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Reviews For Bête Noire
Reviewer: dancing_in_my_underwear (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 01:45 PM · On: Chapter 3

Okay few you didn't kill Charlie. I was worried you would have and then I might have had to hunt you down to kill YOU for doing that to Bella lol. My favourite bit in this chapter is where Esme calls Jacob "a rather foul-smelling son but a son nonetheless" :D Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Lol! Thanks! No, definitely couldn't kill off Charlie. I haven't made any decision yet (and there probably won't be any made for awhile) but I'm toying with the idea of Charlie learning the truth about the Cullens....It is simply a thought at this point. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: sassyf (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 01:36 PM · On: Chapter 3 do such a great job of including what is going on with everyone!  Very interesting story...still not seeing much of our typical Edward.  Usually he is so much more concerned about Bella....not that you are saying he isn't concerned...I guess you just aren't focusing on only him.

Loved how Esme is comforting Jacob!

Author's Response: Thank you! The next chapter there's going to be more Edward. Which means it's probably going to take longer for me to write :S . For some reason, he always leaves me a little confounded. He's the mind reader, but climbing inside his head can be difficult. Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: Roonie (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 01:31 PM · On: Chapter 3

Gah! I'm trying to enjoy this update but the formatting is all messed up and full of these weird, distracting symbols. Some of the paragraphs are also a little long and hard to follow with my eyes, so some breaking up would be nice. But mostly it's the symbols with quote signs next to them that are driving me batty...and I really want to savor this chapter. Can you fix?

Author's Response: Yeah, my validator TexBelle let me know about that. I've tried fixing it after I got her memo. Hopefully it worked. Sorry 'bout that. Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: Jaenelle Masen (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 01:30 PM · On: Chapter 3

wow...angst all around huh?  i wonder how long Bella's precarious control on her emotions is going to last...

i know Emmett loved Rosalie...but i gotta say that Rosalie is a tough one to crack...her motiviations sometimes...i don't know...what else to say about them

Author's Response: That to me is why Rose is such a fun one to play with. She doesn't have any clear cut, black and white motivations. Everything is hidden in shadows with her. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: hockeygrl13 (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 12:25 PM · On: Chapter 2

please write more i lvoe this story

Author's Response:

Chapter 4 has finally been posted my dear. I do hope you tune in. Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^


Reviewer: blueeyeddemon (Signed) · Date: June 05, 2009 05:05 PM · On: Chapter 2

Love the story! Hope you continue it but if your going to be adding BD stuff could you please leave out the baby? I hope Bella will be living with the Cullens, I love stories like that. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

I don't know how much of BD that I will be adding, but it wouldn't quite be the same without the baby. She plays a very intricate part in the story. Thank you for reading and reviewing! Chapter 3 is awaiting validation and should be up soon. ^_^

Reviewer: TwiliteAddict (Signed) · Date: June 05, 2009 05:07 AM · On: Chapter 2

Oh, I hate the cliff hangers!  Another well written chapter....

Author's Response:

Lol, chapter 3 has a bit of a drop off, but not too much of a bad cliff hanger ~_^

Reviewer: TwiliteAddict (Signed) · Date: June 05, 2009 04:46 AM · On: Chapter 1

Wow!  This is intense.  And made so by your excellent descriptive talent.  I like how you also worked in serveral of the Cullens and I was moved by their love for Bella.  Very powerful chapter.

Author's Response:

O_O ^_^ Oh my god! Sorry love, I saw your name on the review and ... well, I'm a bit silly, I guess. Anywho, thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it and thank you for the compliment! Chapter 3 is awaiting validation now, so it shouldn't be long till it's up. ^_^

Reviewer: soccergirl23 (Signed) · Date: June 04, 2009 08:10 AM · On: Chapter 2

Hurry up!!!  I want to know what happened to Charlie!!!!!  How long does it take to update your story!!!

Author's Response: I'm old school...all my stories are handwritten before they reach my computer. Chapter three is almost finished though. ^_~ Don't worry, it'll be up before you know it! Thanks for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: sda23 (Signed) · Date: June 04, 2009 02:39 AM · On: Chapter 2

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! You can't stop there!!!! What's wrong with Charlie? DId he die too?????? You must continue! FAST!!!!

Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Chapter three is soon to be finished, and then it will be up for validation, but don't worry, it's on its way. Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: Hev99 (Signed) · Date: May 31, 2009 07:11 AM · On: Chapter 2

Noooo what have you done to Charlie!?! Poor Bella. Loved Emmett and Jasper in this chapter though. Although I always love Jasper anyway! Great story update soon!!! Pleeaase! x

Author's Response:

No details mentioned - but if you liked Emmett in Chapter 2, you're going to love him in Chapter 3! ^_~

Reviewer: Hev99 (Signed) · Date: May 31, 2009 03:54 AM · On: Chapter 1

Wow, that's horrific! Poor Bella! I love how tenderly they all take care of her, just like a member of the family already. I'm intrigued to see where this is going, adding to my favourites!

Author's Response:

Thank you for the wonderful review! Adding me to your favorites? Shades of Awesomeness!!!! ^_^

Reviewer: daggers4u (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 07:42 PM · On: Chapter 2

augh! what about Charlie?!?? don't leave us hanging!!! 

Author's Response:

If you think about the game of chess, Charlie's kind of my 'white knight'. I'm not entirely sure what his moves will be, but he's an important part of how the game will be played. Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: daggers4u (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 07:09 PM · On: Chapter 1

really good! keep writing

Author's Response: Thank you! Thank you for reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: tatie87 (Signed) · Date: May 29, 2009 05:39 AM · On: Chapter 2

Great start to a story!!! Poor Bella, first her mom and now something is wrong with Charlie. I love how all the Cullens are taking care of Bella.

Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying it! Thank you for reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: samantha-cullen0302 (Signed) · Date: May 28, 2009 09:30 AM · On: Chapter 2

this is awesome write more please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Author's Response: Thank you! Chapter three is in the works. Thank you for reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: BsuzD (Signed) · Date: May 26, 2009 10:29 AM · On: Chapter 2

I love the cadence to this story. I have read it a few times and the flow of your words is beautiful. Thank you!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!!!! ^_^ Chapter three is being a little bit fussier than the first two, which means it will most likely be longer as well. Keep reading! ^_~

Reviewer: mei-lin (Signed) · Date: May 26, 2009 04:34 AM · On: Chapter 2

Oh! Oh! How could you? What a cliffhanger!!!!! ;)

Author's Response:

^_~ Cliffhangers make life interesting! Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: Elaine (Signed) · Date: May 26, 2009 12:36 AM · On: Chapter 2

come on you can't kill off Charlie too, you don't like Bella very much do you? please don't make us wait long for an update. Keep up the good work. Thanks

Author's Response:

I have no intention of killing off Charlie. I love Bella, I just love drama/conflict and resolution more. It makes for good story lines. Chapter three is in the works. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: tazzded (Signed) · Date: May 25, 2009 06:38 PM · On: Chapter 2

Wow!  This is really quite a powerful story!  I was definitely in tears.  I hope you're able to continue it.

Author's Response:

Have no fear, Chapter 3 is in the works! ^_~ Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: katielovemarty (Signed) · Date: May 25, 2009 02:29 PM · On: Chapter 2

really good. i liked it. i cant wait tillthe next part comes and see what hapens to charlie

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^ Chapter 3 is in the works, no ETA as of yet though. Keep an eye out though. ^_~

Reviewer: Mom of 2 in WI (Signed) · Date: May 25, 2009 12:26 PM · On: Chapter 2

Oh Gosh!  What a cliffhanger!!!!  Update soon because that was an awesome chapter and you are weaving quite a tale.  It's very moving and I like all the love and care they give to Bella.  Very sweet...

Author's Response:

Aww, thanks! ^_^ Chapter 3 is in the works. It's being a little fussy right now, but there will be a bit more Rose/Emmett interaction, plus a cute little scene with Emmett...that's all I'm saying though. ^_~ Thank you for reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: lovelikethemovies (Signed) · Date: May 25, 2009 06:58 AM · On: Chapter 2

No! No third chapter yet? *sobs* Gorgeous. I love how you write. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the repeated use of 'Emmitt' in the first chappie.'s probably cruel of me, but I just love stories with Bella seriously injured and traumatised, stories that let us see how deeply it affects the Cullens, and how they feel about her.

Author's Response:

It's not cruel of you at all. Why do you think I write stories like this? We all call it the 'human condition in response to events', but if you think about ti - it's more like 'the ties that bind'. Keep reading, chapter 3 is in the works. ^_^ Thank you forreviewing!

Reviewer: ToTheEights (Signed) · Date: May 25, 2009 03:39 AM · On: Chapter 2

I love the sibling-ness, the family coming together.  It's sweet, makes me smile.

Good story line, and so far your writings pretty snazzy.  Keep it up or your story's getting booted off my favorites list. (I think that's about the most legit of a threat I can give via website, haha!) ;) seriously though, it's good.


Author's Response:

LOL. I love the threat ^_~ Chapte 3 is in the works. Thank you for reviewing! ^_^

Reviewer: nanny (Signed) · Date: May 25, 2009 01:41 AM · On: Chapter 2

oh my god dont leave me hanging what happen to charlie

Author's Response:

A little mystery to whett the appatite ^_~

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