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Reviewer: Burrberry Bugsy (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:11 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Useless bit of info - I watched that new Disney movie Up yesterday and the woman's name was Ellie :) She was a hardcore girl who loved to have fun and adventures and stuff. Sounds fitting of my favorite author on Twilighted, at least judging from what I read on the threads, hehe ;)
Back to the story. Yeah, okay, that was a definite code red. Needed tissues for this one. Esme rocks hard, though! Mama Bear does NOT joke when it comes to Bella! YAY! I'm so ecstatic at your review count! Most Reviewed, make way for Not Like This! Oh, and by the way, check out my latest post on your thread. Half of your surprise is on there now :) I know it's not much... but I really hope it made you smile at least a little bit because I couldn't think of what else I could offer you as my thanks for writing and posting this story. You deserve it, and so much more.
This chapter completely broke my heart, but I have faith that everything will get better in time. Love you, Ellie! I hope you enjoy the surprise!
Author's Response: LOL on the Ellie! Yup, sounds about right.
I haven't been to the thread yet, but I got an email and if you had ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU, YOU ARE A GODDESS. Jesus! Holy Mother in Heaven! I cannot believe that. Was it you? Really? Was it? Because oh my god, I don't know how I could have deserved that!
And I am still in awe you think we can make most reviewed!
Thanks so much for all of your love and support!
Author's Response: LOL on the Ellie! Yup, sounds about right.
I haven't been to the thread yet, but I got an email and if you had ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU, YOU ARE A GODDESS. Jesus! Holy Mother in Heaven! I cannot believe that. Was it you? Really? Was it? Because oh my god, I don't know how I could have deserved that!
And I am still in awe you think we can make most reviewed!
Thanks so much for all of your love and support!
Reviewer: Nicole March (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:09 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Holy cow...I don't even know how to describe the experience of reading this! ...Now that I've stopped bawling... I mean, I wanted Edward to have mental suffering when he realized what he had done, and I was a little worried that he wouldn't suffer enough...but the way you have written his POV the last 2 chapters conveyed an astounding amount of mental torment, so much so that I almost felt guilty for having wanted Edward to have such a hard time. I like the way you defined his earlier behavior, even his current wallowing, as part of his childhood. Esme's intervention at the end was excellent - the voice of wisdom demanding he leave behind his childishness and show himself a man. ...Awesome job, again. I'm looking forward so much to him reuniting with Bella now, even though I'm a little wary because I imagine there will still be a lot of tears to shed.
Author's Response: There is definitely more angst, harder angst, to come.
Someone said it was much like he walks on the plane a boy and off a man, and that is mostly true. There was a transformation there (hence the venom imagery), and it had to happen.
I knew people would start to realize I wasn't going to let Edward off the hook!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: Laura Cullen (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:07 AM · On: Chapter 13 - Grandfather
Hmmm...there's no way Bella's immediate reaction to seeing Edward again isn't going to be that he's only back out of obligation, etc. Interesting...
Author's Response: Ah, there is still a "wrinkle" yet to be revealed that effects the whole tone of the story.
Again, many thanks for the review!
Reviewer: tatie87 (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:05 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Finally, Edward knows. I loved the Esme was forceful with him, but still let him be her baby for a little longer. I can't wait for everyone to get to Bella.
Author's Response: It was originally supposed to be Alice, but Esme just poured out.
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: Tookie83 (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:04 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
wow-- that is the best chapter so far.. itwas awesome
Author's Response: It was hard to read and hard to write. Alas, harder ones still are coming.
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: Laura Cullen (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:03 AM · On: Chapter 12 - Nightmare of a Love Story
Ah, the reveal was good.
Author's Response: I am glad. It's harder to write when you know it's a pivotal part of the story!
Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: twitina (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:02 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Painful, but necessary. Time to deal. Way to go Esme!!
Waiting for more!!!!
Author's Response: Very necessary. Edward needed to be confronted with it and DEAL.
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: dandyvamp (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:00 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
SUPERB!!!!!!!! I like you. LOTS. No, Maybe I love you. YEP!!!! Thanks again for the quick update!!! YOU ROCK!!!
Author's Response: Aw, shucks. I lurves you too!
Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: Hollywood_678 (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 07:00 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Wow, the chapter's we have all been waiting for did not dissapoint. Looking forward to daddy Edward... awwwww.
Author's Response: I've written the first few Daddy Edward chapters and trust me, Dadward ROCKS.
I'm so glad this didn't disappoint!
Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: AradiaRising (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:58 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Oh God! *sniffle, cry, weep* That's absolutely pitifully heartbreaking!!!! If I was able to sob and type at the same time I would! Wonderful!
Author's Response: It was hard to read and to write, I know! It's not even the worst of them!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: kikabr (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:57 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
That was really sad, but you did in a beautiful way...
well, now he knows and he need to be very strong. not hidding anymore, but facing the thing that need to be done
it would be nice esmePOV.
I can't imagine how angry charlie will be...
Author's Response: Oh, Charlie's chapter is *not* easy, once he knows what is going on. Holy Hell.
Edward is finally starting to man up.
Esme Rocks!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: culleniwish (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:54 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Esme rocks! I'm so glad she stepped up and put him in his place but was still the loving mom too. I love the end when she's rocking him and tells him he can be a child for a moment longer. Next POV Emmett and Esme going to tell Charlie they found Bella????
Author's Response: Esme ROCKS! I love writing her this way!
We're not quite to telling Charlie yet, but it is coming!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: Laura Cullen (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:52 AM · On: Chapter 10 - Social Networking
Thank you for not dragging out chapters and chapters of near misses. I like how this played out!
Author's Response: Although the chapters are short and the action isn't fast paced, I try very hard not to purposely drag it out. I only do if other events need to play out that slow the action for a moment.
I appreciate the review!
Reviewer: Roselover2 (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:49 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
I love Esme here she is fantastic
I am still looking forward to Edward manning up
Author's Response: Esme ROCKS! I love writing her this way!
And the manning up of Edward is *not* an overnight thing. But he's on his way.
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: anna123 (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:49 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Aww, poor Edward... hope he won't beat himself up too badly. Ah, who am I kidding? This is Edward we're talking about! But still, I hope he'll manage to let the guilt go! :)
Author's Response: He'll always have the Edward Guilt Complex, but he will learn to deal with it!
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: kenziemorton (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:49 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
love it! i think it will be angela...can't wait
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the compliment and the review!
Reviewer: Laura Cullen (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:46 AM · On: Chapter 9 - Like This
I love how their dreams were sorta the same.
Author's Response: They have a sort of connection throughout the story. Nothing as cheesey as telepathy, but just a oneness that gets eerie now and then.
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: lostinblighty (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:46 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
When I first started to read this I didn't know how it work out, but oh my god it is so cool and seems to work so well. I hope that they manage to get to Bella soon.
Author's Response: I know! The idea seems kinda cheesey at first! I am glad it's been worth reading!
Thank you for the review!
Reviewer: twilight girly 1901 (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:42 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
OME! that was heartbreaking... but absolutely fantastic writing! i'll be waiting for another chapter lol :]
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the amazing compliment and the review!
Reviewer: Ambra (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:42 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
I really liked the way you had Esme step in. She admitted the mistakes but is helping him move forward. Keep those chapters coming!
Author's Response: Esme ROCKS! I love writing her this way!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: LisaLoo (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:41 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
Esme was perfect. I don't think I could bear this chapter without her calming voice of reason at the end. Bravo.
Edward's torture of himself was painful, but completely realistic for him. I'm looking forward to how you handle his emotional growth in upcoming chapters. Thanks for a fantastic/terrifying update!
Author's Response: He still has a lot of growing to do, but he's well on his way now.
Esme rocks, right?
Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: EllyyCullen (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:41 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
This is deffinatly my favorite story that I've read so far. Very nice writing. I can't wait for the next chapter
Author's Response: Wow. That blows my mind.
Thank you for the compliment and the review!
Reviewer: Charmie (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:40 AM · On: Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End
WOW i'm really impressed!!!! No wonder i like your stories so much - you really get the angst, suspense, romance, drama!
So I take it you were a spuffy fan? :)
Author's Response: Oh hell yes. I was Team Spike all the way, back in the day.
Apparently, a story I wrote actually made it to Joss's eyes once:) They're all still out there on
Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: HSE (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:40 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
i love esme...she really is the voice of reason
and i also loved the last line cos it is jus tht he has to gow up and look afta bella and the child and do things tht some grown men cant evn docant wait for the next chapterrrrrrrrr
Author's Response: Esme ROCKS! I love writing her this way!
Thank you for reviewing!
Reviewer: OCD - ObsessiveCullenDisorder (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2009 06:40 AM · On: Chapter 18 - Bid Farewell
*sniffs* That was heart breaking *sniffs*
This is wonderfully written and you deserve some form of award for the way you manage to capture each thought and emotion....
Truly amazing..... please update soon..... I know its gotta get worse before it gets better... but I'm prepared with the box of Kleenex...
Cannot wait to read more....
Simply out of this world
Author's Response: Wow, apparently, just as I was answering reviews, I got an email that I was, indeed, nominated for an award. I'm still in complete and utter shock.
Thank you *so* much for your amazing reviews!
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