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Reviewer: Edward_Bella_Nessie (Signed) · Date: May 08, 2009 11:49 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
PLZ UPDATE SOON! i reall wanna see wat happens!
Author's Response: The next chapter has already been submitted, so it will be up soon!
Thank you for always reviewing!
Reviewer: Sunfeathers (Signed) · Date: May 08, 2009 10:39 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
I loved hearing from the dads, very sad and endearing. What an awful situation for everyone.
Can't wait for your next chapter!
Author's Response: It is already in queue, so it should be up soon!
Thank you so much for always reviewing!
Reviewer: Burrberry Bugsy (Signed) · Date: May 08, 2009 09:15 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
I just found this today, and HOLY SHIT you have a way with words. Every chapter had me tearing up and these past two with the e-mail from Bella had me bawling my eyes out. I was so sad that there were only 7 chapters out, so please get the next one up whenever you possibly can! This is definitely going into my favorites. Keep up the good work, regardless of how utterly heartbreaking it is! :)
Author's Response: Wow, what a wonderful compliment! I have over 25 chapters written, so more should be out shortly. I'm sad I made you cry, but based on the story content, I guess that means I'm doing something right!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: thailighter (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 08:26 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Great, great chapter.
Once again very unique POV's. I really enjoyed reading both of them! Poor Charlie but i'm glad that he has carlisle's help now. Wonderfully written and i give many thanks to your Beta aswell!!! Emmet next... Or maybe Jasper????
Keep up the fantastic brilliant work.
Author's Response: I will definitely thank my beta. I am glad you liked the POV's! We have heard from the next one before. Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: dancing_in_my_underwear (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 05:42 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
YAY Carlisle!!! Lovely chapter my dear.
Author's Response: Glad you liked him! Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: jbluvs2sing (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 03:58 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Awesome. You did a great job getting into their heads.
Author's Response: Thank you! I am glad to hear it! Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: Thank you! I am glad to hear it! Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: Beth818 (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 02:27 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
I absolutely love it... But it's so sad... Update soon, pretty pretty please?
Author's Response: Next chapter is already in queue! Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: KBfan (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 02:21 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Yay!! I guessed right Charlie's point of view came up... Alice of Edwards point of view next, maybe... I'm not sure =)
Author's Response: It's hard to say at this point, but I can tell you it should be up soon.
I hope you enjoyed it!
Reviewer: Jaenelle Masen (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 01:48 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
i think it would be time for our resident Mother to give her opinion on the matter...and everyone absolutely knows that I am not talking about Renee....
I would like to hear Esme and also Emmett's point of view of the events happening in place. Esme's reaction to Carlisle's news and request on how they should approach of Bella's disappearance with their children...Emmett's reaction to Angela's lifeline ...i do hope they all find Bella before she gives birth to her baby...i wonder if she is getting herself proper medical care...having a baby means frequent hospital trips (and i know this for a fact) and with her in hiding, i don't see Bella getting the proper medical attention that she should be getting on her limited funds and resources as an annonymous person...i still like her pseudoname...Marie...pretty...
update soon...i want Emoward to snap out of the little hiding place he has shifted to in his mind and go get Bella already!!
Author's Response: I am a mother too, so I am with ya!
Esme doesn't have her own chapter, but she does get quite a bit of pivotal storyline to come. Maybe she will still get a chapter. There is much left to write. You will definitely get her opinions through other's POV.
You certainly will hear from Emmett and his reactions to Angela. Some of that conversation is on the thread. Emmett will be a big part of this.
I can spoil you on whether or not they find her before, but please go to the thread if you want to know. Some do not.
As far as medical care, she is getting some, but it's bargain basement. All she can afford on what she makes. But she is definitely doing her best.
The name, I thought a lot about. I just felt like that was how Bella would have chosen, so I went that way too. I'm writing this all on emotion and gut reaction, so I hope that makes sense.
Emoward will eventually get his groove back, but what he goes through to get there is horrid. Trust me. I've written it.
Thank you *so* much for reviewing!
Reviewer: absoluteTE (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 01:42 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Wow crazyness!! I love it!
Author's Response: It gets even crazier!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: cheetahfalls (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 01:26 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
oh gosh...
i'm already anticipating the next chapter, it's that wonderful. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Author's Response: The next chapter has already been submitted, so it should be soon!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: mauge (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 12:59 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
I looooooooooove this chapter!!.
Charlie is so very sweet ^^
I do hope Carlisle tells Edward soon, can't wait to see what happens.
Author's Response: The next chapter will be soon, promise!
So glad you liked it!
Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: BellaS (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 12:55 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Wow...nice cliffhanger. Please update soon.
Author's Response: It is, kind of, isn't it? I don't mean it, but each voice cuts itself off naturally so the next can start. But it will be up soon!
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: Beautiful_Distraction (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 12:42 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Loved it girl, I can't wait for Emmett's POV!! Like always, great job!!!
I heart ya!
Author's Response: Hey, Whit!
Thank you so much for reviewing. Means the world!
Poor Charlie. Go Carlisle!
We'll see what comes next...
I appreciate all your support, love!
Reviewer: This Girl loves to Talk (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 12:41 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
YAY!!!! yeah go find bella.. and tell edward so he can have a angsty breakdown... mwah ha ahahha I am so mean :)
Author's Response: LOL! Don't worry. I wrote the chapter when he first *sees* her. Angsty breakdown galore!
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer: BaileyMac (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 11:41 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Let's hope Alice is up next an on the know we don't bet against Alice! This chapter was really can almost feel the pain of the two fathers...
Author's Response: Aw, thank you so much! You'll see who's next shortly!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: Alyxandria (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 11:40 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
I heart Carlisle as well! I'm so glad that he & Charlie are joining forces to find Bella! That, combined with Alice & Angela, gives me great confidence for a bit of happiness in the future...?
Great update!
Author's Response: It will come.... in a long time, but it will come!
Thank you so much for reviewing!
Reviewer: InLustWithEC (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 10:55 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Well, I'm glad that's out the way. Now everyone will know and they can all start looking for Bella.
Can't wait to find out what happens next.
Author's Response: Ah, but it's never that easy, right? But yes, it is starting to come together...
Thank you for always reviewing!
Reviewer: sherilynn (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 10:35 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Poor Charlie. =*( sad for charlie
Author's Response: I know. He so misses his daughter and he so doubts himself and blames himself for her leaving like that. But Charlie will get his due.
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: stupidsuckedinreader (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 10:35 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
I really love the way you are letting this story slowly unravel from multiple POVs
Author's Response: Thank you for understanding. There is a method to my madness! Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: corriander (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 10:26 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Come on!!!! Im Dying here! No Fair it was too short! I do think you did a great job capturing the charactors and made them live on page... or screen or whatever they do on my laptop ;) Hurry Hurry! I want more!
Author's Response: I know they are short chapters due to the way the story is written, but I will try to keep them coming! Thanks so much for reviewing.
Reviewer: Vec (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 10:12 AM · On: Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End
I like the concept of this story, can't wait for the next chapter.
Author's Response: I am glad you are enjoying! I will try to submit tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: Hiraedd (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 09:51 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
O..I could just cry Charlie sounds so sad and lost....
Author's Response: I know! He is not taking this well. Then again, what father would?
Reviewer: Steelerfan (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 09:20 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Okay I want Em to open his facebook... gosh doesn't he check it 5 million times a day like everyone else. hell im a mom and do!
Author's Response: Lol! All is explained. Em is a bit side tracked! Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: daddys_little_cannibal (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2009 09:01 AM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
Why is it that the end of the newest chapter always seems like a Cliffy? Even if it's not? Oh well, please update soon!!!
Author's Response: I think that is just inherent to WIP's. Thank you for staying with me and reviewing!
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