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Reviewer: litlle_miss_vampire (Signed) · Date: May 27, 2009 09:00 PM · On: Chapter 5
are kate and sophie angels? please keep adding to this!
i love it!
Reviewer: original audience (Signed) · Date: May 20, 2009 12:57 PM · On: Chapter 1
I just finished reading all five chapters and if it was a book, I would buy it. I hope that you are still working on the story.
I did suspect that Kate and her daughter might have been ghosts from the first chapter, and I was also able to guess that Mr. Drummond was going to be Ava's love interest as soon as he was introduced though. I also suspected that Kate was his wife as soon as Ava noticed his wedding ring. It's great if this story is substantially complete as-is, but if you are interest in developing a full length novel, you might want to prolong the "ah ha" moment to draw it out a little. The Sixth Sense is one of my favorite movies and although I figured out that he was a ghost before it was revealed in the story (and a lot sooner than my husband did) what made me like the movie so much was that there were all these clues that you didn't really catch until the "big reveal" when you looked back and thought about it.
I hope that you are stil working on or thinking about this story. I really like the concept and it was well written. I hope that my comments above are construed as negative, because that is not my intention. I've don't usually put any "real" feedback into a review, but I thought that since your story is non-twilight fiction you might be posting to look for constructive criticism. I really do like the story though!
Thanks for writing!
Reviewer: katydid2363 (Signed) · Date: February 24, 2009 11:04 PM · On: Chapter 5
Just read all five chapters of this AO! I love it! I so hope that you continue it! Sometimes I like to try and get away from all the Twilight fan fics and read other original stories. This one has me hooked and I just wanted you to know it.
Reviewer: lucky_chica85 (Signed) · Date: November 27, 2008 04:26 AM · On: Chapter 5
This chapter was awesome! It answered so many questions and is one of the coolest concepts ever!!! I really hope you continue this story! Awesome writing!
Reviewer: lucky_chica85 (Signed) · Date: November 27, 2008 04:17 AM · On: Chapter 4
The poem, Grandpa Sevareid... I think I know what's going on... :) This is an awesome story! I am really enjoying it! I hope you keep with it! On to the next chapter!
Reviewer: lucky_chica85 (Signed) · Date: November 27, 2008 04:02 AM · On: Chapter 3
Oooo.... this is getting really intersting!! So I'm wondering with the whole dreaming thing and Kate might not beig real, is this a Scifi story?
Reviewer: lucky_chica85 (Signed) · Date: November 27, 2008 02:29 AM · On: Chapter 1
Oh yeah...I'm very curious to learn why sophie made up that poem... I'm guessing it will be explained... on to the next chapter.
Reviewer: lucky_chica85 (Signed) · Date: November 27, 2008 02:27 AM · On: Chapter 1
I think I'm really going to like this story... I can totally relate to the whole moving to a new place and the loneliness... Great first chapter!
Reviewer: Killerbunys (Signed) · Date: November 09, 2008 04:16 PM · On: Chapter 1
This was great. It left me with lots, and lots of questions. Can't wait to get to the answers!
Author's Response: I hope you got the most recent 'version' of it -- I'm NOT tech-savvy and have had to keep deleting and reposting for much of the evening! Ugh! I've got the 5 chapters I've written posted now - finally! - and, depending on reviews, will either continue to work on it or let it stay on a back shelf in my mind (even though I know the skeletal plot of some future chapters...). I've got another non-Twilight, non-paranormal story that has my attention too, plus Twilight Beta work, REAL work (that helps pay the bills), kids, hubby, dirty house that can't seem to clean itself... Oh, to find the time... Thanks for being my first review, though! *hugs* : )
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.