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Reviewer: kitkatr (Signed) · Date: March 18, 2010 06:10 AM · On: Beginnings
Can't wait for more... very well done!
Reviewer: Venus (Signed) · Date: January 09, 2009 02:41 PM · On: Beginnings
Your description of deep, in-your-soul grief is so accurate that I become wrapped in her emotions. I wanna just cry and lay down for the next ten days after reading that. It's really good. I really want to find out what happened between Edward and Bella. I feel like what we've found out about their history is either a)foreshadowing, like its completely uncharacteristic of Edward to cheat of Bella, but he did anyway OR b) the history is supposed to be eliminating possibilites of what happened, like Edward would never cheat on her as shown previously. I have a feeling its option A, but I can't wait to find out! What kills me is that they seemed so happy together, I can't imagine what devastation could have occurred that would seriously ruin that to the point of pushing her to marry Jacob. Not that he wasn't a good guy, but her and Edward were SO happy its just hard to believe that they would ever break up! I can't wait to find out! Come back with more soon!
Reviewer: Brindalyn (Signed) · Date: October 25, 2008 04:18 AM · On: Beginnings
Nice start!
Reviewer: Goo82 (Signed) · Date: October 24, 2008 05:17 AM · On: Beginnings
WOW.. my review went crazy. Any way I was going to ask if it was bad that I want Jake dead :)
Reviewer: hhawkes (Signed) · Date: October 23, 2008 10:17 AM · On: Beginnings ten years later she is still friends with his family, but not with him...
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