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Reviewer: LJ Summers (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 08:44 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Nicely handled!
I guess I've always felt (as the daughter of a cop) that Chief Swan was singularly willing to wait for answers or allow himself to be lulled into a façade of ignorance. (This is the case in the books, anyway.) Always made me shake my head a little.
Author's Response: He is a *little* more proactive in this story, but I do try to keep him in character. I don't necessarily agree with any of the characters in the story, but I do try to keep them mostly as they are in the story (barring Jasper, as no one knows how he really is in the books/movie).
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: Eris13 (Anonymous) · Date: June 26, 2009 08:31 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Good thing he's leaving the gun at home, cuz he's gonna want to kill Edward when he finds out. I love this chapter, but I really can't wait to see Bella's reaction to seeing Edward again.
Author's Response: Well, you will hear from Bella in the next chapter, but you may be surprised as to how.
Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: Lyanna Whitlock Cullen (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 08:31 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
oooo please hurry i really want to know what happens and kudos to emmett for the manners and protectiveness..
Author's Response: There will be more soon, I promise. Thanks so much for reviewing!
Reviewer: JessicaB923 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 08:27 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
short but kinda a really sad sort of way :)
Author's Response: That was kind of the vibe I was going for. Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: Charmie (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 08:18 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Okay --- you know I love you and this story - but to me it almost seems like you're dragging it out for no purpose you know? There is SO MUCH drama in this story - even if you just focus on the story. I totally get taking in Carlisle's POV and Charlie's too...Charlie being told that's for sure...but this seemed like a filler chapter.
I'm in this for the long haul, so please post that next chapter soon....
Author's Response: I truly am not trying to drag it out and I am sorry that you feel that way. I appreciate the concern. I always meant for this to be a story about them all, not just E/B. I needed to get Charlie there and this chapter was the vehicle to do so. I chose Emmett because he has such deep empathy but always manages to keep perspective. Please don't fret as E/B are back in a big way in the next chapter. Please forgive and hang on with me.
Reviewer: sherylb (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 08:16 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Author's Response: There will be more soon! Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: twilightchick (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:52 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Wow I loved this chapter. Emmet did do a good job with his manners. Cant wait for the next.
Author's Response: I am glad you enjoyed it! Emmett is such a good guy!
Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: tremington (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:50 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Author's Response: Aw, thank you. Emmett is such a good guy.
Thanks so much for reviewing!
Reviewer: kels16 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:50 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
I love Emmett :)
I can't wait for more Bella & Edward!
Author's Response: They are coming up next. Get the tissues ready!
Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: PLV (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:42 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Love Emmett to. He's so funny but caring as well. I hope Charlie doesn't have a stroke when he finds out about Bella. I realize he has been worried about her but I think it will be good in the long run if he is there at the hospital. I am not sure what he will think after he finds out she's pregnant and the baby's Edward. I just hope he will be calm about everyhting. Update soon. =-D
Author's Response: Charlie absolutely *has* to be there. It is his right and his privelege. I just felt this chapter needed to be through Emmett's eyes. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Abimaddevil17 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:42 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Cant wait for the next chapter!! :D
Author's Response: It should be up soon! Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: RoseArcadia (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:39 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Good thinkin' about the weapons Em! Dying for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response: It will be up soon! Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: oceanwaters2006 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:38 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
*sigh* Good old Emmett, keeping things in perspective. I heart him. Not as much as Jasper but he still lights my candle. LMAO!
Poor Charlie though, sitting there thinking Bella is dead for God knows how long before Emmett finally tells him that she's not.
I love this story so much!
Love ya girl!
Author's Response: There would be no story without you! Our monkeyman is the bomb diggity! Word!
Reviewer: Sadielady115 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:35 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Aww Em... you gotta love him ... the Charlie seeing Bella is going to be bad I can tell that leaving the waepons is going to be a really good idea!
love the chapter!!!
~tries to take one of the sundaes~
Author's Response: Help yourself to Cullen sundaes! Emmett so rocks. He manages to keep his wit despite understanding the dierness of the circumstance. Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: Please_BiteMe (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:31 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Oh man!! So glad that that scene is over but they didn't tell him anything really... so I have a feeling I'll be losin' again over Charlie's reaction soon. Thank you for having Emmett there, he's can alway keep the mood light. I hope he can still hold on to that in the next chap. He's not gonna be in the next chap is he?
You're amazing!
Author's Response: No, the next chapter is E/B and Alice and is MUCH heavier. I think Charlie may surprise you. Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: sjones5199 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:31 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Good chapter... Poor charlie!
Author's Response: Yeah, Charlie is about to get the shock of his life. Thanks so much for reviewing!
Reviewer: Rachael (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:29 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Please update soon. This pace is killing me.
Author's Response: I do update quickly, but the whole story needs to be told. Just hang in there! Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: angmclure (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:27 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
OK, I just love Emmetts sense of humor. He can always lighten the mood and loved how he made sure to have Charlie leave his weapons at home. I also meant to tell you that I enjoyed the last chapter too. I felt so bad for Edward yet loved that she showed improvement to his voice. Keep going I can't wait. If I figure out the voting thing, you have mine.
Author's Response: Aw shucks! Thank you so much. I appreciate the review!
Reviewer: daggers4u (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:27 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
LoL I LOVE Emmett! I can totally picture him like this!! :-)
Author's Response: Emmett so rocks! Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: lulabelljane (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:26 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Yep...went into totally fangirl mode when I saw the email...and I don't care! LOL!
I love Emmett...yeah, breaking the news to Charlie slowly is a good idea...but when he was saying to himself to just tell Charlie already...I was like YEAH!!
Loved it, loved it, loved it!
Takes deep breath...bring on chapter 25!
Author's Response: I am so glad you still get excited whentou get my updates! Yay! Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: kuntrygal (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:25 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
God I love Emmett!
Author's Response: Emmett so rocks! Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: Shadowdragon13 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:24 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Thank goodness Emmett thought to disarm him! Geez I know Charlie is gonna beat the snot out of Edward, and I'm really not looking forward to that, but it really seems inevitable. I hope we get to see Bella wake up soon. My heart aches for all of them...
Author's Response: I think Charlie may surprise you in the long run. But it won't be pretty at the beginning. Thank you so much for the review!
Reviewer: izzyemme (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:19 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
OMG- I'm excited for the showdown at high noon! I'll be sure to bring popcorn when Ch 25 is out....
Author's Response: Next chapter won't quite be the showdown, but it will be E/B. Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Juliamine (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:15 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
That calm before the storm, right? I have on a fresh pair of big girl panties as I await the code scarlett, thanks for the warning :) But geez woman, you know how to write a story and keep your fans on the edge of their seats! I love this story, no matter how many tears it makes me shed.
As soon as voting opens, I know where my vote will be casted! <3
Author's Response: You are too wonderful for saying those things. I am so glad you enjoy it and grateful you reviewed!
Reviewer: Mom4Carlyle (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2009 07:15 AM · On: Chapter 24 - Leave the Weapons Behind
Apparently work isn't that important. Finished Chapter 23 and got the notice for 24. I so love Emmett. He acts more like I would in this type of situation.
Author's Response: Work shmork! I am glad you enjoyed Emmett! Thanks for the review!
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