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Reviews For Frightened
Reviewer: captaincurly (Signed) · Date: December 11, 2014 03:36 PM · On: Chapter 1

So sweet! I loved it!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: October 22, 2014 04:26 AM · On: Chapter 1

  Warm fuzzies indeed.  That was an excellent father-daughter moment (no offense to Charlie).

  “As much as I loathe seeing you distraught, particularly if my own actions have contributed in any way, it heartens me to know that you feel comfortable doing so.”        “You want me to yell at you?”(...)       “Consciously or not, you have thus far displayed a certain reticence around me that is absent in your relationships with the rest of the family. I have my own theories, of course, but they are put to rest somewhat with your admission. It gratifies me immensely that you feel comfortable enough to challenge me, as well you should.”       I don't think I ever considered that she could treat him differently, or that it could be less than ideal to Carlisle.  That is an interesting angle you got, Claire.

  'Bella’s steady breathing hitched a little at his words; Carlisle’s easy confirmation of her place in this unique family - of what she meant to this man specifically – healed a scabbing wound that had festered since their abrupt departure some months ago.'       Yeah, I always thought Edward wasn't the only cause of her pain, the only one she missed.  Way far from it!

 '“I’m all partied out I think. In fact, no more parties, Carlisle. Make it a rule or something. They’re bad luck in this house.”       “I certainly have no objections; but you can be the one to inform Alice…”       Bella’s own laughter followed, one hand leaving its cocoon to poke him playfully in the chest. “You’re just chicken” she accused, feeling both exhilarated and pleased with her deliberate teasing.'       LOL!!  I loved this part, and all the bonding and teasing that followed.        ^_^

  She went to Carlisle with one intention, and ended up with a much better something else.  That was lovely, Claire.       :)

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