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Reviewer: amandypandy1612 (Signed) · Date: December 12, 2012 02:39 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

I'm so glad that everything worked out in the end. I really liked this story. I'm sure some people can relate to it. You did a really good job.

Reviewer: rivruskende (Signed) · Date: March 18, 2011 12:46 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

Wonderful story!

Reviewer: rbirdy23 (Signed) · Date: March 02, 2011 05:20 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

i loved your story it really touched me

Reviewer: stkrwildme (Signed) · Date: January 16, 2011 04:15 PM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

I know it's late, but I don't really care. I suppose it doesn't matter if you don't read this... as I imagine a lot of my comments are like that... Long and annoying but otherwise ignored and only posted for my sanity.

I read your story because it was BellaxJasper and I almost stopped, but I'm glad I didn't.  You have an uncanny ability to write what people really feel, and still protray how they really act.  That's not an ability many writers have, even best-sellers.  I know that part of that may be people helping you write about the depression, but it wasn't just with that... so I know that's it's your writing.  Bella's reactions alone have inspired me, in a weird way, to find someone that will accept me.  

You're right, though, sometimes it just doesn't work, and there's no real reason why... it just doesn't.  But i hope i just know when it's right... Hopefully it won't be too complicated--I have a flair for complicated. 

I have recently been reading Loose Girl by Kerry Cohen (I think that's her last name), if you haven't you should.  It's a memoir about a girl that is addicted to male attention and it highlights a lot of the issues that you talked about in here, and it also spoke to me.  I have not always been a fan of Bella, or here "pushover" ways, but you made it work.  You showed another side of her.  Congrats on that. 

On a more personal level.  I know that you have gotten a lot of people talking about their fights with depression, and I liked especially that you didn't "cure" Jasper.  You can't cure it.  That's a reality that I have to deal with everyday... I am still struggling now to be able to talk about it ever-- I go in extremes, talking about it up front so that I never have to talk about it again, so that people never ask how I feel and I can continue feeling horrible, or never talking about it all.  I think that you captured that sturggle, I don't imagine that I am alone, but I think that it's hard to see from the outiside.  Your writing has made me realize that I do need to go to group again.  Even if I feel like I have control on my life again.  I need this stability, if not because I need to talk about then because I need to know that other people can talk to me. I need to know that I can be trusted. Somehow I have always been there for other people without being there for me too, it would be nice to be able to do both again, to be able to take care of myself while helping people... 

I'm sorry for the rambling... I'm sure that you've gotten a lot of people talking like this, but I wanted to say one thing in particular.  If nothing else, remember this. I will never forget how I felt when I read, "he's about as observant as a dehydrated starfish..."  That made my day, my week... I know it's small, but it made me laugh and I've found that when you find something that you are connected to like I was connected to this... that one thing, will always make you happy-- that line will always make me smile...  


for the story, the laughs, the time you spent, and for making a difference in me, and hopefully how people see addiction and depression.




Reviewer: Draven Angelis (Signed) · Date: January 15, 2011 01:10 PM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

Hey Elle, I'm back and I've finished the last chapters. No worries, hon. You've stayed true to the subject matter. As painful as that can at times be. As for where Jasper and Bella are now. I agree, we'll leave them to each other. Their love and new-found strength carrying them through.

Reviewer: kensersmom (Signed) · Date: December 08, 2010 02:05 AM · On: In Which the Cart Is Put Before the Horse

well that just got deep really deep really fast!

Reviewer: kensersmom (Signed) · Date: December 08, 2010 01:49 AM · On: In Which Jasper Is Late and Rosalie Is a Bitch

interesting i wonder what happened

Reviewer: kensersmom (Signed) · Date: December 08, 2010 01:24 AM · On: In Which Bella Wikis That Shit

it is going to get good... i know you are going to bring ed and al in the mix some time

Reviewer: kensersmom (Signed) · Date: December 08, 2010 01:14 AM · On: In Which a Cowboy Is Nervous

ok that's jas's story what about bells

Reviewer: kensersmom (Signed) · Date: December 08, 2010 01:02 AM · On: In Which Jasper Did Laundry

hum come on you have to spill the beans about everything... i hope you fill in the blanks!!  i wanna know what happened.

Reviewer: kensersmom (Signed) · Date: December 08, 2010 12:50 AM · On: In Which Jasper Shows Up at the Door

it's going to be good... can't wait to read more

Reviewer: twilight_illusion (Signed) · Date: December 01, 2010 07:35 PM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

Great story - I'm usually all for the fluff and less of the angst, but I really liked that this wasn't fluff in a bottle.


I really liked the ways you portrayed the characters and their development. I'm usually E/B but do like a bit of J/B every now and then and this was a good one :) Glad they worked everything out in the end and that things are going well for them all! Great fic!

Reviewer: lisab (Signed) · Date: November 21, 2010 05:40 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

i have had this story in my favorites for a very long time and just finally was able to read it!  i LOVE this story so....oh my, this is a wonderful jasper, great bella, and i love how the characters are different than in other fics, the added parents, etc. that you added, and the way you dealt with the whole addicition issue as i have an older brother who has struggled for years.

thanks for writing.  this was just wonderful...


Reviewer: lisab (Signed) · Date: November 18, 2010 10:44 PM · On: In Which Jasper Shows Up at the Door

i am sooo looking forward to reading more of this!

Reviewer: Sydney Witherspoon (Signed) · Date: September 03, 2010 10:56 AM · On: In Which Jasper Did Laundry

so far so very good

Reviewer: vampireprincessyuki (Signed) · Date: September 01, 2010 09:25 AM · On: In Which Jasper Shows Up at the Door

This is an awesome story!! I love it! I think it's cool that you, accidentally, put my name in it! My names Tabitha. I'm a huge Jasper and Bella fan and so I guess it was fate that lead me to this story. I'm sappy. Deal With it. ;)  >_<

Reviewer: Fantastico (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2010 10:16 AM · On: In Which Jasper Shows Up at the Door

Fan-bloody-tastic my friend-who-I-don't-really-know. I love Bella/Jazzy stories like this. And, I love the fact that you've got rid of the trademark 'darlin' that everyone uses. Babe, sounds so much more... Jasper.

Reviewer: Midnitelilly (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2010 01:37 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

I really enjoyed reading this story and thank you for sharing. You did a beautiful job of expressing how the characters felt so we could experience it with them but did not drag it out so that it felt painful to read.

Reviewer: OCDvampire (Signed) · Date: July 26, 2010 08:58 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

I wasn't sure if I would like this story when I started it, but by about the second or third chapter I was hooked! (thankfully not on any substances). It has been so well written that I have read the whole thing in three days - congratulations!!

Whether you got all the details correct or not it was very real and believable, and sensitively accomplished.

Thank you for the journey (there's so much Ed/Bella stuff it is refreshing to read something different)


Reviewer: Luvtwilight14 (Signed) · Date: May 27, 2010 04:28 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

After reading the last chapter of Underexposed by Daisy 3853(another wonderful jasper/bella all human fic by a great gal) I was directed to this story and read it in just a few hours.  Absolutely loved it!!!!!  I find myself searching for this pairing alot lately and I don't know what it is that really draws me to them but I know there are probably a few good reasons like his southern draw, being from the south myself it take precedent, and its his whole personality and how authors write him as a good down to earth southern gentleman.  Ya Know?  Just has to compliament you on a job well done.  I know this has been complete for a while but I know it is still good to get good reviews.  Thanks for the great read!!

Hugs, stephanie

(sorry for the plug of another story but she gave yours credit on her own reason for writing her jasper/bella pairing story, so I knew it had to be worth the time to read and she was right!!!  I will plug yours when I get the chance! :)

Reviewer: flutterback (Signed) · Date: May 13, 2010 05:43 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

Just finished your story. It was powerful, emotional, and absolutely fantastic. I think this is one of the best AU-Human stories I've read on this site, and will remain one of my favorites.

I really enjoyed the relationships you presented and how the dynamics of all of the couples together worked out. I love Jasper and Bella together, and I really thought you did incredible justice in making them both so genuine and complex. I know many people just make Jasper emotional, but I think you really made him real and layered. Stong and vulnerable at the same time.

Wonder ful, wonderful story. I truly enjoyed it. (And any chance you really do have recipies for all that fabulous Tex-Mex Bella nd Jasper consumed throughout the story?) ;-)

Thanks for sharing your talent!

Reviewer: Babygurl64209 (Signed) · Date: April 20, 2010 03:39 PM · On: In Which Jasper Shows Up at the Door

i noticed it thank you and i tend to be nosy at times. Love the story by the way.

Reviewer: Babygurl64209 (Signed) · Date: April 20, 2010 01:27 PM · On: In Which Emmett Comes Out to Play

Did i miss it what happened to the wrist, there should be a prequil to this.

Author's Response:

There is!  It's under my profile -- Chapter 1 of "Embers: Spicy Sides...."  What happened with the breakup isn't truly important to the story, so I stuck it (and a few other things) into outtakes in case anyone was interested.

Thanks for reading =)

Reviewer: lilmissb (Signed) · Date: March 16, 2010 11:56 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

I usually dont read non cannon but I thought I would give this one a shot. I really liked it. Thanks for sharing you thoughts and story.

Reviewer: emma austin (Signed) · Date: March 05, 2010 12:48 AM · On: Epilogue: In Which We've Come a Long Way

I love this story. Thanks for this. 

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