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Reviewer: dgdf (Anonymous) · Date: October 09, 2012 11:49 AM · On: Chapter 1: The Missing and the Dead
Reviewer: Disneyvampire (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2012 04:24 PM · On: Chapter 6 Into The Twilight Zone
This is great stuff! I really like thisstoyr. It is so much fun! I hope you come back soon and finish the story. It has been too long since an update. I would love to see an update VERY SOON! Please? We need to know what happens and tie the story all together.
Great imaginative and fun to read. MORE! MORE! MORE! SOON! SOON! SOON!
Author's Response: Thanks for your review! The story is already complete, just not at this site. My original validation beta left before I could finish the story, so I continued updating at However, since that site has had some issues of late, I'm considering going through the validation process again. I recently moved, so as soon as I get settled in and have a chance to dig through my files, I will look into dropping the next chapter into the validation pool.
However, if you are interested in reading the rest before it gets posted here you can find me at under the same penname as here, grayskiesatdawn, and also at a site called A Different Forest. Here's a link : I'm under thae same pennname there too.
Reviewer: SiriusHotness (Signed) · Date: May 28, 2012 04:52 PM · On: Chapter 6 Into The Twilight Zone
I hope this story will be continuing, because it's excellent! I'm not typically a fan of crossovers, and I was really concerned that this story might ruin one of my favourite shows. But it's awesome, seriously wonderful! it captures Mulder and Scully really well, and particularly the UST that underwrote their relationship in S4/S5.
I'm not typically a reader who provides suggestions for the plot, and even as I do so I'm certainly not demanding it, but I would love to see some Scully/Bella interaction in future chapters, particularly because Scully has so many of the awesome traits that Bella kind of lacks as a character.
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Author's Response: I am thrilled you enjoyed the story so far! It always makes my day to have someone enjoy this story as much as I do. The art behind a good crossover is to have profound respect for both of the source material, make it somewhat believable, and not take itself too seriously. It's a complicated dance but it's so much fun.
Yes, this story has completed, just not at this particular website. See, my validation beta left before I could finish the story and I wasn't reassinged to another one. I didn't feel like being jostled around again so far along in the story to bounce to another validation beta. It is completed at (if you haven't found it already) and at A Different Forest. Here's a link to ADF and my story: I'm under the same penname at both locations.
Thank you for your review!
Reviewer: beth42 (Signed) · Date: June 16, 2011 05:53 AM · On: Chapter 6 Into The Twilight Zone
Really enjoy both of these narratives so it's fun to see you merge them. Thanks for picking it up again. I'll go find you in :-)
Author's Response: Thanks! I really like working with these two character sets. It is a lot of fun to write and very challenging at the same time too.
Reviewer: ded (Signed) · Date: June 14, 2011 09:46 AM · On: Chapter 6 Into The Twilight Zone
I am looking forward to the rest of your story. It is highley entertaining.
Author's Response: Thank you so very much.
Reviewer: Camilla (Signed) · Date: June 13, 2011 08:20 AM · On: Chapter 1: The Missing and the Dead
I see it now. Thanks
Author's Response: You're welcome.
Reviewer: Camilla (Signed) · Date: June 13, 2011 05:33 AM · On: Chapter 6 Into The Twilight Zone
Please, why didn't you add a recap? I only remember the bare bones of the plot.
Author's Response: Sorry! I had intended to put one in, but it slipped my mind. I've gone back and added one since I had some other information to add as well. I hope it helps. If not, PM and I'll try to fill you in.
Reviewer: dnabgeek (Signed) · Date: March 07, 2011 11:56 PM · On: Chapter 5 I Know The Secrets That You Keep...
Love this story!! Want more soon plz????
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm working on it.
Reviewer: beth cullen (Signed) · Date: February 25, 2011 11:30 AM · On: Chapter 5 I Know The Secrets That You Keep...
This is so cool. Im really enjoying.
Author's Response: I am glad you are enjoying my story. Thanks for reviewing too!
Reviewer: beth cullen (Signed) · Date: February 25, 2011 11:20 AM · On: Chapter 4 Deep Into That Darkness Peering
Great backstory with Emily
Author's Response: I wrote it that way so the accident was just that, an acccident. It wasn't Sam losing control in front of Emily, it was Sam losing control over an overheard conversation. Glad you liked it!
Reviewer: beth cullen (Signed) · Date: February 25, 2011 11:09 AM · On: Chapter 3 Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Cult. :-)
Author's Response: :)
Reviewer: beth cullen (Signed) · Date: February 25, 2011 11:01 AM · On: Chapter 2 Nothing Comes From Nothing
This is great!
Author's Response: Thanks!
Reviewer: beth cullen (Signed) · Date: February 25, 2011 10:53 AM · On: Chapter 1: The Missing and the Dead
I miss the XFiles so much. That was such a great show... Love the idea of a crossover. Cannot wait to read what the agents think of the twilight characters!
Author's Response: So do I. Thanks so much for your review.
Reviewer: gman63 (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2011 06:27 AM · On: Chapter 1: The Missing and the Dead
Great to see a new chapter, keep up the good work, please don't keep us waiting so long for the next one. Can't believe only 30 reviews for this deserves far more.
Author's Response: Aww, thanks. If you think reviews are slim around here, check out my account. I have 11 there. I do have loads of people that have me on alert at both places. So maybe once it's complete, I'll get more. I am terrible sorry about not updating sooner. But I will finish this story. I have a feeling that it's almost halfway done. Thanks for your review!
Reviewer: vixenjc (Signed) · Date: December 17, 2010 05:22 AM · On: Chapter 4 Deep Into That Darkness Peering
totally interesting story havent watched much of x files in a long time but i felt as if i was up to date watching the show, love the idea of edward not being able to hear them, but why? not?
Author's Response: Thanks so much for reading. As for the reason Edward isn't able to hear them clearly, all I'll say for now is it isn't the same reason he can't hear Bella. It has to do with events in Mulder and Scully's history. Sometime before I finish this story, I hope to post a listing of episodes that have some relation with my story. I have a thread started here on the forums where I will post this list and I'll probably post a duplicate list on my profile. Thanks again for reading.
Reviewer: jujubakiller (Signed) · Date: December 15, 2010 03:30 AM · On: Chapter 4 Deep Into That Darkness Peering
YEY! I was really happy to see the new chapter. And what an awesome chapter.
It's interesting that they discovered the composition of vampire venon.
My favorite part was the conversation between scully and Carlisle. =)
Author's Response: Aw thanks! I always wanted to know more about vampire venom. SM's explanation left me wanting to know more. Vamp venom needs to do more than just enable vampires to feed. Of course my explanation probably doesn't cover everything it needs to do. Scully might just be a little smitten with the good doctor. Who wouldn't be? Well, yeah, not Mulder. Thanks for reading!
Reviewer: sevanderslice (Signed) · Date: December 14, 2010 09:10 PM · On: Chapter 4 Deep Into That Darkness Peering
It is very intersting that Scully and Mulder are "other" enough to mess with Alice and Edward's abilities. I'm assuming that the many special assignments our FBI agents have been on and all of the strange things they have encountered may have altered them somehow. I suppose I'll just have to wait to see if I'm right.
Author's Response: You are definitely on the right track. Yes, certain events, one event for each, in each agent's life have created an 'interference'. I won't say what exactly; I'm pretty sure you can guess it. I have been thinking that some time before I end this story (whenever that might be), I will post a list of X-Files episodes that are related to this particular story, since you can get individual episodes on Netflix and/or Amazon video on demand. I'll post this list on my fanfiction profile and here on twilighted's forums. I have a thread set up for this story. Thanks for reading!
Reviewer: hellodoll (Signed) · Date: December 14, 2010 06:39 PM · On: Chapter 4 Deep Into That Darkness Peering
kepp going! i love this story!
Author's Response: Thanks for reading!
Reviewer: gr8k8 (Signed) · Date: December 14, 2010 09:15 AM · On: Chapter 4 Deep Into That Darkness Peering
Ooooo! This just gets better and better. I loved "X-Files". I hope your creative juices keep flowing because I hate not getting to read a new chapter; I was going to say "weekly" but I really wish I had happened onto this story when completed 'cause I can tell this is going to be excruciating even if it is weekly.
Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you're enjoying the story that much. Thanks for reading.
Reviewer: gman63 (Signed) · Date: December 14, 2010 06:47 AM · On: Chapter 1: The Missing and the Dead
Great concept and really liking it so far, please update soon, can't wait to see what happens when they figure it out.
Author's Response: Thanks!
Reviewer: JasonCulhane (Signed) · Date: November 19, 2010 10:27 PM · On: Chapter 3 Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Very good chapter, can't wait to see how they figure it out.
Author's Response: Thanks!
Reviewer: virtual_storm (Signed) · Date: November 19, 2010 08:21 PM · On: Chapter 3 Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Excellent start - am very much enjoying this story - Mulder and Scully feel right, and I am looking forward to their interaction with the Cullens.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! Mulder and Scully will meet with the Cullens sometime in the next chapter, which I hope to have out soon.
Reviewer: dnabgeek (Signed) · Date: November 18, 2010 05:58 AM · On: Chapter 3 Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Great stuff! I love this story!
Author's Response: Thanks so much!
Reviewer: usagicullen (Signed) · Date: November 18, 2010 01:31 AM · On: Chapter 1: The Missing and the Dead
Another great chapter. Really looking forward to where this goes. I am huge X-files and Twilight fan and am really excited about you combining these two. Seems like a perfect mix.
Looking forward to Edward and Mulder meeting. Those 2 can be so similar although Mulder is way more relaxed than Edward. I think an Edward POV when speaking with Mulder would be great. I think you can totally play off the similarities and differences between each pairing (even with you not have Scully and Mulder together yet in your story)
Hopefully you will get more reviews here than at Xfiles hasn't been on TV in nearly a decade so I think a lot of the Twilight fans may not really get this story. But I am in it for the long haul.
Keep up the great work :)
Author's Response: I'm really happy you like this story. It seemed, to me, that these two story lines fit together perfectly.
I'm pretty sure that Edward will, at first anyway, think Mulder is crazy. Honestly, if I could read Mulder's mind I'd probably think this too. Yes, Mulder is fairly similar to Edward, only he's not as prone to brooding. Mulder also has some of the boyish enthusiasm that Jacob has. Mulder's relationship with Scully also is similar to Bella and Jacob. But Mulder has a very protective nature toward Scully that mirrors Edward's with Bella. Lots of fun right there. Also the barn-burning sexual tension both story lines have adds a lot.
Oh and this story has loads more reviews here already, than it does at I think stories added/updated get lost to most folks there because of the sheer volume of updates. You would really have to be looking for it there. But on the upside, I catch a few more readers who know more about X-Files than they do about Twilight. I do realize my story does have limited appeal, but I'm totally okay with that. It's a lot easier to appease a small part of the population. My goal here is to make this the most believable crossover out there. I hope I'm doing well in that regard.
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
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