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Reviews For Feel Me
Reviewer: mjbabe58 (Signed) · Date: November 23, 2009 12:57 PM · On: Chapter 1 - One Shot

YAY!!!! Oh my! I'm sorta on the verge of tears here! WONDERFUL! Oh wow, that was so great! Way to speak up for the small characters! Hahaha, i was like Mrs. Cope!? WHHHAAATTT?! And then I was like it grabbed my attention, so I'll read! That was definitely PLENTY of love for the unloved! Hahaha, SO awesome! And when he was like Edward in the office again? So cute! Amazing story that left me sorta hot and bothered! :) Its a good thing! You SOOO deserved that win *claps wildly* Great job!

Much love!


Author's Response:

Thank you so much for saying that.  Mrs. Cope changed herself while I was writing the story.  I was inspired by the song, first and foremost, and in my mind, she would be old and saggy, and I almost thought about making it funny, because who really wants to read about old and saggy people having sex.  Then it kind of hit me, wait, who says she can't be a hot older woman, I know a lot of hot older women, and OMG she can totally have a younger guy.  I think she liked that idea, because the story, really just came to me, easily after that.

I'm so glad you liked it, and very thankful you took the time to review.


Reviewer: Twilight4rachael1042 (Signed) · Date: October 18, 2009 02:40 PM · On: Chapter 1 - One Shot

Wow. I'm kinda speechless. And crying. That was amazingly touching. Heartwarming. You absolutely deserved to win. XO~Rachael

Author's Response:

You just almost made me cry saying that.  Thank you so much for taking the time to express your feelings about this story.  It really means a lot to me and I get excited whenever I see an email telling me of a new review.

Thank you so much for saying I deserved to win, cause I was definitely shocked and humbled, and oh sooooo excited too.  It was very cool.

I'm soooo glad you liked it.

xo Sherry

Reviewer: eiroltan (Signed) · Date: October 18, 2009 07:32 AM · On: Chapter 1 - One Shot

a very good story... keep it up!!! :)

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for taking the time to review my story.  It really means a lot every time I get a review.  I am so glad that you liked it, and encouraged me to keep writing.  I plan to.

xo Sherry

Reviewer: aciepey (Signed) · Date: October 18, 2009 04:43 AM · On: Chapter 1 - One Shot

Love it sis....srsly. 

You deserved the award, hands down. 


keep writing!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you sis, your support is unending and very helpful, always.  I love discussing with you all of the fics in my head, and the fact that you always encourage me to write.

Thanks for saying I deserved to win, it truly is humbling. And I love every person who voted.

I love you too.

xo Sherry

Reviewer: EverlightGirl14 (Signed) · Date: October 16, 2009 07:53 AM · On: Chapter 1 - One Shot

Oh my god that was so beautiful and hott and sad and full of love and happiness. Im surprised at myself for not crying. Thank you for writing this stroy,it made my day.

Author's Response:

Awwwwww I'm so happy that something I wrote could make your day.  Seeing your review made mine.

Thank you so much for taking the time to review, it really means the world to me.  You should listen to the song in my author's not that I based the story on, it makes me cry when I hear it, it's so loving.

xo Sherry

Reviewer: cornel (Signed) · Date: October 16, 2009 03:36 AM · On: Chapter 1 - One Shot

and you said you wouldn't write... ha I knew it you would eventually do it and I'm so glad!

This was great! I start reading I'm like, "Mrs. Cope? who wants to read about her? But it's Sherry so I WANNA read." and I did and it was awesome. Mazda RX8? *raises eyebrow like Edward* Seriously? Red? are you trying to kill me? I love that car. a few years ago I used to dream buying it.

So I keep reading and I think, this is one smutty story, yummy.  But as I go on I find there's much more. I never would have thought I would grow to like Mrs. Cope so much. It was so sad and sweet at the same time. Ammazing how a person's love can make all the bad things fade. I was truly touched by Brad's love.

Oh and the line "thank you Edward" had me laughing hard. It takes a strong man to admit that.

I can't tell you how happy I am that you finally decided to post your work. I can't wait for the next one, either a one shot or a mutli chaptered story.

Author's Response:

Ha Ha Ha cornel, I'm soooo glad you took the time to read, it really means a lot that you reviewed as well.  Yes I did write my first 2 fics not about BellaxEdward, because I was scared to mess them up....LOL.  This was for a contest, I picked Mrs. Cope because I loved the song that it was based on and I needed an adult character, because the story is more about someone who has lived some life.  Check out the song if you get a chance.  Boy how good it felt to see that you continued on just because it was me....Awwwww I luv u girl.

I too love the RX8, I'm thinking that that was more a little dream of mine slipping into that story..LOL...yep the whole car episode.

I too agree that Brad is pretty awesome.  I'm super happy that our Mrs. Cope ended up with such a great love.  I'm sure even Stephenie had no idea about the panties in her drawer...LMAO.

Yeah I thought, "Thank You Edward" was hilarious.  That's one understanding husband.  Kinda how I feel about the husbands who understand our own obsessions with Edward/Rob.  I think he appreciates the lovin' that comes from Edward, and appreciates it.

Thank you so much again for such a great review, I love it and cherish it.  I have two other fics that I will post soon.  Thanks for your support. I love you.



Reviewer: little_star (Signed) · Date: October 16, 2009 03:00 AM · On: Chapter 1 - One Shot

A sweet story with a lot of depth and integrity. Thank you for speaking up for the little characters ;-)

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for taking the time to review.  Every review means the world to me.  Everyone has a story don't they, even poor Mrs. Cope, but you know what even though she had some bad times, I'm glad she has Brad.  Thank you for saying my story had depth and integrity, that is very humbling.  I'm a new writer and so saying that means a whole lot.  xo Sherry

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