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Reviewer: prettykisses (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 06:10 PM · On: Chapter 7 - Enough
I am so anxious to find out what happens next! Thank you for writing this story. I found it this evening and i am hooked. It was recommended by some one reading Alphabet Weekends.
Author's Response: Wow! Word is spreading and I love it!
Thank you so much for taking a chance and reading it! Even more for reviewing!
Reviewer: VampireInTraining (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:54 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
i love your story and there is no reason for me to complain but i do have a request... you have these huge spaces between your paragraphsand it drives me nuts. i love this story and i will suck it up if you dont change it, but i would really appreiciate it. little things like that in fanfiction drive me crazy. love the story and i cant wait to read more from you!!!
Author's Response: You know, they aren't there in the original version. There is something about how my version of Word copies to the Twilighted system that does that. I am sorry that they are distracting to you, but I am glad you like the story anyway!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: xparawhorextwerdx (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:47 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Woah. Thic actually all I can say. This is AMAZING.
Author's Response: Wow. That's an amazing thing to say:) I'm grateful!
Reviewer: BellaS (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:38 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
I can NOT believe you left it like this! Too bad for me that I enjoy your story so much that I will have to just wait impatiently like everyone else for the next update. Please do it soon. I NEED to find out how Edward is going to react and how their reunion will go.
Author's Response: Oh, the ending of the next chapter is more evil. But Edward does find out!
Thank you so much for reviewing!
Reviewer: Jime (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:25 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Great update ;)
Author's Response: I am glad you enjoyed!
Clip for 17 will go up in the forums today!
Reviewer: RoseArcadia (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:21 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Also, thanks so much for the A/N. I'm so sorry for your loss, I can only imagine, and I'm happy to hear of your beautiful son! I have two of them, sons are really amazing!!!
Author's Response: I am glad you appreciated the A/N. It was long, but needed to be said.
My son rocks! He's so cute, I have no idea where he came from sometimes! And you're right, sons are amazing!
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: RoseArcadia (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:18 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Oh!!!!! Please, I beg you, update soon!!!! I Love this story...
Author's Response: I will. I promise!
Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: KelseyJane (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:12 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
You're just gonna keep dragging this on, aren't you? But, at least they're on the move and Edward knows it has something to do with Bella. Great chapter!
Author's Response: Yup. It's a *slow* emotional story. But it gets ramped up quite a bit in the next few chapters...
Get ready for code red!
Reviewer: JohannaL (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:07 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Your story is touching me more than I ever thought it would.
I'm a mom of 3 girls, but have gone through 4 miscarriages. And these last 2 chapters have bring those sad memories back with full force.
And Edward, he has this inner knowledge about Bella. Oh, the connection what they have is something I wish people could also find in true life.
Ok, stopping my rambling here... but just wanted to let you know that I love your story.
Author's Response: Let me start by saying I am truly sorry that those memories were revisited upon you from my story. I wholly didn't mean to hurt anyone. Please be consoled with the fact that that is *not* what is going on. I'll fix it.
Edward does have an inherent connection wiith Bella and she with him. It comes into play even more in the future.
So many thanks for your review....
Reviewer: JohannaL (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 05:00 PM · On: Chapter 15 - Emergency Response
This chapter is scary!
Thank god, there is already next chapter, when I was reading this one. Had to take a quick glimpse of it before I was able to write this review.
Angela&Alice, best girls ever!
Author's Response: It'll be okay! I promise!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: UR_PERSONAL_HEROIN (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:59 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Reviewer: Kalle (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:46 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
A small glance at the old Edward coming back...I love it. And Alice, as always is freaking brilliant for someone so small.
Reviewer: Burrberry Bugsy (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:37 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Oh hell, the infamous chapter 17 is up next. I'm freaking out, but I trust you! It still amazes me how much emotion you get out of me with these chapters. When Alice yelled out "Dammit, just trust me and do this!" I felt her pain. Gosh, you're good! Oh, and thank you so much again for the shout out. You make me feel special! Still trying to get more people to read this, too! Hopefully I'll have more new readers coming your way!
And I applaud you for putting up the important note that was on the thread.. Again, that takes a lot of guts but just remember that you've got your mini Heath Ledger as your gift & your fanbase on here that loves the hell out of you.
Congrats on almost hitting 1,100 reviews, Ellie love! You deserve it all and so much more!
Reviewer: TLP (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:35 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
I wanted to say thank you for your author's note.
Obviously (well, I hope it's obviously anyway), I respect every author's perogative in regards to the content of their stories, but I'm SO GLAD that you're not going to kill Bella's baby.
Having been through a pregnancy loss myself, I have a very hard time reading stories where a baby (unborn or born) dies.
I really appreciate your taking the time to let us know that you weren't planning to have her pregnancy end tragically, because I was honestly hesitant to continue reading until I saw your note :)
As for this chapter, I love that Alice took charge, but much more than that, I'm SO GLAD that Edward agreed to go with them knowing that something was the matter with Bella.
Thanks for the update!
Reviewer: StephanieCullen (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:30 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Your story gets better and better with each chapter. You have the whole angst thing nailed down! Please continue to update as often as you can!
Author's Response: LOL! It's definitely an angst fest!
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: icrodriguez (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:24 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
All I can say is that I'm so sorry for what you've gone through. I completely respect your resolve to be delicate in your writing of such a difficult topic for you. And if I may say, you are doing it with breathtaking humility. And it's beautiful. Just beautiful.
Author's Response: You just made me get teary. Seriously. Thank you. What an amazing thing to say to me and I am grateful for both your sentiment and your review!
Reviewer: mscope (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:20 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
I made it through the chapter - no grocery sacks - no pills - no big girl panties - just a glass of koolaid, sugar free cherry/lime. Well it was either that or read with baited breath and I really did not want to have a mouth full of worms.
The Cullen Clan is headin up and fixin to movem out. I feel hopeless for the family in that they cannot get any information about Bella's condition. Sure they know she has been hospitalized but they don't know what they are walking into. Hopefully Carlisle will be able to get some information, at least enough to calm the masses. And please don't let Emmett hurt Edward.
I felt like I was there with Alice throwing things into a suitcase. I thought Edward took the whole thing quite well...Again it's that connection they seem to have.
I for one am enjoying this story immensely. Just, please, don't let my somewhat sick humor bother you it is just my way of dealing with heavy drama.
Author's Response: Are you kidding? I love your reviews!
Yup. The Cullens are on the move now, and Edward is about to be caught up in a big way. Chapters 17 and 18 are all Edward, all the time.
I'm glad that chapter didn't cause too much need for sacks or pills or big girl panties. Keep them handy though. You will need them soon!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: clairesuter (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:17 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
This is the sweetest most heartbreaking story. Thanks for giving us new chapters so fast!
Author's Response: I am glad you are enjoying it! Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: numberedheartbeats17 (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:17 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Yay almost there and I am so glad that she won't have a miscarriage
Author's Response: Yup! Edward holds the stage in 17 and 18.
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: freckles9399 (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:14 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
i am really excited and nervous for the next chapter ,i wont be on for a while so i am totaly bummed that i wont be able to read it as soon as it is updated lol lol hugs
Author's Response: Oh no! I hope you get it soon after!
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: latinabeauty70 (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:12 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Thank god for insomnia. I loved it!! Thank you again!
Author's Response: I am glad that I gave you something to do when you couldn't sleep!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: maravilla (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:08 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
Please update soon
Author's Response: I always do!
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: This Girl loves to Talk (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 04:05 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
I am sure your diagnosis will be plausible :) dr
without putting out too much information ;) I had a 'threatened miscarriage' earlier this year - pain,blood, the works... and luckily for us there was nothing wrong with the baby.. just a week of bleeding... and the rest of the pregnancy has been normal... I have had 3 kids and never had anything like this happen before so I was very scared.. but my DR told me it was more normal/regular than you think to have bleeding during pregnancy.. so I am sure bella will be fine :)
Author's Response: In the end, everyone will be!
I am sorry for what you went through, but I am glad that everything is okay now!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: fallenangel126 (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 03:57 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
great chapter and edwards goinng willingly.. thats a good sign.. cant wait for the next chapter please update again soon:)
Author's Response: Edward will go through a lot of changes in the next few chapters. Just hang on!
The next one should be up soon!
Reviewer: twilightsagafan (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2009 03:55 PM · On: Chapter 16 - Sweet Mary
I'm so excited and Edward took the news of it being bella pretty well, I really hope the baby is ok though. the troops are out and going to save Bella.
Author's Response: Really, the baby is fine.
Edward will have a harder time with the complete story...
Thank you for the review!
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