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Reviews For Not Like This
Reviewer: Esquire (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 06:36 AM · On: Chapter 6 - Internet Holy Grail

Hi there. Very sorry to hear about your friend that passed. :(  Life is indeed beautiful and terrible, all at the same time.  I hope the friend's new baby brings you some joy in your sad times.

SOO glad that Bella wrote to Charlie!  Angela saves the day again!

Author's Response:

Thank you for your kind words.  That was a tough time.

Angela is such a saint and continues to be! 

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: KelseyJane (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 06:26 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Of all the chapters, this one brought me close to tears. From Jasper giving blood even thought he hates it, just to save her. He's always had a soft spot in my heart.

That and the baby is a little girl and is healthy. Aww, that's what almost drove me to tears. To see everyone have a little bit of hope and happiness through all of this mess.

I can't wait to see what her name is and who names her since Bella isn't able to. Wonderful chapter hun!

Author's Response:

Well, we won't get as far as naming in the next chapter, but you will get to see Edward's reaction.  They finally have something positive to focus on.  Little baby girl Cullen isn't going to know what hit her, she'll be so loved on!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Esquire (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 06:22 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Worship at Her Altar

Hmph! "A savant in medical school."  Yeah, an IDIOT Savant!! lol...when will this boy stop trying to control the universe?? Tell him I tried for a loooong time, and it don't work!

Alice needs to step up her game before that damned baby crowns!! What's gonna happen to Pregella when the baby comes, and she can't hustle java at Starfucks????  Amen for Angela!! 

I'm guessing Eddiepoo never had a girlfriend. Sometimes, you hurt the people you love - hell, probably a lot of the times you do. And him pushing her to RESCUE her is not the same as him being domestically violent. He's not a perp, he's a punk!! haha :)  C'mon, Eddie, put the cross down already - somebody else needs the wood!

I love Edward, but love mocking his ass just as much. 8)

Author's Response:

OMG!  You had me laughing my arse off at this.  Mock away.  He seriously needs mocking at this point.

And I don't know if Bella has any CLUE what she's going to do once the baby gets here.  She hasn't gotten that far, I don't think.

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Esquire (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 06:15 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living

THank god it was Angela that found her!  I feel for Bella, but want to slap her upside the head, too - Charlie must be DYING, not knowing if she's alive, or abducted, or, bella? oi.

Edward, of course, is being....Edward. Gah! Mr. Martyr himself. That shit makes me crazy. :/  If Alice could survive being around Jasper, surely Bella could! Or they could just not hang out at the house much, or hang in Edward's bedroom with the door locked. It's not like Jasper is running thru the house with a meat cleaver, yelling her name! lol...oi! the drama!  I'm glad Ed's life sucks now. ha! 

I'm wondering if somehow, Angela will hook up with Alice?  The As would have it! ;)

Author's Response:

Hmmm... you may be onto something there!

Yeah, they all made some pretty stupid mistakes.  Hopefully, it won't be too late to fix them!

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Edward_Bella_Nessie (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 06:13 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings







Author's Response:

LOL!  Who thought I could even write anything happy?

I submitted the chapter today, so hopefully it will be up soon!

Reviewer: JED (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 06:12 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell

Ch18 - Uh Oh - the first tears have formed in my eyes.  Esme rocking him for the last time before he has to man up.  Nice story.... but the spacing is a tad annoying - I'm glad you explained why though

Author's Response:

Sorry about that!  But I hope you can enjoy the story all the same!

Yeah, that is a TOUGH chapter.  He's got a lot of growing and "manning up" to do from here.

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: roroduff (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 05:52 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Omg that was amazing!!

Im literally fighting tears here!!

Well done!! Keep up the fantastic work!!

And PLEASE dont leave us waiting too log Lolz ;);)


Love Róisín =)

Author's Response: I am so glad you liked it! Keep the tissues on hand for the next one! Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: MsLessa (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 05:23 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Well now that's a pretty mental picture.. shirtless Edward cuddling a new baby.  You know that's one of the things they insisted on when I gave birth, skin to skin contact with BOTH parents.  

I know that there is more heartache, angst and sorrow to come but thank you for a candle in all of this gloom.

Author's Response: Yup. Us too. It was sweet watching my man hold his son like that! I am so glad you are enjoying the story and thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: dmb392 (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 05:19 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

omg! i loved it!! the only bad thing about this chapter was it ended WAY too soon!! ;) keep up the good work and i can't wait to read more!!! :)

Author's Response:

I am so glad you enjoyed it!  Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: spidermonkey_09 (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 05:11 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings


baby girl!!!!!!

!!!! i knew it 

i love this story so much

you know i do :D:D:D

i love it xxxxx 

cant wait for next chapter xxx

Author's Response:

I am so glad you liked it!  I'll get the chapter up soon!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Juliamine (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 05:01 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Amazing!  I am thrilled with our little ray of sunshine known as baby Swan-Cullen!  Bella is strong, she can make it, I know she can!  I am so thankful that Edward has a small happy moment.  Through all his self hatred, he deserves this moment.  The moment he sees his daugther is going to be so thrilling to read!

Author's Response:

I cannot wait to post it!  I'll try to submit it today!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: dolphin62598 (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 04:57 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

That was fabulous!!  I don't often cry...I have frequently throughout your story, but the mention of babies always brings tears to my eyes!  I can hardly see what I'm typing right now!  I can't wait to see how Edward reacts to his daughter!  I know Bella will make it out of surgery and I can't wait to see when she wakes up what will happen and how she will react to having her family back and meeting her daughter!!

Author's Response:

Oh, keep the tissues handy if babies make you teary!  The next one is a heart string tugger!

Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: LostCullen5 (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 04:39 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Awwww!  Thanks for throwing a little bit of happy in there.  A baby girl!  How sweet!  Keep up the great work!  :o)

Author's Response:

We all needed a little bit of happy!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Cosmos (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 04:27 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Great chapter - love JPOV we don't get to read that very often in FF. So glad that Bellas little baby girl is OK and that Cahrlie is softening. And hopefully Bella will be too (of course we know she will be - you do like HEA after all) but wow what a rollercoaster of emotions you've taken us on. Look forward to an update.

Author's Response:

I love writing Jasper!  He's so much fun!  Since he doesn't have much of a voice, I kind of made my own!

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: StephanieCullen (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:55 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Awwwww....I like how you mirrored the birth of Nessie in BD.  Nice job!

Author's Response:

I try to bring the story into it whenever I can.  Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: cod46 (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:44 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

My friends from Robssesed blog rec this story. I was reluctant to start it because of the angst, but I am glad I did it.

I read it from chapter 1 to 26 without pause. You set the mood and the characters in such deep way.

The characters are all lovingly. I could not chose one out.

Broken heart syndrome. At their age. How many people would be able to say they have experimented this kind of love in their lives?

A mixed blessing...

I almost quit in chapter 15, but you promised there would not be miscarriage, so I kept going with my tears on the keyboard (in spite of being "just a story", knowing this situation is possible in real life breaks my heart).

Please, don´t let Bella die.  The Little Girl is not going to prevent Edward from his own broken heart syndrome. No matter his youth, his family, his daughter. He would not survive without Bella.

Thank you very much for writing this unique story and sharing,




Author's Response:

Wow.  Thank you so much for this amazing review!  I know how hard this story can be to read, but there will be a happy ending.  It will turn out okay for them all in the end.  We still have a little more of the tough stuff to go, but keep the faith and all will be well!

Again, many thanks for your review!

Reviewer: ktleigh (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:40 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

There's definitely a ray of hope! I can't wait to read about Edward's first glimpse of their daughter! Also, I love Jasper's point-of-view...he's great.

Author's Response:

Jasper is so much fun to write.  And yay for Edward meeting their daughter!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Please_BiteMe (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:23 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Alright.. I have no clue what happened but I didn't get an email alert that you posted and I just read this chapter... I went into to it trying, with everything I have, not to cry and I failed HARD.... but they're happy tears... or happy sobbing is more like it.... I never get an inbetweener with this story.... not yet anyway... I loved this chapter and how it started with Jasper... Mr. A positive himself! And the baby girl is healthy! Thanks for the bright light.  

Author's Response:

I am so glad you enjoyed the chapter!  Finally, a break for them (and for you)!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: twilighter767 (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:15 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Wow great chapter as usual!!

Cant wait till Edward mets his daughter!

Update soon!

Author's Response:

You won't have to wait long!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Purple83 (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:12 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

you little terrorist :P after all this time it was about time to see SOMETHING happy happening! at least the baby is fine now :)

Author's Response:

I must be ill!  I gave you happy!  LOL!

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Sunfeathers (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:10 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Oh my goodness! A baby girl! I hope we get EPOV next!! :)

Author's Response:

That you will!  I won't even hide it!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: tears (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:10 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough

ten minutes later and the tears still stream from my eye's...moving, raw....I'm hooked.  I don't think I could but my computer down if I tried.  BRAVO

Author's Response:

Wow.  Thank you!  I'm so glad you are enjoying it!

Reviewer: Lalaranya (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 02:07 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

little buby masen!!!! awww!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

She's finally here!  YAY!

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: cullenbabygirl (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 01:52 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Yeah for the baby!

Author's Response:

She's finally here!

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: xtothey (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2009 01:51 AM · On: Chapter 29 - Openings and Closings

Newsflash to anyone goofy like me, DON'T GO TO THE THREAD UNTIL YOU HAVE CHECKED TO SEE IF THERE WAS AN UPDATE. I was SPOILED because I did this :( boo hoo.

Anyway, superb chapter!!!!!!!  Finally, a bright light in all of this darkness.

FYI, I think Jasper's POV is my favorite :)

Author's Response:

LOL!  Oops!

I am so glad you enjoyed the chapter!  Finally, some break for you guys!

I appreciate your review!

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