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Reviewer: runner28 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 09:21 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
these poor kids.
Author's Response: It truly is tragic. They've no idea. Thank you for reviewing.
Reviewer: angiepie02 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:54 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Update soon. I love this
Author's Response: I'm submitting tonight so it should be up soon! Thank you!
Reviewer: Siamecho (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:43 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
awesome! Thank goodness Angela ran into her. Hope Angela tracks down Alice, Esme or Rosalie. I really don't think Mr. Drama King would be good for the initial re-contact :P
Author's Response: And you will be surprised at who makes contact with whom :::evil wink:::
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: BrightEyes (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:38 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Ellie, Great job! Just dropping by to leave ya some love girl. Loved the the story.
Chcolate covered Edward! Bots huh? Sounds yummy.
Hugs and much love,
Author's Response: Yes, the Edward!Bot is currently looking for ways to inspire me. Hmm...
Thank you for the review, sweet!
Reviewer: vivaciousv1114 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:32 AM · On: Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End
As much as I tell myself I'm not going to continue to read things this angsty I still do. I have to say that even though your story makes me cry I still can't stop reading it. I love your characters and can't wait to see what happens. I'm just hoping for a happy ending. :D
Author's Response: This story is told from the emotional perspective and from very different voices. And I know it is a total angst fest. Have faith. I like Happily Ever Afters. Thank you for reviewing.
Reviewer: Steelerfan (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:32 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Cant wait until he finds out
Author's Response: It will be a while and it is a TOUGH chapter to read, but hopefully worth it. Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: Lyanna Whitlock Cullen (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:21 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
OK so i hope that alice can find everything out and the angela will help i dont know what i want to read but i know tat what ever will be great just please hurry.
Author's Response: Lol! You will get answers. The next chapter should be up soon. Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: Vec (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:19 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Hurry up write the next chapter! Good story, can't wait to see if Edward finds out or Alice!
Author's Response: Well, they find out at different times and in different ways, but that's all I'm sayin'! Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: tinmanfan12 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:16 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Oh! I love this story write more pleaaase!
Author's Response: There are 22 already written. I will submit the next tonight! Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: sassyf (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:10 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Edward has to find out! Please!! I cannot believe she is living like this.
Author's Response: Oh, he will, but not for quite some time, alas. Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: iyaaan (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 08:02 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
i'm fighting tears right now and and i'm losing. i love it.
Author's Response: I cried writing a lot of this. I hate to make you teary, but that also tells me I'm doing this correctly. Thank you for reviewing.
Reviewer: venomousgal (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:59 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
I love it Ellie! You are a genius! Angela's point of view is shocking and realistic. I can't wait to see the Cullen's reaction when they do eventually find out. I'm looking forward to that almost as much as I am looking forward to Carlilse!Bot's ability to magically change his girth to suit...LMAO!
Mmmm. Chocolate covered Edward!Bot.......*giggles maniacally*
Great Job!
Author's Response: Aw, hell, Tammy! Now I am going to be thinking about programming for Carlisle!Bot!Mood!Junk! It'll change with his state of arousal! And Edward!Bot is currently licking the chocolate off himself while entertaining me under the desk at work. Yum!
Thank you for the review, girl! You rock hard!
Reviewer: Melsie (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:44 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
I adore Angela, such a sweetie!!
I have to say though that in spite of her condition, I hope that when the inevitable reunion takes place Bella/Marie doesn't make it easy on them (Cullen’s) especially Edward. I mean they all just left her and in spite the fact they went begrudgingly they still left without a goodbye. I hope that your Bella is stronger and stands up for herself and gives it to them - unlike in the books. I am a strong girl so it really irked me when she just accepted them back in her life so easily and not once did she go off on them! I woulda screamed my head off lol
But I have a feeling your Bella/Marie will be stronger, she has to be for their baby!
Author's Response: Oh, this Bella is strong. She will say her peace. I cannot say enough, though, every last character in this story pays the price for their choices. I know, for some, the Cullens cannot pay enough, and some will say the price is too steep. I only hope I do the story justice. Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: Nicole March (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:32 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Oh my gosh! I'm crying my eyes out! This is just so damn sad! ...But it's good, you know? Really, really good! I love what you're doing with this story, as emotionally torturous as it is. You've stayed true to the characters and much of the plot - this is exactly how I think the story would have gone if Edward were human. You're doing an excellent job, and I hope you update soon because now I'm desperately addicted to this thing that makes me cry! I can't wait for the eventual reunion and how absolutely devastated Edward will be to discover what he left behind. It'd be nice, too, I think, for Edward to find out that Bella is missing before Alice finds her just so he can suffer a little more, not knowing even if she's alive (yeah, I'm vindictive about his abandonment!)
Please update soon!
Author's Response: Oh, hun, if you only knew... There is suffering for many chapters to come. Particular warnings on 17, 18 and 21 so far. But there will be healing as well.
Thank you for your thoughtful review!
Reviewer: kenziemorton (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:21 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
awe i feel bad for bella! thank god for angela...i love how you write. you know how to get people hooked real fast. usually it takes me a couple of chapters to get into it, but not this story i was hooked from chapter 1.
how often do you update? i didn't know if you had specific days that you put the new chapters up!
Author's Response: No specific days, alas. 22 chapters are written, so as soon as the last is validated, I submit the next. It should be up soon though. Thank you so much for reviewing!
Reviewer: Jaenelle Masen (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:12 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
omg...this is just so sad...i really hope that Angela finds a way to contact Alice and they figure out to help Bella out of this mess...i really liked that she used Marie as a pseudo-name...her full name (Isabella Marie Swan) really is beautiful...literally...
Author's Response: They will connect, I promise, but miles to go before we get there.
Bella chose her name very carefully so that she could keep part of herself and part of Edward, both for herself and her child.
Thanks for reviewing.
Reviewer: twilightsagafan (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:11 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
I love bella's home it sounds so comefortable, I mean who doesn't like living in a closet. Just kidding but I need some cullens in bellas life soon. i know you just updated but I'm obsessed and can't get enough. please fuel my addiction and update soon please.
Author's Response: Bella is basically living in a converted hotel room. And I mean Econo Lodge, not Ritz Carlton. But she has done the best she can with what she thinks she has. I will put the next chapter in queue tonight for you. Thank you so much for reviewing!
Reviewer: InLustWithEC (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:06 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Well I am so glad that Angela found Bella. I hope she can be there for her and help her get through this. I also hope she somehow, finds Edward too.
Kudos for her for comparing Bella's love for the baby to Charlies love for her. I hope Bella gets in touch with Charlie.
Another well written chapter, can't wait for more.
Author's Response: Angela is soo good at realizing Bella's soft spots and using them to convince Bella to do the right thing. Sometimes, it seems manipulative but Angela does everything for Bella's sake from here on in. Thanks for reviewing.
Reviewer: twilightsagafan (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:05 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Ahh sad and depressed bella/ marie only cares about her baby. I'm glad she has someone who knows who she really is even if she can't have alice or Edward. I really want alice to find her she really is going to flip then she is going to kick Edwards ass for leaving. haha. can't wait and thanks for the update.
Author's Response: Oh, the proverbial poop guys the proverbial fan as each of the Cullens funds out. No, they don't all get this information at once. Next update will be soon!
Reviewer: KBfan (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 07:05 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
I have not see many stories that are told through Angela's point of view... but I loved it... its nice to have someone with an outside perspective describe the relationship/love that Edward and Bella had/have for eachother.... Please update soon I want to be see how Alice plans to find Bella and how Angela plans to help Bella (AKA Marie Mason) and get her back with Edward and the Cullens... Great Job!!!
Author's Response: Thank you! Angela will be telling much of this story, often as a mouth piece for Bella. I appreciate you reading!
Reviewer: cindy75 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 06:57 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
awwwwwwwww...keep going please.......soon???
Author's Response: I have 22 chapters written and almost half beta'd, so the next one should be up soon!
Reviewer: Telly21182 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 06:52 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
Wow, such a sad take on the New Moon debacle. Can't wait to read more and see how the Cullens react when they eventually find out what happened. Especially Edward - he'll really go all Emo knowing that when he "hurt" Bella at the birthday party she was preggars.
Author's Response: Trust me, all of the Cullens pay, especially Edward. I've already written the chapters in which Edward finds out the truth and a tissue warning is in effect. Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: christine30974 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 06:49 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
I didn't expect it would be flowers and candy the way she has been living. I am so glad that Angela is there with her though... Please oh please update soon.
Author's Response: Oh, Bella is basically living in the worst environment imagineable, both physically and emotionally. But she believes in her child and her friend. Submitting the next chapter tonight.
Reviewer: Venus (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 06:48 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
I love Angela she's so sweet, I can't wait for the news to break and hear how Bella's been faring so far. Please update again soon!
Author's Response: Angela is one cool chick in this story, and a darn good friend. I will submit chapter five today. Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: tiffanyanne3 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2009 06:47 AM · On: Chapter 4 - Closet Living
I'm so happy Bella now has someone that cares about her in her life. I couldn't imagine going through that with absolutely no one. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Yeah, Bella truly needed someone to trust, even a little. Angela is so important to the story from here on in. Thanks for reviewing!
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