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10 Largest Series
Summary: Have you ever wanted a place where you could go to find Jasper or Alice centric stories? Well this is the place for you! This is a series solely dedicated to the Pixie and her blond haired empath.
Are you looking for an All-Human story? How about All-Vampire? I'll assure you that you will find that in this very series. You don't have to be a Jasper/Alice fan to love these stories.

If you have, or know of a story that you think would be suitable for this series then feel free to contact me. But non canon, such as Jasper/Bella stories are not allowed and will not be accepted.
You'll find the multi-chapter stories are listed at the top, whereas the one shots are at the bottom. All multi-chapter stories are listed according to the amount of chapters they have. The more chapters you have, the higher up the list you'll be. The one shots are listed alphabetically.
Contributing Authors:
Adharmic, agiismsxx, Aussiemum1204, babymonsta, BeautifulMessenger, Beckylady, cakes4547, casket4mytears, Cerena, Chakrakhan, Chocolatebrowneyes, cicada, CoyotegurlNikki, DizziBlnde, Dizzydaydream, emm, erikasbuddy, ermireallydontcare, FrozenSoldier, glitteratiglue, Gravity, HeartOfDarkness, idealskeptic, Jenny Cullen, kaatee, koko23cat, kyla713, Looby Luscious, luckyj52587, marybetherrrrs, MissBella, MissManda, mmtwilight, omgiluffbleachvampires, openhome, rainsoakedhello, Realynn, renesalecau, Rosalynn, Rusulka, SapphireStar328, Several Ways, siDEADde, SirenPrincess, Squeeka Cuomo, Struck Upon A Star, Subtlynice, TheDoctor, Thejazeffect, tigerwriter, Twivamp, umbrellas_can, valelf, WinniePony.
* My photobucket account keeps exceeding its bandwidth due to the number of images I have used within this series. If you are a contributor and using my banner, please can you host the image yourself.
Banner by Delicious Dreamer:

Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU, AU-Human Characters: Alice, Jasper
Challenges: Open: Moderated
rn rn rn A compilation of the best fics featuring romance and enduring happiness between the heroine we all want to be and the wolf-boy we all want to have! rnrn 
rnrn You don't have to be Team Jacob to enjoy a good read! Contributing authors include: SubtlePen ~diamondheart ~ mellyfrisco6 ~ sciphile ~ toooldforthis ~ HighViscosity ~ twilighteergrl29 ~ Slider ~ Antebellum ~ midnight_jo ~ mystichearts... and many others!
Categories: New Moon, Eclipse, Post-Eclipse, AU Characters: Bella, Jacob
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: rn 
rn Eyes bulging, constant day dreaming, pants dropping, Mouth watering, heart racing, panty wetting SMUT.
This SERIES contains all the Edwards - Goodward, Badward, Sweetward, Jerkward, pussyward, Fuckward, Tatward, Domward, modelward and my favorite nerdward. Vampire, Human, anything with Edward and Bella you got it. ExB ONLY.
You are free to add stories or message me if you have any stories that you think should be here. Remember must be Bella and Edward smut.
Categories: Other, Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Post-Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU, AU-Human, Crossover Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
rn rn "She's a unique girl...You really don't meet many people like Kristen."-Robert Pattinson
rn "He's very sensitive. He's got a fragile ego."-Kristen Stewart rn "All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand." -Ella Wheeler Wilcox rn rn A collection of Robsten fic's and one-shots by jakeward and the shrew, to mention a few. rn rn Know of a great Robsten fic? Think it should be added to the series? Contact me via my profile and I will condsider adding it the series. rn
Categories: Other Characters: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary:  ◊A Collection of Great AU-Human Stories◊
All fics are NC-17 with Bella/Edward as the main canon couple. We have romance, drama, humor, smut, you name it.
The twi-fics recommended are both incomplete and complete but must have a minimum of 10 chapters completed.
rn Have a good fic in mind for the series? Contact me on my profile and I will look into adding it.**
**All stories have the author's approval. rn
rn Series Authors include: AMayes, AngryBadgerGirl, antiaol, Belindella, Carson1, ciaobella27, coachlady1, ebalways, EdwardsBloodType, emarroquin, Forever17, GreenEyedGirl17, Hannah81, hunterhunting, jennlynnfs, jslack0816, Kikiblue, Leahtheweary, lexiecullen17, lola_pop, Michelle M Marie, Mrs_Robward, mybluesky, ocdmess, Oliviamk1218, Paige Parkker, pomme_de_terre, Sebastien Robichaud, sixeightshuffle, Snowqueens Icedragon, spanglemaker, twilightcrazy, venemousgal, Whitney Love, WndrngY
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: Love 'em together? Hate 'em? Like it or not, it's canon, baby! Welcome to the Jacob and Nessie Archives, your one stop place for the best in Jacob/Renesmee-centric fanfiction. rn 
rn rn rn Got a Jake/Ness fic you'd like added to the series or know one that can't not be included? Go ahead & submit it (it'll have to wait for my approval before it's added to the archive) or contact me! As I don't generally go fic-diving for stories to add, I depend on the readers/writers to draw my attention to new potential submissions to the archive. rn Your fic doesn't necessarily have to be romantic or even centered primarily on the pairing, just as long as as there's quite a bit of J/N. rn Contributing authors: Hopeful Wager, KariAnn, Suzybear (aka SusanAshlea), artbeatsandlife, KenoshaChick, DreaC, Mkystich, restlessxpen, BEEternity (aka Jules), LJ Summers, duskwatcher, Todream, & more! rn **All stories are listed in alphabetical order by title. rn **I reserve the right to remove fics from the archive at any time for any reason that I see fit, particularly if a story marked as "incomplete" hasn't been updated within a reasonable 6-month timeframe, as I don't wish to host abandoned fics. rn Thanks so much to artbeatsandlife for the awesome banner!
Categories: Post-Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU, AU-Human Characters: None
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: This series is a gathering of stories with Emmett Cullen as the lead character. rn 
Categories: AU Characters: Emmett
Challenges: Open: Moderated
rn -Gif made by Leanne Golightly- rn rn For those of us who love a touch of evil... rn rn As Volturi stories are rapidly becoming more popular, I decided to create a place to bring them all together. Feel free to contact me if you've written or know of a great story that should be in here. I have only one rule... rn rn A member of the Volturi or Guard must be a central character. Cullens and wolves are welcome as long as they are secondary. If you have any questions regarding this rule, feel free to contact me. rn rn If you'd like, I can now also supply you with a banner to show that you are part of this series. Contact me if you want one. Banners courtesy of Leanne Golightly. rn Have fun reading! rn Bforqueen
Categories: Twilight Characters: Alec, Aro, Athenodora, Caius, Chelsea, Demetri, Didyme, Felix, Heidi, Jane, Marcus, Renata, Santiago, Sulpicia
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: What happens when three dirty, horny girls come together in friendship in a fandom such as Twilight? We decide to write an anthology of dirty, horny oneshots/short stories, that's what! rn So sit back, relax, and enjoy some naughty fun written by KariAnn (author of In Pursuit of Normalcy), cfmom (author of Fractured Hearts), and achelle131 (author of Vanity and Patience). rn Anything goes as far as pairings and sometimes triplings - the should be's, the what ifs, and the never agains: Edward and Bella? Edward, Bella, and Jacob? Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward? Jacob and Bella? Paul and Rachel? Nessie and Felix?? We've got it, baby. (Or at least we will very soon!) rn 
rn Gorgeous, sexy banner by our very own achelle131!
Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Post-Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU, AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: A world in which some characters are true to the Twilight saga and some are Others. Based around the world created in the story, The Good Looking Loony Toons Stalker Guy. rn rn 
rn rn 
Categories: AU, Crackfic Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, James, Jasper, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Moderated
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.