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Reviewer: TwiSentinel (Signed) · Date: March 01, 2010 10:41 PM · On: Crimson Snow (one-shot)
Excellent!! You did a wonderful job....SM couldn't have done better herself!
Author's Response: *dances about* thank you so much! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to comment on this, my baby. I enjoyed writing it, and I can't think of a better compliment than that you enjoyed reading it. *huggles*
Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: February 08, 2010 12:51 PM · On: Crimson Snow (one-shot)
One of my favorite one shots. Beautiful.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I was going to break it down into chapters, or at least two parts, but I figured it would be easier to just post it all and save my poor mod from tearing her hair out and beating me over the head with a keyboard, lol.
Reviewer: lookingforhoofprints (Signed) · Date: November 02, 2009 02:18 AM · On: Crimson Snow (one-shot)
This was awesome! You are a wonderful writer; the way you use emotion is spot on, and I feel like I was reading a really well written version of the story. :) You kept in character so well. I'm pretty sure SM should hire you to write Midnight Sun. Just sayin.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I really loved writing this. It completely consumed my life there for awhile. There are a few scenes, that happen later, durring Midnight Sun, that I wanted to write. I wish Stephenie would finish it soon... or publish anything. I check her "Other Projects" tab all the time, hoping she's posted a new idea. *huggles*
Reviewer: twillightsdaughter (Signed) · Date: October 11, 2009 12:56 PM · On: Crimson Snow (one-shot)
Wow! Amazing! Are you related to Stephenie Meyer? The story was making me so excited I actually had to take a breakbefore I could finish it!
Author's Response: I wish I were related... heck, I would trade places with SMeyer any day... even for a day! :-P As it is, I am just a humble fan. I am so glad that you found this, my baby, and that you liked it. *huggles*
Reviewer: beck943 (Signed) · Date: September 25, 2009 12:01 PM · On: Crimson Snow (one-shot)
If I didn't know better, I would say Stephenie Meyer was ghost writing - you have such a similar style, such a believable Twilight prequel quality for each and every character!
I loved this fan fic and hope you write more :-)
Author's Response: That is the greatest compliment I have ever been paid. *sniffles* thank you very much!
Reviewer: lexifisher (Signed) · Date: September 18, 2009 11:55 AM · On: Crimson Snow (one-shot)
Awesome story---you could not have wrote a more truthful story of Edward. Great writing--very entertained from the first words.
Author's Response: Thank you sweetie! Though I've written other things I gotta say, this was my baby. *hugz*
Reviewer: windchime (Signed) · Date: August 27, 2009 10:35 AM · On: Crimson Snow (one-shot)
That was wonderful. Loved it and beautifully written, thank you!
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I put lots of work into it, I think I drove everyone around me crazy while I was working. *huggles*
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