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Reviewer: idealskeptic (Signed) · Date: August 30, 2010 03:46 AM · On: Chapter 5
This is an absolutely beautiful story; even in its sadness and pain. Please continue on.
Reviewer: ttrentnk (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2010 02:32 AM · On: Chapter 5
I love read this story though it is sad. i hope you update again soon.
Reviewer: sconnolly318 (Signed) · Date: July 22, 2010 12:56 PM · On: Chapter 5
Sorry I'm late in reading!!!
Awesome, babe, as always!!!
Reviewer: JRParz (Signed) · Date: June 03, 2010 11:25 AM · On: Chapter 5
I just stumbled upon this tale the other day... printed it out and then was blown away in awe with the five chapters I read. Wow... just Wow.
Thank you so very much for sharing your incredible talent - for I cannot say enough about how amazing it's been reading Bette Noir
Author's Response: Thank you for the wonderful review. Chapter 6 is awaiting validation and should be up soon (I hope ;-) )
Reviewer: mizbiz (Signed) · Date: April 29, 2010 06:15 PM · On: Chapter 5
Talk about the worst place to bet caught up...
I like....a lot
Please update soon.
Reviewer: scrider (Signed) · Date: April 25, 2010 01:29 PM · On: Chapter 5
Yay! I am glad to see you have updated! I have checked every now and again to see! i hope to see another chapter soon!
Reviewer: Ariah (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2010 12:56 PM · On: Chapter 5
I love your story, the depth of emotion each character shows. You can almost physically feel the love of child and parent between Esme, Carlisle and Bella. You have truly captured the essence of what Stephanie Meyer was trying to get at ... love absolute.
It is worrying that Edward has been reticient in showing emotion and his excuses make me want to hit him about the head. As for Rose well seems she doesn't like the spotlight taken off her but you have also brought to light her feelings on changing vs a normal human life.
I hope you update soon :)
Reviewer: Dulcinea21bella (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2010 02:01 PM · On: Chapter 5
This is so gripping. I have been completely captivated by this story. It is exellent!
Reviewer: Dulcinea21bella (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2010 01:54 PM · On: Chapter 4
Wow. I feel so badly for all of them. They are all suffering.
Reviewer: Dulcinea21bella (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2010 01:41 PM · On: Chapter 3
They have such a strong knit family bond. I love that they've included Jacob into their family dynamics.
Reviewer: Dulcinea21bella (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2010 01:29 PM · On: Chapter 2
WOw. This story is epic. The Cullens all adore her and the depth of their devotion is huge. You write so heartfelt and sincere. This is wonderful.
Reviewer: Dulcinea21bella (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2010 01:02 PM · On: Chapter 1
Poor Bella. Edward is going to freak when he realizes what happened to her.
Reviewer: samt915 (Signed) · Date: April 08, 2010 02:44 AM · On: Chapter 5
AHHHHH what did the text message say!!!!!!!!! I hate cliffs, lol. Cant wait to see what is in store for them. I see Rose and Emmitt adopting the little Bella, and Charlie dieing. How sad:(
Reviewer: TwiliteAddict (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2010 11:57 PM · On: Chapter 5
Imagine my surprise when I went to check the list of my faves and saw you had updated! I almost fell out of my chair (no lie!). Excellent update. I so liked the journal entry Carlisle made about Esme. I am very curious about this other Bella and the vision that Alice has had. Your Jasper and Edward are so endearing, too.
Since we've last spoken, I have been working lowing on making banners for my stories (all except Honeymoon Suite which was made for me), if you want to check them out and if you like, I can experiment making you one for this story.
Looking forward to more updates!
Author's Response: Well hello miss! : ) I would be honored if you would make a banner for Bette Noir. Thanks so much for the review! It has been quite awhile, hasn't it? ;)
~ Wolf
Reviewer: draj2927 (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2010 01:57 PM · On: Chapter 5
I'm really enjoying your story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Reviewer: daggers4u (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2010 10:44 AM · On: Chapter 5 didn't off Charlie now, did you???
Aww that would be SO kewl if the Cullens get to raise little Bella!
Reviewer: tatie87 (Signed) · Date: April 02, 2010 03:00 PM · On: Chapter 5
Such a great chapter. This chapter really explored Rosalie's hate/dislike for Bella, which was very interesting. Can't wait to read more.
Reviewer: AlliYoyo (Signed) · Date: April 02, 2010 01:27 AM · On: Chapter 5
Argh! What was in that text message? Cliffhangers are nasty! (but in a good way, although I always say that 'to be continued' are the three nastiest words in the English language).
It's good that Edward found his peace. Bella's recovery would have been hampered by his continued avoidance. And it's good that Rosalie is finally getting her hang-ups out in the open. She's been holding onto them for far too long.
Can't wait to read more!
Reviewer: wantmoretwilightnow (Signed) · Date: April 01, 2010 10:15 AM · On: Chapter 5
Such a well-written, well-crafted, multi-faceted story. Don't worry about the update time; it takes time to achieve such greatness :-)
Reviewer: Horizon77 (Signed) · Date: April 01, 2010 08:22 AM · On: Chapter 5
I seriously did a little happy dance when I saw that you'd updated. Glad to see you're back and writing! :) We've all missed you!
This chapter was definitely worth the wait. You caught me off guard by Edward's reasoning for staying away from Bella. Bravo! I just think it's such an interesting development for his character that he felt he would have been too tempted to change her if at first. It's like his vampire instincts finally kicked in when he saw Bella through Alice'e eyes, and for awhile all he could think about was protecting his mate. Nicely done.
I can always count on you for some excellent Cullen family bonding moments. Esmw/Edward/Carlisle, Emmett/Alice (an unexpected but totally sweet surprise combo)...Loved it. You really know those characters!
I'm also really glad that Kate gave it to Rosalie. Someone had to! Speaking of all the baby talk, it got me wondering if you were going to play out the events of Breaking Dawn *entirely*, or if it was going to go off-canon. Basically, do I need to prepare myself for the little bronze-haired scene-stealer or not? lol Can you tell I've got some Nessie issues? ;)
Overall, a wonderful chapter. Welcome back!
Reviewer: lbtucker (Signed) · Date: April 01, 2010 05:29 AM · On: Chapter 1
I am really enjoying this story...Very interesting twist. Cant wait for more updates...
Reviewer: mommakat (Signed) · Date: March 31, 2010 09:10 AM · On: Chapter 5
Thank you for continuing with your story. It was a long wait but definitly worth it!
Reviewer: jsjohnson73 (Signed) · Date: March 31, 2010 08:35 AM · On: Chapter 5
I'm so glad you updated this story. I hope to see more soon. Really enjoying it. Keep up the great writing.
Reviewer: fleur24 (Signed) · Date: March 31, 2010 07:45 AM · On: Chapter 5
I absolutely love how gentle and loving Emmett is to little Bella!!!!!!!!
Reviewer: fleur24 (Signed) · Date: March 31, 2010 07:23 AM · On: Chapter 4
Emmett will be keeping in contact with Little Bella. I love how Bella is very clingly with Carlisle, hoping that he doesn't disappear.
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