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Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: September 22, 2014 12:31 AM · On: Lions & Bears

  Hey, Alexa!  Just revisiting an old story dear to me.  You know I liked your work with this.  I still didn't lose the hope you will continue Keira and Edward's story, as planned.

  Until I hear from you again.        ;)

Reviewer: Sparkly1 (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2013 12:00 PM · On: Admittance

Hello there. I am enjoying your story, but I've been wondering for some time now. I don't understand Carlisle's disappointment with Edward having made a human friend.  Earlier in the book wasn't he encouraging interacting with the kids at school?  And they enrolled him as a 15 year old sophomore.  Did they not think he would need to be partnered, with a human (gasp!) for school projects?  Rosalie and Emmett have each other, making it easier for them, but Edward's all alone, and being a loner is a sure-fire way of drawing people's attention.

It's like they put Edward in a room full of books for months, expected him to know each of the titles, but also expected him not to crack open any and read them.  Then when he did, they're piling all this disappointment, and in Rosalie's case, vitriol on him.

I don't know... I'm having a hard time with Rosalie, and hearing Carlisle's disappointed thoughts.  Yet I am still reading the story... I am intrigued!


Author's Response:

First, thank you for reading my story.  Not a lot of people have, and I'm grateful for everyone who does.  And I'll admit the story has it's issues.  It was one the of the first Twilight stories I started writing, and I was doing what I could with the canon as it was.  I'm much better at AU or All Human, which most of my others are.

That's not to say that I don't love this story.  It's like one of my babies that grew exactly the way I wanted, and it ended the way I wanted.  I only hope I complete the series I have planned, but it might be a long time.

I hope you finish it and see where the disappointment will eventually turn into pride, like it should when adults are dealing with teenagers.

Again, thanks for reading and reviewing.


Reviewer: Mcwidowmaker (Signed) · Date: November 09, 2012 06:41 PM · On: A New Home

Awesome story, well written and in context. Enjoyed it a lot. Keep writing :)

One small possible mistake I picked up: I know I want him to (be) my friend. (in the italics)

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading!  I'm really glad you liked it.  And yeah, sometimes, even when you have a beta and edit it yourself before you submit it, stuff gets through.   My main goal is to have it not detract from the story as a whole.

Thanks for reviewing too!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2012 11:50 AM · On: Very Complicated

  '"Don't be silly," she said. "There's plenty for both of you. Now, I won't take no for an answer. Go bring Emmett inside, and we'll sit down to eat."        She turned and left before I could respond.'        To attend dinner...  Oh, well, all part of the game, right?        :-P 

  'Fisher on the other hand was already taking classes and seeing the school's counselor about his transcripts to start applying as soon as he started his senior year in nine months.(...)  The real surprise was that he planned on leaving Washington State as soon as he graduated, and he wanted to travel to the East Coast to live away from his parents.'        Fisher has an independent streak, I see.  If he does that, he will become very scarce in the story.  And, maybe, Abigail too.        :-|

  'I realized now that he'd been thinking the same thing two days earlier when Keira had been hurt, but honestly, the idea of her being a vampire at fifteen had never crossed my mind. The thought of having her with me for all eternity was appealing, of course, but her body had begun to heal before I could even contemplate following through with such a notion.(...)        "No. And it might not even be an option anymore."        At least, he doesn't seem disgusted by the idea.  And what does he mean, not an option?  Is it as in not necessary, or not possible?  Does he think she might be immune?

  Hmm...  We never heard what Keira thought about this option.  Bella, for example, wanted very much to be Edward's equal, and be able to be with him forever.  Of course, she didn't have the option of being with him forever without being like him, like Keira maybe does...

  'I'd known it for the last several weeks since Keira and I had gone on our first date. I'd probably known it when we went to the Fall Dance together. The way I felt about her was even more obvious now than it had been when I'd asked her to go with me.        There was truly only one thing that could cause a permanent change in a vampire.        "I love her."'        Gee, and it took him only 24 chapters to say it out loud.        :-P

  Just to be clear, Edward did go to Ephrain just for advice, right?  They didn't make an arrangement too subtle for me to get, did they?  By the way, I like your Ephrain a lot.  He is very fair, unbiased.        :)

  I personally hope you aren't really considering not posting a sequel to this story.  The best part seems to be ahead.  One of the many things I'm curious about is Bella.  I think you mentioned that, if the story goes far enough, she would eventually show up.  I just wonder what would be her role in this scenario.

  Whatever the case, Dark Angel was lovely, Alexa.  Thanks.        ;)

Author's Response:

You blow me away every time I get a review from you!  And this is no different.   I really don't know what to say except that I plan very much on writing more, and I feel so good knowing you'll be here to read it when I get around to posting it.

You're amazing, and I love you!

Thanks for reading and reviewing.


Oh, and don't worry.  Keira won't be turned into a vampire.  I plan on doing something much cooler and unexpected.

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2012 04:24 AM · On: Very Complicated

Well, I have enjoyed your story and it IS quite open ended.


I'm curious about what happened with that nomad and his companion.


And so what's Edward going to do about Keira?


If you write more about this one, I'll read it!

Author's Response:

Well, the nomad and his mate will make another appearance, but I can't say when.  I'm going through notes right now, so we'll see where we are when I start writing on it again.  There will definitely be more, so it makes me feel great that you'll be here to read it.

Thanks so much for sticking with me.  You have no idea how much i appreciate it.

Hugs all around for you!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: July 17, 2012 01:49 PM · On: Educated Guess

    'Abigail(...)  She couldn’t know about this . . . ability I apparently possessed now, but I hoped with time I would be able to not only tell her, but show her the way I’d shown Ephraim.'        She will tell Abigail?  Quite a talk this will be.        :)

     “I could wait, and I probably should.  But if I wait, I’ll forget so much.  I’ll forget what it feels like to want this.  Today will become tomorrow, and then a week will have gone by.  Before you know it, too much time will have passed for this to be as urgent as it should be.  I need to know what’s happening to me.  And right now, it’s more important than adjusting or coming to terms with it.”        Heh, she have an interesting way of thinking.  And so determined.        :)

    'Curiously, I gazed up at him — really looking at him as he stepped back to sit in the chair across from me.  An image of him the first time I’d seen him flickered through my mind, and I was intrigued.  He looked so different now — happier and lighter, even after the last two days.  Was I really the cause of this change?  Was this how I looked to him?  Was I different because he was in my life now?'        ^_^

    '“Our grandmother talked about her family all the time.  She had a way of talking about them like they were — some of them were still alive.  She talked about her mother, Rachel, like I would meet her any day, but I never did.  There were others.  I always thought she meant they were alive in her memories, but now . . .”(...)  If Carlisle could find out more after he went back to the hospital, what would he find?  Would I eventually die the way I was meant to?  Or did this mean I couldn’t die?  Was it supposed to be this way?'        Hmm, extremely promising!  Ah, if this proves true, they will be such an interesting couple...

    “Carlisle’s father wrote of an Angeline who came to his church when she was 18,” he said to me.  “He wrote that she had a gift and wanted God to take it back.”        Angeline.  I knew she would be related to Keira when Carlisle showed Edward his father's records.  Well, suspected, at least.  Ugh!  My skin crawls when I think what Carlisle's father must have done to her...        :-{

    “I’ve always been able to remember what she told me.  Along with anything else I thought was important.”        Edward laughed, squeezing me gently.  “So that’s why it took you so long to learn French?”        Heheheh!        X-)

    'It wasn’t easy to differentiate the times she’d tried to teach me about our family and the ways she would treat me like I was somehow more important than Fisher or Kyle.  They were her grandchildren as much as I was.  For all I knew, they possessed this ability just as I did but hadn’t done anything so drastic to make it work for them the way it now worked for me.'        And, nonetheless, her focus was on her.  A girl-only thing?

    They made more progress than I thought they would, this chapter.  The amount of things her grandma was withholding...  Those journals will be an interesting reading, for sure.  About next part...  They will have to face Piper and Connor, I imagine, whatever their plans are.  And, possibly, we will see how they fare through the next years, decades...  And I don't wanna think about the end.  Surprise us.        :-)

Author's Response:

Well, in accordance to your request for a surprise, I won't divulge anything just yet.  Many things are planned and will take place over an extended period of time.  But to answer a couple of questions, yes, she will tell Abigail.  What kind of girl would she be if she kept something like this from her best friend?  And as far as the girl-only thing, that will be explain and shown in the next part.

I'm really glad you're enjoying reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.  And I'm also very glad that you'll be sticking around.


Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: July 15, 2012 10:54 PM · On: Educated Guess

As I suspected, Keira's healing ability comes from her beloved grandmother who passed! I had wondered if she was somehow related to the Quileutes.


To remember all those ancestors would be quite a feat. I've got some family history  stuff of my own written down and I can't remember it. Well, that's why I write it down!


Perhaps Keira shouldget those journals and let Edward and the rest of them speed read through.


Looking forward to your next update!

Author's Response:

Yeah, we're not doing the whole random thing like they did in Heroes.  And Keira's ability isn't just for healing her body.  It works on her brain too.

Thanks for reviewing!  I'm really glad you're enjoying it.


Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: June 17, 2012 05:30 AM · On: Discovering

    'I looked over my shoulder at Edward and Rosalie, seeing similar expressions of concern over their faces — Edward’s much more intense than Rosalie’s though hers was extremely noticeable.'        It's good to see her warming towards Keira.  Very nice.

    '“Would you like anything else?” Esme asked softly.        I thought maybe I could read until I got sleepy again, and Edward rose without saying anything.  He returned with a handful of books, doing nothing to mask his actions as he stepped closer to the bed.'        Hmm, this was a slip.  The boys may notice she didn't answer out loud.  Well, Fisher may.        :-]

    '“While her body is still, it won’t exert as much energy, and therefore it can focus on the most pressing matter it’s facing — her injury.  The instant she wakes, every molecule in her body working to heal her begins moving to other parts of her system to keep her alert and on her feet.”  He glanced behind him at the open door, and I knew he wanted to close us into the bedroom so he could say what he really wanted to say.'        A sound argument.  I just wonder what is it he really wanted to say.

    'For a few minutes, nothing happened.  I continued to bleed, and I became dizzy the way I should have from losing even the smallest amount of blood.  I leaned into Edward for stability feeling lightheaded and wishing I’d asked to sit down.  Then something amazing happened.  I had to strain to see it, but slowly, the two ends of my new cut began to close.'        Cool!  Very Claire Bennett.        :)

    “That’s enough, Levi.”  Ephraim looked at me as Edward now held me in his arms, and then he looked at Carlisle.  “It’s clear this has surprised them as much as it has surprised us.  And we’ll need to be kept updated on this situation, but for now, I’m satisfied that none of this was the doing of a vampire.  As long as they keep up their part of the treaty, so will we.”        Levi reminds me more of Paul than Sam, but Ephraim seems to be a very reasonable fella.

    'Nine months earlier, when our grandmother had passed away, I’d honestly believed that no place I ever went afterward would ever be a good place without her.(...)  I still missed her, but now, I knew everything was going to be all right.  Her place in my heart was still there, but a newer, happier place had been created by Edward’s presence — along with Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and even Rosalie.  They were as much my family as my parents and my brothers.  And I wouldn’t want it any other way.'        Good chapter, Alexa.  Things are progressing in a good way.  Can't wait to see how Keira's gift will affect the rest of the story.

  What about Piper and Connor?  They are absent for so long...  That usually means they are about to crash in and ruin the party.        :-/

Author's Response:

All I can say is that anything Edward does now will all begin to make sense in the next story.  He's relaxed around Keira to the point that certain reactions of his are involuntary.  But Fisher will eventually notice what's going on with Edward, if not more than just notice, and that's way more than I should say.

Piper and Connor haven't left the area, per se, but they won't become a real problem until the next story, and again, that's too much for me to even mention.  But you're one of my favorite readers, so I feel comfortable telling you.

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing.  I always look forward to your comments!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2012 01:19 PM · On: Recovering

  “You know I told you about the local Native Indian tribe?  Well, they’re not an ordinary tribe.  It’s a little complicated, but when we moved into the area, we discovered their secret just as they discovered ours.  And we formed a truce with them of sorts that we would never harm another human being, no matter how unintentional.  And they agreed to leave us alone.”        Hmm, Hoquiam is a little distant from La Push.  Do Ephraim and his pals patrol this far?

  '“I think I knew it all along,” I whispered suddenly.'        Yeah, I remember you saying, back in the beginning, that he got something different about her.  I just wonder what tipped him off...

  'She never shivered from the cold, and she never asked to go back.  I wondered if she would become impervious to the cold now'        That would be a handy ability for a vampire's girlfriend.        ;)

  'He didn’t say anything else, turning away with her and carrying her upstairs where Esme and Rosalie had gone.  My chest ached as the distance between us grew, and I felt so much more incomplete than I ever had in all my years with Carlisle.'        Aah, the kid is completely fallen for her.  Perfect.        ^_^

      “We can’t hide anything from them.  She’s alive, and she’s still human so far as we know.  There’s no reason to lie to them about this.  And none of us did this to her.  It was an accident — nothing more.”        A pity he doesn't really believe that.  But, I have to admit, I'm myself mildly baffled that he could lose his grip on Keira like that.        :-]

  'But she knew now that Keira was different from all the other humans we’d ever encountered.  It wasn’t only this ability she possessed.  Rosalie understood that Keira saw us as people — normal.'        All the more reason to want Keira around; but, from what I saw this chapter, Rose is begining to realize that.        :)

    So, now Kyle and Fisher were brought to the middle of this, huh?  Hmm, I wonder how long will it take for them to realize their sister isn't the only one different here.  Their involvement makes it seem inevitable.        :-|

  Aww, thanks for the compliment, ma'am.  You make me smile, too, every time a new chapter is released, so we're even.        ;)

Author's Response:

If you look at the timeline, when the Cullens moved to Hoquiam in 1936, they were found by the Quileutes and made the treaty.  And the Cullens have to travel a long way away from their home to hunt.  La Push isn't that far from the Olympic National park.  There are some aspects of canon that I want to keep, but everything else is up for grabs.

You'll find that Edward will be much more flawed in my story of him and Keira, and this is the way I think he should've been all along.  And if SM had been a little more forthcoming in the beginning of Rosalie's behavior instead of making her standoffish and insensitive, people wouldn't percieve her so harshly - like a few other characters in the story.

We'll see in time just how much Kyle and Fisher will know, but only in time.

And you are worthy of every compliment I can think of.  It makes me smile every time I get a review from you.

Reviewer: PurpleJelly (Signed) · Date: May 29, 2012 06:54 AM · On: Popular

hi, ive just started reading your story. its a pretty good idea, with good writing and detail. the one and only problem i have with it though, is the character name 'Keira', which you mention is irish. whilst the name is irish, its actually spelt 'Ciara', as theres no 'k' in the irish language. sorry for being so critical, but i really felt i needed to point it out, and i really am enjoying your story so far :)

Author's Response:

It's okay to be critical.  And I know the history of the name, but it's a family name, so that's why it's spelled the way it is.

Thanks for reading!  I really appreciate it.

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: May 28, 2012 12:42 PM · On: Recovering

Well, there's no awesoME without ME! LOL


This just leads to more questions. Kyle and Fisher don't know what's going on with Keira? Or none of them have ever been so badly hurt and haven't seen this miraculous healing in action.


I'm certainly eager to see what Grandma has to do with all this.  I think if Grandma had this healing ability, she wouldn't have died. Not yet anyway.


Wolves! Can't wait to see what any possible shapeshifters in the area might think of all this.

Author's Response:

Anyone who reviews my stories are awesome, and trust me, you're in a small group, so thank you again.

And this ability that Keira has isn't well-known among her family because it works in a funky kinda way.  There's more of that coming later on.

The wolves will become a prominent figure, but in a different way from canon.  We will not be having any Vampire/Human/Wolf love triangles in my story.

Stay tuned for more!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: May 17, 2012 01:08 PM · On: Responsible

    '“I can’t be for certain, but for a small second, it felt as though her wound was shrinking.”(...)        Almost as soon as I applied pressure to her wound, the most amazing thing happened as she burst back to life beneath my hand with the loudest, most beautiful gasp I’d ever heard in my entire life.'        What the heck...?!?

  'Rosalie jumped to her feet within a split second, and Esme followed her.'        HAHAHAHAH!!  Two powerful vampires taking a fright.  Priceless!!        X-D 

  “There’s been some documentation among circles of the medical community that claimed they’d seen random people develop the ability for their body to heal like this.  The human body can heal itself already, but these random people were able to heal their bodies at an alarming rate, sometimes within days, but sometimes within hours and seconds, depending on the severity of their injuries.”        Veeeeery intesting...

  'I bowed my head then, listening to Keira’s heartbeat and her lungs, and Esme stepped into the room with a set of clothes in her arms along with a pitcher of water and a washcloth.  I didn’t need her to say anything to me — not even the notion that any of this wasn’t my fault.  I knew it was all my fault.  I knew Keira had never really been safe around me.'        Uh-oh, there he goes again...        :-/

  '“I don’t want to leave her, but I need more supplies than I have here, and the hospital — ”        “I’ll go.”        Emmett’s voice startled me as he appeared at the door more determined than I’d seen in a long time.(...)        “Tell me what you need,” Emmett pleaded.  “I’ll get it for you if it means you can stay here where she needs you.”(...)        It became obvious to me then that she was just as important a figure in his life as she was in mine.  I couldn’t have asked for a more precious gift than that.'        Ah, the good old Emmet.  If you get into his good graces, you get into his good graces.        :)

  Ah, Alexa, you really blinsided me.  I'm liking this!  Wolverine and Claire, huh?  Hmm...  Logan is reported to be extremely long-lived.  In Heroes, regenerators like Claire are immortal.  If you follow this guideline, there would be no real need to change Keira...  It could really work!!  That assuming both Keira and Edward would want it this way, of course.        ^_^

  Theories?  So many possibilities...  Pure genetics?  Supernatural factor?  Oh, hey, her family could be descendant from a hybrid, like Nessie, and from time to time an enhanced ability like this appears!  Will it happen with someone else in her family?  Or, maybe, already happened?  Wouldn't it be interesting if Grandma was still alive?        ;)


Author's Response:

More is on the way, I promise.  And I've got this whole history of her family, along with the members who've developed this ability, planned out.

I can say much because I'm still working through it, but thank you for reading and being open to the idea!

Next update should be soon, in addition to a few new insights.

And don't worry.  It's all in the works for Keira and Edward.  ;-)

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: May 17, 2012 10:46 AM · On: Responsible

Good to have an update! thank YOU!


Ahhh. There IS the mystery of Keira's grandmother. Something was certainly going on there with her before she died and the family moved. And something is up with her brother Kyle-the-Jerk. Could he be a bit different like Keira and suspect it and resent it?


Then there's happy Fisher. Kyle irritates him, too. Perhaps Fisher is the mere mortal? (Muggle? LOL!)


Well, I was guessing that Keira would be joining the Cullens (for a while), but I expected her to be a vamp. Not a "super"natural human of some sort.


I'm guessing Keira's fast healing is genetic, passed down from/through the deceased grandmother that she misses so much. (But now I don't remember if you ever said it's her maternal or paternal grandmother.)


Perhaps she isn't all human? Vampires and shapeshifters and werewolves? Why not have fairies, leprechauns, goblins, other......


The Quileute werewolves are human, but MORE. Why couldn't Keira be a bit more, also?


Oh! Or could she be a foundling of some sort? Not the real daughter, but adopted somehow?


Eager to see where you take this!



Author's Response:

Okay, I won't answer all your questions, because that will give away what's coming.  The next few chapters will resolve a few things while opening up more questions for the next part of the series -- which I'm already starting to work on.

Keira is new to this just like Edward.  She'll discover just how different she is as the next few days and weeks and even months pass. 

I'm really glad you liked it!  It's always a little unnerving to post that chapter that you know will change the story forever, and it's good that you're on board.  I hope I don't disappoint.


Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: May 13, 2012 02:16 AM · On: Accident

  '“There are so many wonderful things ahead of you, and if you ever need to talk about anything, you can talk to me.  You know that, don’t you?”        My boyfriend is a vampire who was born in 1901, which makes him nearly as old as my father, but he still looks 17 because the man he calls his own father saved him from dying of Spanish Influenza.        Yes.  That would come out perfectly.'        Yeah, right before her parents committed to the sanatorium.        P-)

  'It looked like they were all so at ease with each other, and I realized this was something I’d wanted since before Thanksgiving.  If things between Edward and I were going to be so entwined, it only made sense that our families got along.  Maybe eventually, Rosalie would feel the same way Emmett and Edward did.'        Maybe.  But not even Edward would hold his breath for it.        ;)

  “I don’t mean to frighten you,” he insisted, leaning away to look at me.  “As a vampire, I simply feel things more intensely than I did when I was human.  I never believed something like this would happen to me, but I can’t deny that it has.  I feel something for you I’ve never experienced — even though I know what it feels like because I’ve been around Carlisle and Esme and Rosalie and Emmett so long.”        Awwww...

    'The last thing I saw, before I felt the sharp pain in my back and then my chest, was Edward landing on the ground several feet away.  The pain was immediate and confusing. I could still breathe, and I could still move.  Something wet and warm filled my mouth, and I realized it was my own blood.  I was bleeding inside my own body, and there was nothing I could do about it.  I was hanging there with what felt like a jagged spear puncturing my back and sticking out of my chest, and I was going to die.'        I know you asked us not to, but I can't help it.  WHAT!?!???        <8-O

  Damn, their date was going so well...  Didn't see that coming.  About what is happening next...  Well, if the wound is as grisly as Keira made it sound, I think she will experience a change in diet.        ;)

  I was expecting something like it in the future, just with a lot more of free choice involved.  But this scenario will be very interesting, too.  Can't wait to see how they will deal with the Joneses.

  Presuming, of course, I'm right.

  Don't leave us hanging, Alexa.  Pretty please?        :-}

Author's Response:

Well, I don't want to give too much away, but you might be glad to know that Keira won't be experiencing a change in her diet.  Remember, this is labeled AU.  Yes, the way a human changes into a vampire is the same, but who's to say there aren't other supernatural "things" out there as well.

I always love reading your comments, and I hope you're not disappointed with the next chapter which should be ready in a few days.

Try not to be too worried.  Interesting things are about to happen.

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: May 08, 2012 12:13 AM · On: A New Home

Oh my! Half a prize is better than none!


Eager to see your next update and see how Edward handles Keira's "accident".

Reviewer: GCSJ (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2012 01:29 PM · On: A New Home

This is great and I Luver this chapter! Though I have no idea how Edward let her fall, maybe he'll chane her to a vamp? Idk but I love this story keep writing and PLEASE UPDATE FAST!!!! :)

Author's Response:

I'm going as fast as I can.  Thanks for reading!  And reviewing!

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: May 06, 2012 11:16 AM · On: Accident

Oh man! I was expecting a car accident. Something Edward and Emmett really wouldn't have any control over.


How the heck did Edward manage to let her fall out of the tree?!!??


So many possiblities concerning what could happen next...


Edward attacks and drains her.  (nah, then the story would be over, like, now)


Edward attacks and almost drains her, but starts forcing in the venom. Or he takes her nearly lifeless body (while he's holding his breath) and runs to see Carlisle.


Jeez!  Almost too many possibilities. I suppose they could run her to a hospital, but there were no shock/trauma centers then in 1945. No micro or laser surgeries.


Egads! I'm anticipating major spinal injury and head trauma here, but the Cullens could save her!

Author's Response:

You're partially right and partially not.  But you came really close.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!  I really appreciate it.  So I think that means you get half a prize.

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2012 10:12 AM · On: Mistletoe

That was all pretty nice. Homey, cozy.


That chaperone thing. Man, how annoying!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked it.  Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2012 08:24 AM · On: Mistletoe

  “I should never have done this.  For every day you’re near me, you’re in danger.”        “You won’t let anyone hurt me.  I know you won’t.”        “I’m not talking about anyone else.  I’m talking about me!”        “You’re not making sense.”        “I’m dangerous, Keira.  It doesn’t matter what I do or what I say.  I’m a predator, and I shouldn’t have done this.”        Uh-oh!!  Original self-loathing Edward making a guest appearance.  I got scared at this part.  Good thing she soothed his fears later.        :-P

  "We’re going to Edward’s for Christmas.  Is that all right?”        “That sounds terrific, sweetheart.  I’m sure your father and brothers will have no problem with that, especially after we convince them they don’t have a say in the matter.”        Haha!  I like Annabeth.        :)

    'I gasped softly, and he closed the last few centimeters separating us to lay his lips on mine.  Electricity flitted through me, charging the air around us.(...)  Never in my short life had I ever kissed or even been kissed by a boy.  While I’d always thought of what it would feel like, this barely compared to that.'        Woohoo!!  Way to go, kids.  About time already.        ^_^

    'I turned to look up at the sky again, remembering what Edward had said about the stars and feeling a little anxiety over the path I felt being laid in front of me — and him.(...)  It would all work itself out.  I had to believe that.'        Hm-hm.  Does it mean she is already comtemplating certain choices she will have to make, in a not so distant future?        P-)

    'After remembering what happened the last time my mother and I left town, I asked if Edward could come with us.'        Very wise of her.  I wonder what those two creeps are doing lately.

    'It wasn’t because Santa Claus wasn’t real, but because for all my life up to that point, I’d believed in things like magic and faith.(...)  My grandmother had been the one to show me that even if Santa wasn’t real, the spirit he created was very real.  It wasn’t like Merlin in King Arthur’s Court or the Wizard of Oz, but magic was real.  It was the kind you had to believe in to see, not the other way around.'        Hmm, profound.  And, then again, now that she knows Edward and his family...  Even if it is a tiny shade darker kind of magic than Santa's.        ;)

    “Every year around this time, I’m reminded how blessed I am to have people around me whom I love dearly.  And I’m also very grateful for new friends to share this holiday with since it happens so infrequently.  So I want to thank Keira for suggesting we gather here tonight, and I hope this is the beginning of a new tradition for us all.”        Good to see Carlisle is more comfortable with the idea of mingling with the Jones family.  At least, I hope it isn't just for show.

  Between the dates and the Christmas get-together, this chapter was a blast!        ^_^

Author's Response:

I'm really glad you liked it, and don't worry, the Edward we met in Twilight will be long gone by the time he meets Bella in my universe, and that's a promise.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: March 18, 2012 02:20 PM · On: Traditions

  'The last time any member of my family had been in the presence of more than one human, Emmett had nearly killed an entire family and succeeded in killing one innocent girl.  We hadn’t risked that kind of exposure until Keira had come into my life.'        But they have practice going to school and all.  Can't be that hard these days.

  'He scoffed, unimpressed.  “Oh, it better be all you want,” he cautioned.  “Because if I find out otherwise, no one will be able to stop me the way Fish and Mr. Jennings stopped you.”'        Hah!  I would love to see him try.        P-)

  'The very edges of his mind were filled with disdain, overconfidence and excuses for his rude behavior, but beneath all of that, I discovered a horribly terrified eighteen-year-old boy who was still grieving for the grandmother he wished he’d spent more time with before she died.'        Hmm...  Still hard to pity him.  He manages to be so obnoxious...

  'Esme cooked to her heart’s content three days straight, poring over cookbooks and making dishes she thought would be most appropriate.  I graciously agreed to be her taste-tester despite the food not tasting nearly as good as it would to Keira or her family.'        He can taste food?  I remember the pizza he shared with Bella in the cafeteria tasted like cardboard.  Ugh!        :-P

  '“My mother really likes you,” Keira teased poking me in my side gently.        Surprise flickered through my torso as her touch left a mark on me.'        You mean, a real mark?  On his skin?!? 

  'Heat from her face permeated mine as I leaned in closer.  It would be so easy to kiss her now, even though the moment was passing so quickly.(...)        The familiar crunch of gravel beneath Emmett’s car signaled that I’d run out of time, and I lifted my lips to her forehead as I glanced out at the front yard a moment before the hood of Emmett’s car became visible.'        Damn!

  “You know he has . . . suspicions about me and my family.  They grow the longer you’re around me.  Exposing your family to us is one thing — a one-time thing.  But allowing another human to know of us —    It’s not safe.  I can’t —    I couldn’t do that to your family.”        I know Kyle doesn't like Edward.  But I didn't realize he was suspicious of something odd with the Cullens.  Is it very bad?        :-|

  “Okay.   Then I’ll just have to convince you that it will be all right.”        *chuckles*  She have my sympathy.        ;)

  Well, Thanksgiving was a success, all in all.  Let's see how the date goes, and if she convinces him about Christmas.

Author's Response:

Remember that rule about humans not knowing about vampires?  Still a very big deal.  And Kyle will come around.  I promise.  Most of this story is in the same universe, but it is AU, so some things will be different.  And when she touches him, remember, he's a block of ice.  Few things would leave an impression on him, but he's softening up to her.  And it's actually Fisher who has the suspicions about Edward and his family.  I don't think Kyle would care. 

You are one of my absolute favorite reviewer even though I love everyone who reads and reviews my stories.  I love all your comments, and I wish more of my reviewers were like you!  Thanks so much for taking the time!

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Anonymous) · Date: March 03, 2012 10:57 AM · On: Traditions

Did they have Tupperware back in 1945?




Well, that seemed to go all right. Though the point of Thanksgiving is to eat until you're stuffed and then have seconds. I'm wondering how the Cullens managed to pretend to eat with so few people around.


Looking forward to Keira's and Edward's date!

Author's Response:

Technically, "Tupperware" didn't actually come about until 1946, but for this particular instance, I'm sure Esme simply wrapped the plates up in what would have been plastic wrap and then put everything else in boxes.  I'm going to try my best not to use any anachronisms in this story.

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: February 14, 2012 10:18 AM · On: Kind of Like This

      'How had I missed the fact that another gifted vampire had been in my midst?  Was I no good at protecting my family?  Keira?  Her family?'        Always hard with himself.  But, I have to admit, leave Keira unsupervised with Connor and Piper around, gifted or not, wasn't wise.

    'She laughed softly, grasping onto my arm.  “You can stop giving me every compliment you happen to know,” she pleaded.  “You don’t have to pretend, you know.”'        Pretend?  I maybe am being a little slow here, but what is his pretense?  Isn't she really stunning?        :-]

  '“Keira,” Abigail said after another minute, “will you come to the ladies’ room with me?”            Keira smiled at me, rising with Abigail.  “Of course,” she laughed.'        Heh!  Girls and their collective trips to the rest room...        :-P

  'She’d never been to a dance like this before, and I wanted the experience to be one she would remember for the rest of her life — and I was swearing to myself that she would live a long and full life, with or without me.(...)        “I feel like I could be more than your friend.  I feel more than just merely protective of you.  And it’s not that I don’t want to protect you anymore.  I never want to be away from you at all.”'        Yes!!!  Atta my boy!  Your Edward is way less troubled.  Thumbs up for you, Alexa!        ^_^

    'I couldn’t identify what I was writing, but after a few pages of music were in front of me, I found myself playing what I’d written softly.  I didn’t know what to call it, and I had no way of figuring out where it had come from.'        Yeah, me neither.  No idea of who...  Mean, what inspired him.        X-}

    'He softened his expression, lifting his hands to my face.  “Of course I want that, son,” he reassured me.  “And I’m sorry I haven’t been more supportive.  I’ll do better.  I promise.”'        That's better.  I know his worries are fair.  But still, a supportive Carlisle is better.        :)

   Edward tripping with words while asking Walter permission to date with Keira.  There is always a first, isn't there?        P-)

  Thank you, Alexa.  I was waiting for them to reach this point for quite some time.  Well,  in truth, what I'm waiting for is still ahead, but this is the beginning.  Nice!        ^_^

Author's Response:

As far as pretending, no, Edward wasn't pretending she was stunning.  He was pretending to act normal - because of Connor or Piper.  And being with Keira so long have permeated Edward's existence - including his creativeness.  So he'll sit up all night at a piano and naturally start thinking of her.

Thanks for reading!  Your comments are brilliant as always.  The best stuff is yet to come.

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2012 09:44 AM · On: Kind of Like This

How nice! Edward and Keira are going steady! ♥


Jeez! Almost sounded like he was asking for Keira's hand in marriage.


Eager to read what comes next!

Author's Response:

Well, when Edward was a teenager in 1918, it was customary to ask the father's permission before even seeing a girl romantically.  Things will be a little different because it's not 1918, but not too much.

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: GeezerWench (Signed) · Date: January 16, 2012 08:55 AM · On: Stirrings

Heck! My review didn't go through, so I'll try again.

So, Edward can "read" Keira better when he's touching her?


I wonder if Connor will show up at the dance? Will Emmett and Rosalie be somewhere nearby?


Awaiting your next update!


Author's Response:

Not only that, but her memories were tampered with, so he has to concentrate.  Don't want to disappoint or spoil, but Connor's gone for a while.  But don't worry.  There are a few more surprises on the way.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Costa (Signed) · Date: January 15, 2012 12:54 AM · On: Stirrings

   “I do like him.  But he was so distant when we first met.  I don’t want to throw myself at him.  I’m not some . . . loose girl.  Why is it that everyone wants me to open myself up to him like a lamb being led to the slaughter?”        “Maybe it’s because everyone sees something going on between the two of you that even you don’t see.”        So do I.  Think I need new glasses?        ;-P

  'I couldn’t stop thinking about this voice in my mind, and I couldn’t remember ever hearing any voice like it before.'        Hmm, I thought she would only forget the shop incident, but I see even their first meeting, at Cullen's, was erased.

  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to spy on you.  I can’t seem to stop myself anymore.  I have to know you’re all right.”        Just like he was with Bella...        ;)

  'Suddenly, a man’s face flashed through my mind, and Edward’s touch turned hard along with his voice as he spoke conclusively.        “Connor,” he grit through his teeth.'        Yeeessss!!  Busted!

  '“Seven-thirty, little brother,” he reminded Edward, clapping a hand over his shoulder.  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he teased.'        Neither several he would.        X-}

  I'm glad that Edward is aware of what happened.  Nothing worse than a threat you don't know exists.

  Good chapter, Alexa.  Now, to the Dance!        :-]

Author's Response:

My reasoning is that people who are in a situation like this one, especially with Keira being so young, they're usually hesitant to admit when things have changed.  Everything's moving along almost perfectly.  Just stay tuned.  All the characters' behavior will begin to change as the story progresses, and quite a few surprises are still on the horizon.

Thanks for reading!

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