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Reviewer: wantmoretwilightnow (Signed) · Date: July 15, 2009 03:51 PM · On: Chapter 4
I have seriously had tears running down my face for 3 chapters. What a story! ...and can Esme PLEASE smack Emo-ward upside the head?
Author's Response: I have plans for Emo-ward. I love that by the way. Haha ^_^ Thanks for reading and reviewing
Reviewer: dare2dream (Signed) · Date: July 04, 2009 01:43 AM · On: Chapter 3
I love this story! Please put chapter 4 up soon...
Author's Response: It's taken a while but Chapter 4 has finally been posted. I hope you tune in! Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^__^
Reviewer: scrider (Signed) · Date: June 27, 2009 10:14 AM · On: Chapter 3
I am really enjoying your story! Keep up the good work!
Author's Response: Thank you for the review! Chapter 4 is being a little fussy, but it shouldn't be too much longer ^_^
Reviewer: Jilli90 (Signed) · Date: June 23, 2009 01:49 PM · On: Chapter 3
Awesome, keep going.
Author's Response: Thank you! ^_^ Hopefully chapter 4 won't take too much longer to get out. The first bit of it is fighting with me. :-S
Reviewer: CubanFIre004 (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2009 12:01 AM · On: Chapter 3
U got a good storyline going. i cant wait for ur next chapter please dont keep us waiting for tooo long.
Author's Response: Thank you for the review! Chapter 4 is in the works. Can't make any promises or ETA's, but I'm writing everyday, so there is that. ^_~ Thanks for reading! ^_^
Reviewer: TwiliteAddict (Signed) · Date: June 16, 2009 01:30 PM · On: Chapter 3
I just read the wonderful, kind review you gave my story, and I rushed over to see if you had updated your story, and yea, you did. I love how you develop so many characters at once! I especially like Jasper in this chap. Also, Esme's tenderness was a treat for me. On a personal note, I hope Charlie lives. I've added your story to my favorites so I won't miss any chaps. in the future. By the way, what does bette noir mean? I think noir is night? Anyway, keep up the great writing and thanks so much for your review -- the last one was very touching! Take care.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! It's good to know that my story holds you as much as yours does me! ^_^ Bette Noir is a french term that means "nightmare". When I had been writing the first chapter, I found the term to be quite fitting for the story. Noir can mean both night and black, in this case, roughly translated (or literally) it would mean Black bed. Which I guess is why, when put together and used as one term, it means nightmare. ^_^ Thank you for reading and reviewing my story! I love that you're enjoying it!
Reviewer: izziey (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2009 08:47 AM · On: Chapter 3
i am very hopeful that you will continue this story soon.
Author's Response: Chapter 4 is in the works, but it's being a little vixen with me and playing a good game of hide-and-go-seek! ^_~ Have no fear though, this story has many more chapters to go! Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: izziey (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2009 08:19 AM · On: Chapter 1
well, i'm lucky enough to have encountered this story with three chapter already up, but i have to say it seems to be worth the wait.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I love writing it and I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Chapter 4 is in the works. Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: samt915 (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2009 06:00 AM · On: Chapter 3
That was so fantastic, keep it comming, please!!
Author's Response: Thank you! Chapter 4 is in the works! ^_^ Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: Besotted (Signed) · Date: June 08, 2009 01:30 PM · On: Chapter 3
You're doing a great job! Keep going!
- besotted (by Twilight) :)
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying everything! ^_^ Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: Mom of 2 in WI (Signed) · Date: June 08, 2009 09:08 AM · On: Chapter 3
Wow. This story is intense. How much more can Bella take? I hope that the little Bella doesn't end up in the Cullen family That would be too much I think. Just a good example of how nuturing the vamps can be and how useful their extra senstive senses are...
Author's Response: I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with Little Bella just yet. She feels important though. Just have to wait and see, I guess. I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: ccbrowneyes (Signed) · Date: June 08, 2009 07:26 AM · On: Chapter 1
I love how the love that the cullens have for bella is shown
Reviewer: Hev99 (Signed) · Date: June 08, 2009 04:44 AM · On: Chapter 3
Wow, you were right, I did love Emmett even more in this chapter. Your writing is exquisite, you must spend hours looking for just the right words to use. I adore this story, keep the updates coming. I'm not gonna ask you to rush them cos I know that this kind of quality takes time!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Chapter 4 is taking longer to start with any sense of satisfaction. It's going to be more Edward/Rosalie intensive. Those two tend to be a little more...elusive to me when I write. Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: tatie87 (Signed) · Date: June 08, 2009 02:45 AM · On: Chapter 3
Great chapter. Poor Bella, the people around her just keep dropping. I love the little side story of Emmett in the hospital waiting for news on Charlie. It was very interesting how Emmett took Rosalie's behavior. I love how the whole Cullen family is included in this story and really part of it. I can't wait to read more. Keep up the fantastic writing.
Author's Response: I'm so glad that you're enjoying everything! The next chapter seems to be coming out a bit slower than the previous three did. It will be more Rosalie/Edward intensive. Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: mei-lin (Signed) · Date: June 08, 2009 01:17 AM · On: Chapter 3
I really 'lose' myself while reading this which is a tribute to great writing! Forgot for a moment I was at work. ;)
Author's Response: Lol, thank you so much! Don't let anyone get upset with you for reading on the clock! Just tell them you're doing "literary research for educational development" ^_~ Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: jeanne (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 11:57 PM · On: Chapter 3
Another beautiful chapter! Your writing is wonderful, so detailed and full of emotion. I really like how things are not moving too fast and that you are letting each chapter slowly build up. I have read many ff stories where the events play out too quickly and you are left feeling that it was too fast to be realistic, but yours if not that way. They way that you describe each character and allow them to feel their emotions is for lack of another word, beautiful.
Thanks for the update! I really look forward to future chapters.
Author's Response: Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! I hate the fast paced ones too, they always leave me feeling like I've missed something. I'm glad you're enjoying my story! Thank you so much for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: 30somethingmom (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 10:31 PM · On: Chapter 3
Really good story. So different from the others I have read. Please continue. Look forward to reading more.
Author's Response: I'm so glad you're enjoying this! Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: 30somethingmom (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 09:18 PM · On: Chapter 1
Really good story. I can't wait to read more.
Reviewer: cullen wannabe (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 08:36 PM · On: Chapter 1
I didn't think I'd like this when I started, I'm a fluffy bunny and too much angst frightens me! But OMG! This fic is fab! I'm totally drawn in and can't wait to read more, after all things can only get better for bella...right?!?!
Keep up the good work! :-)
Author's Response: Wow! Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying this! Thank you so much for reviewing! Chapter 4 will take a little longer to get up because it's going to be more Edward/Rosalie intensive. We'll be seeing both Bella's for the next few chapters ^_~ Thank you again for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: JuliannaOphelia (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 08:33 PM · On: Chapter 3
great chapter, i expecially love the ending.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Thank you for reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: Elaine (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 06:27 PM · On: Chapter 3
please don't leave it so long for the next update
Author's Response: Unfortunately, my dear, chapter 4 is going to be a little more focused on Edward and Rosalie which means that it will take longer to get posted. Those two tend to be a little bit harder for me to write. I am so glad you're enjoying this story! Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: Roonie (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 04:36 PM · On: Chapter 3
Well thank heavens I waited for the freaky symbols to be fixed before reading this. Something that is so emotionally intense simply cannot be read with any distraction whatsoever.
What a pleasure this fic has been. Everything I secretly yearned for in a story and more still that I didn't even know I wanted. I love Bella's connection to the Cullens. I love the reactions of every single Cullen to Bella's suffering....even Rosalie, who is so brutally in-character (though I'm hoping she warms up eventually). I love that Edward's love and concern for Bella is not stealing the entire story, as I see in so many other fics.
I love everything about this. I savor each line. I re-read the entire fic with every update just so I can get back into the proper mindset in order to fully appreciate the continuation.
I really, REALLY, need you to update again soon.
Author's Response: Oh Wow! Thank you so much! ^_^ Chapter 4 is going to take a little longer to write simply because it's going to be a bit more focused on Edward, Rosalie, and the wolves - I tend to have a much harder time jumping into Edward's head than anyone else's. I'm so glad to know that you're enjoying reading this as much as I enjoying creating it! Thank you so much for reading and your simply inspiring review! As I've been known to say on occasion "Shades of Awesomeness!!!" ^_~
Reviewer: sherylb (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 04:03 PM · On: Chapter 3
Author's Response: Someone once told me that the secret recipe for a good story is conflict and resolution mixed with drama and romance. The bad stuff...well it'll get better. ^_^ Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^
Reviewer: livin_it (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 02:10 PM · On: Chapter 3
im loving this story and i love this emmett!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it! ^_^
Reviewer: AlliYoyo (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2009 01:55 PM · On: Chapter 3
Ow! You're a painful writer!
Which is not to say I didn't like the story. I love it, and I can't wait to read more. I especially liked how Esme accepts Jacob as sort of a son despite the vampire/wolf acrimony, even without the bond of Renesmee joining him to the family.
When you say that this story changes the beginning of Breaking Dawn but there will still be the wedding "and all that jazz", is that including Renesmee?
Author's Response: Reneseme will still be there. She's far too important to the scheme of things to leave her out. Due to the crash, and all that has and will happen, timelines will simply be set back awhile. Instead of a summer wedding as was written, I'm toying with the idea of a winter 'snow fall' wedding. Thank you for reading and reviewing! ^_^
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