Yes it is just great.” I said in a sarcastic voice.
Edward arm was around me. Jacob walked into his house and we followed.
“Hello Bella.”
I knew that voice from somewhere, but I was not sure who it was.
I turned and saw it was Layla.
“Layla! Jacob what have you done she is horrible get her out of my sight and she is a vampire!” I screamed.
“Bella calm down what is your problem Layla is lovely. She wanted me around for a bit. Don’t be jealous you have got your Edward, since you didn’t want me,” Jacob spoke.
“Jealous of what her! What she done to Edward and me I will kill her! I would never swap Edward for the world!” I was still screaming.
I put Renessme down and ran forward to her about to attack her. I was growling at her with anger. Suddenly Edwards’s arms were around me pulling me back.
“Get off me Edward I want to rip her head off!” I screamed.
“Whoa Bella calm down, I have never seen you like this before.” Jacob said with shock.
I saw that Layla was grinning at me.
“Stop grinning Layla I know what you are the boys might not see it but I sure can!”
Edward grabbed me tight and pulled me against his chest. I realized I was crying. I buried my head in his chest.
“Shh Bella it`s ok I know what she is like. She`s not getting anyway near us. I wont let her ok?” Edward said.
“Ok,” I answered.
I turned and saw Renessme in Layla`s arms.
“Get off her Layla!” I shouted.
I ran up to her and grabbed Renessme and turned to slap Layla but I suddenly found myself on the ground. I couldn’t get up it felt like something pushing me down but I couldn’t see anything. It hurt, I tried to get up but I couldn’t.
“Bella!” I heard Edward shout.
I turned my head and saw Edward at my side.
“Oww it hurts make it stop Edward!” I screamed again.
“Layla stop, you are hurting her,” I heard Edward say.
“That is the whole point. Who do you think you are Bella? Just because you are a new vampire doesn’t mean you can go around fluttering your little eyelashes at all the boys you see.”
“Hey hold on a minuet Layla, I am in love with Bella. Don`t you dare insult her. Or you have me to answer to.”
“Oh I am so seared I am not stopping only if you kiss me,” She spoke.
I glared at her, and then looked back up at Edward. I was in pain and it wouldn’t stop. I wanted to get up.
“Edward it hurts make it stop.”
He looked up at me and stroked my cheek wiping my tears away. I did not want Layla to kiss him again.
“Bella should I kiss her?”
“No!” I screamed.
“Well then it will get harder,” Layla said.
“Oww!” I screamed feeling more power being pushed down on me.
“Stop it Layla!” Edward shouted.
All of a sudden the pressure stopped the pain went. I sat up looking for Edward. Then I saw him. Layla was on the floor. Edward must have pushed her that would explain how the pain went. Edward was by my side in a instant. He had his arm around me.
“Bella it`s ok. Let’s get out of here.”
I turned to see Jacob next to Layla but he wasn’t, he was by the door he was holding it open. Edward lifted me up in his arm, and took me to the car he sat me in it and done my seatbelt up. All of a sudden I saw that Renessme wasn’t in the car.
“Where is Renessme?” I asked Edward.
“Its ok Jacob has got her.”
I saw Jacob put Renessme in the car next to me. Then he opened my door.
“I am so sorry Bella. I will get her out of our lives.” Jacob said.
“Stay away from me Jacob Black I hate you.” I hissed.
He shut the door then walked back into his house. I sat next to Edward. I could see he didn’t want anything bad to happen. I can see by his eye that he never wanted to have to save me from Layla, but I am so grateful he did. I can’t stop thinking about Jacob though having to face Layla. I hope he does dump her; I don’t want her to hurt Jacob though he hurt me.
“Daddy where are we going?” Renessme asked.
I looked out my window and saw that we were not going the right way to the cottage.
“You are going to see Rosalie and Emmett.”
“Oh I haven’t seen them in a long time, thank you daddy.”
I looked at Edward he meet my gaze.
“Why are we going there?” I asked.
“I want Renessme to see everybody and Bella you are going hunting look at you. You need some food.”
I didn’t realize how thirsty I was till Edward said. I was very thirsty. I looked out my window and saw that we arrived already. Edward opened my door again then lifted Renessme out and carried her to the front door. I knocked and Alice came straight to the door.
“Bella oh I haven’t seen you in ages I’m so glad you came.”
She hugged me tight. I do love Alice but she does get annoying after awhile.
“Hi Alice,” I said shyly.
“Hi Renessme I haven’t seen you for awhile come and give me a hug.”
Renessme leaned forward for Alice. Edward put her in her arms and Alice cuddled her tight.
“Hi Edward,” Alice said greeting him with a hug.
“Hi Alice could you look after Renessme for a while, I need to take Bella hunting?”
“Sure have fun Bella.”
Before I knew it I kissed Renessme bye and I was in the forest.
“What are you hunting today then?” I asked Edward.
“I think we will go for some deer but if we are lucky we might find a Lion.”
“I hate deer they taste the same. I am craving my dad’s blood at the moment.” I teased.
“Well you cant and I won’t let you. You are not killing your dad for his blood,” Edward said in a hard tone.
“Fine,” I groaned.
I caught a site of a deer out of the corner of my eye.
“We will have that one,” Edward said.
All of a sudden Edward was racing towards a deer. He grabbed it then bit it. He brought it over to me.
“Here we go this will do,” He said in a proud voice.
“Ok then,” I groaned.
I suddenly looked up and saw something moving behind the trees.
“Look Edward there is something behind there let me get it.”
I plunged at the tree with all the force I could use. Edward couldn’t even catch me now. I landed on something.
At first I thought it was a lion but then I realized it was a man. He had brown long hair and deep golden eye. I landed on his leg then leaned up so I could get off him.
“Um sorry I never meant to land on you,” I whispered.
He grabbed me by my neck and put his hand over my mouth. What was he doing? All of a sudden a fright came through me it was like I was shocked by lightening.
“Shh we don’t want him to hear us.” He whispered to me taking his hand away from my mouth.
He was pointing at Edward. Edward was looking around calling my name.
“Edward!” I screamed.
The man pulled me back. But then Edward was at my side with his hands on my arms. He was pulling me off the man. I jumped up and rushed behind Edward.
“Who is he Edward?” I asked.
“Nobody,” Edward said. His voice was hard.
“Oh you would have not told you wife yet,” The man spoke.
“It`s nothing Bella, don’t worry.”
“Don’t worry! What are you talking about? Edward Cullen I demand you tell me what’s going on!”
“It is nothing Bella!” He snapped.
“Ok I will tell you my sweet darling Bella.” The man spoke walking forward with his hand out to touch my cheek.
“Don`t you come near me!” I shouted.
I could see that Edward was growling at the man.
“Edward is going to die and so are you and your daughter Renessme.”
I was shocked, I felt like I had been thrown into a stack of needles. My whole body went numb. I couldn’t move I just suddenly found myself on the ground.
“Bella are you ok?” I heard a voice say.
I realized that I had my eye close. I opened them quickly and saw that Edward was sitting next to me. I was in Carlisle house. Edward took my hand and kissed it.
“Edward,” I said.
“I am right here Bella.”
“What happened?” I asked.
“We were in the forest and you fainted. Carlisle thinks it because you haven’t ate latterly so we gave you some blood a few hours ago and you seem fine now.”
“No not that, the man he said you are going to die we all are.”
“Bella, do you think I would let that happen?” He asked.
“No, but who was it?” I said looking at his gaze.
“The head of the Vambrookes, he likes to cause trouble he was saying that to split us apart.”
“Oh ok then.”
“Are you ok to come down stairs?” He asked.
“Yes I think I am fine.”
I stood up and walked over to the door Edward opened it for me. Then we both walked downstairs. I saw Emmett and Jasper watching T.V and Alice and Rosalie were playing with Renessme. She was laughing at them because they were pulling funny faces. I even giggled a little and Edward saw me.
“What are you giggling at?” He asked.
“Look at Alice and Rosalie, their faces.”
Edward starting laughing as well.
“Look who is feeling better.” Emmett said.
Everybody turned to look at me even Renessme. I went and sat down on the sofa and Edward joined me. I stared at Alice she looked like she was dreaming. Whenever she does she always have a vision.
“You ok Alice?” Jasper asked.
“Yes I am fine,” Alice replied.
I was still looking at her. She looked worried. I saw Edward staring at her he was reading her mind. They both stared at each other in shock. Sometimes I wish I could read minds but I know I can’t.
“Stop it Edward!” She screamed.
Alice quickly stood on her feet and ran to the other room. I never seen Alice upset she was usually happy all the time. She had a few tears running down her face. She rushed out of the room. Jasper followed her.
“What was that about Edward?” I glanced at him.
“I don’t know I didn’t get enough time to read her. Jasper will find out and tell us.”
Emmett was still watching T.V and Rosalie was playing with Renessme. They were acting like nothing happened. That Alice didn’t just run out the room.
A few minutes passed. Then Alice and Jasper entered the room. Edward stared at her trying to read her, but she just glared and ignored him.
“Are you ok Alice?” I asked.
“Yes I`m fine I think Renessme is getting tired.”
“Yes your right we should get home Edward,” I said.
“Ok then bye everybody,” Edward said.
They waved at us.
“Bye Rose Bye Alice,” Renessme said.
They both kissed her on her forehead then I carried her out the house.
“Bye everybody,” I called.
They waved again then I followed Edward to the Volvo. I sat Renessme in the back and then he drove back through the forest at full speed.
When we arrived back, I put Renessme straight to bed she looked worn out.
Edward was sitting downstairs while I put Renessme to sleep. I rushed back downstairs to join him.
“Hi Edward,” I said joining him.
“Bella have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Yes like everyday why would you ask that?”
“Yeah I no but have I ever told you why?”
“Because I think you are the most wonderful loveliest prettiest girl I have ever met and I am in love with you and always will be.”
“Aww Edward thank you shall I tell you why I love you?”
“Because I think you are the most caring loving and handsomest person I have ever laid eyes on.”
He stared at me. Then I cuddled into his stone chest.
“Thank you Bella, do you remember when Aro came and later you showed me what you are thinking,” He whispered.
“Yes, why?”
“I don’t want you to never do that again, I don’t want to see your thoughts ok?”
“Ok. So what brought this on?” I asked.
“Nothing did I just want to say how and why I love you.”
“Ok then whatever you say. What was wrong with Alice?”
“Oh yeah she got upset because she thought I was reading her mind. That girl needs to sort herself out I mean I can’t help it. I am surprise you haven’t asked me why you fell on the floor at Jacobs.”
“Oh yeah why did I fall? Was it Layla did she do it to me?”
“It is her power she can push people down when she wants to. I read her mind she is very jealous of you.”
“Jealous of me! Who would be jealous of me, why?” I asked.
“Because who wouldn’t, you are pretty strong and have a lovely family. What vampire doesn’t want that.”
“Your right but I am not pretty.”
“Yes you are Bella.”
I didn’t think I was, but Edward does think I am and that`s all that matters to me.
“So what was the vision about?”
“I don’t know, I will find out tomorrow I will go and see her and talk to her.”
I cuddled up close to him. I leaned up to kiss his mouth. He leaned down and our lips meet. It was a perfect kiss. It felt like I was a princesses been trapped in a castle to fall asleep for the rest of my life and my prince came and kissed me awake. He pulled me away and smiled. I smiled back.
“You do know your kisses will never make me weak. Instead of sending me down they bring me up. I feel like princesses who have been awoken by her prince.”
He suddenly laughed. Did I say that out loud? Oh no I know that sounded a bit cheesy.
“Sorry that slipped out.”
“Its ok I like you telling me how you feel. You will always be my princesses Bella.”
I smiled and he leaned into kiss me again. Our lips meet again, I didn’t want to let go I wanted the kiss to go on forever but I knew he would stop. He slowly pulled his lips back.
“I love you I didn’t want that kiss to stop. I want you to kiss me forever Edward.”
Oh did I say that out loud? I never meant to what was going on.
“Bella you know I love you to. But kisses don’t have to end, but not every minuet of the day sweetie.”
I smiled, but I really never meant to say that.
“We need to see Alice tomorrow again. I need to talk to her.” He said.
“Why? Are you going to keep something from me every time you both talk it always happens.”
I put my hand over my mouth. That was something I meant to say in my head. What is happening? I never even thought about saying that in my head. It was like a second ago when I was talking about the kiss. I pulled myself away from Edward and rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stared at myself in the mirror.
“I`m so ugly and stupid why did I say that.”
What is going on? I meant to say that in my head. Was I going mad? Suddenly I heard the knock on the door.
“Bella are you ok?”
“Edward sometimes I just wish you left me alone.”
I did it again. Suddenly the door slammed open. Edward was their standing there as he shut the door behind him.
“Bella what is wrong you look worried?”
“Look at me Edward. Of course I am worried!” I shouted.
I never meant to say that either. I put my hand over my mouth again. Then I felt tears running down my face. I rushed pasted Edward and went and sat myself on the sofa about grabbed a pillow and buried my head in it. I sat up for a second. Edward arm was around me.
“Bella please tell me what’s wrong.”
“I am so sorry Edward I never meant to say any of the things. They came out I didn’t even want to say them. What’s going on? I am saying stuff that I don’t mean to say aloud.”
“Bella I don’t know I will take you to Carlisle. He will find out what`s wrong.”
“Ok I am sorry.”
“There is know need to be sorry. You didn’t mean to say the things. It`s ok.”
I cuddled into him. He stroked my hair. I held my necklace he got me, I kissed it. I tried to keep quiet so I wouldn’t say anything bad.
I sat on the sofa. It was 8am, time to wake Renessme up.
“I want to go to see Carlisle as soon as I get Renessme dress.”
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn
Characters: Bella
Parent Series: None
Stories: 0
Series Type: Closed