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Edward wants to buy Nessie a nice car for her birthday, but she has other things in mind.

Jacob gets stuck in a car, Bella gets hot and bothered, Nessie keeps a secret from her parents. Fun times abound in this one-shot.

Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Renesmee
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1823
[Report This] Published: November 01, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009

The Hardest Part by LJ Summers Rated: PG-13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 138]
Summary: Feature

Imprinting is a mystery. It brings together two people who might not have even considered one another in any way whatsoever.  My interpretation of this relationship holds that it is, overall, a mating imperative to assure the strong propagation of the "shape shifting" gene. 

When Embry Call imprints on Bella Swan, he finds that the hardest part of being a werewolf might be something he hadn't even considered.

Banner by MegsD


Excerpt from Chapter One:

Wide brown eyes met mine and I gasped. I felt my arms fall out of their protective stance. All the pieces of my life took a few steps back, distancing themselves from the girl who had suddenly become the center of my universe with a jolt that left me breathless.


Categories: New Moon, AU Characters: Embry
Series: Imprinting: The Mating Imperative
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 27178
[Report This] Published: October 10, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009

Landslide by SallyJupiter Rated: R starstarstarstar [Reviews - 6]

An unexpected friendship changes Bella's life in ways she never could have imagined. Winner - Best Friend Jacob Category, Sort of Beautiful Challenge
AH - Mentions of Edward are OOC

Categories: New Moon, AU-Human Characters: Bella, Jacob
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 5281
[Report This] Published: October 31, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009


Edward starts Princeton and finds himself lusting for the TA in his English class. Can Bella quench his thirst for some knowledge? All Human & LEMONS Baby.....

Categories: Twilight, AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 6044
[Report This] Published: November 01, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009

Of Tales Told by starshinedown Rated: PG-13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 5]

The “younger” Cullens go out for a night on the town, and come back with a story to tell.

Written for the Twilight Gift Exchange community on LiveJournal as a gift for kay18jay. This ignores Breaking Dawn: it's a post-Eclipse AU. It's more than a little crackfic-like.

Of Tales Told cover art by GinnyW

Cover art done by GinnyW, I believe, for the Twilight Gift Exchange post on Livejournal.

Categories: Post-Eclipse, Crackfic Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Carmen, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Irina, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3469
[Report This] Published: October 29, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009


Rose moves into a new apartment and gets Emmett as her hot new neighbor. Too bad he's already taken.


My entry for the Back2Skool UNFmett contest over at FFnet. Judges pick for Best New Author



Categories: AU-Human Characters: Emmett, Rosalie
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 7034
[Report This] Published: October 31, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009


Edward is looking for that one person to complete his life. The one to make him whole. His soul mate. Can he find her? She's gotta be out there.

Categories: Twilight, AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2733
[Report This] Published: October 31, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009


Then Direct You Into My Arms

Then Direct You Into My Arms opens during New Moon. Bella is hunted by Victoria, haunted by Edward, protected by the pack. Amidst the chaos of constant danger, the growth of her relationship with Jacob Black and the difficult beginnings of a new friendship, the Cullens will return to Forks to turn Bella's life upside down again... and again. 


Categories: New Moon, AU Characters: Alice, Bella, Edward, Jacob, Leah
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: Yes Word count: 61415
[Report This] Published: May 10, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009

Hunting Trips by MrsJasper2204 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 8]

What really happened during all of Emmett and Edward’s ‘hunting trips’? Angsty man-love one-shot for Slash Backslash contest. NC-17 for graphic lemony slash scenes. Best taken on a hungry but strong stomach and with a hefty dose of humour.


Categories: Twilight Characters: Edward
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 5938
[Report This] Published: October 28, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009


The Volturi hear about Artemis Fowl's prodigious intelligence and decide to turn him into a vampire and make him join the Artemis must not only protect the People from the Volturi's greediness, but there's also the matter of punitive expedition concerning the Cullens. Post TTP and during Breaking Dawn. A/H, canon Twilight couples.

Categories: Breaking Dawn, Crossover Characters: Alec, Aro, Bella, Caius, Carlisle, Demetri, Edward, Felix, Gianna, Heidi, Irina, Jane, Marcus, Nessie, Sulpicia
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 35105
[Report This] Published: September 17, 2009 Updated: November 01, 2009


Edward is bored while he is out at the club with the guys. That is when she walks in.

Categories: Twilight, AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2813
[Report This] Published: October 31, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


Edward and Bella are planning their wedding when they get an unexpected visit from the Volturi. Edward makes the ultimate sacrifice, but something goes terribly wrong. How will Bella, and the rest of the Cullens for that matter, recover?AU,J/B,E/B, slightly OOC

Categories: Breaking Dawn, AU Characters: Bella, Edward, Jacob
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 8407
[Report This] Published: September 28, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


Welcome to the Rileys
Doing nude scenes is not what it's cracked up to be.Both Kristen and Robert have starred in films that also included nude scenes..

This is an entirely fictitious account of what may have happened during filming “Welcome to the Rileys” as well as what , according to several interviews, did actually happen during filming “Little Ashes” and how both Kristen and Rob may have dealt with it.

Categories: Other Characters: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2632
[Report This] Published: October 30, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


Esme reflects on Edward and Bella's relationship as she paints.

Another feel-good one-shot. ExB fluff.

Categories: Post-Eclipse Characters: Esme
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1446
[Report This] Published: October 31, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009

Flight 5107 by rockintheoc Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 297]

A chance encounter on an ill-fated flight brings two unlikely strangers together in a fight for survival against the elements and against themselves.  Faced with the cruelty of fate, will Edward be able to save Bella, or will he give in to his base desire and drink her blood? B/E, AU


Preview Chapter 8:

His eyes were now sinister and dark.  He was leaning down by my shins, holding them close to his head.  It felt good to have his cold breath against my heated skin.  He was kissing my leg and I vaguely put two and two together.  He was why my body was feeling so strange.  The smile that played on my lips when I first saw him quickly disappeared.  The pain.  What was that?  It felt like a vacuum had latched on and was stealing the wind from my lungs, the beats from my heart, the acid from my stomach.  I was being robbed of life.  

His eyes quickly flickered over mine, but he must not have liked what he saw, as he clenched his eyes shut quickly.  His face was abnormally calm for someone who was slowing killing me, but I loved it anyway.

NC-17 for dark themes, language, and adult content in later chapters


Categories: AU Characters: Bella, Edward
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 44038
[Report This] Published: February 25, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


A naughty oneshot Alternate Universe to V&P... were Emmett's not the only one who finds Rosalie pleasuring herself in the forest, and the scenario that follows as the memory of that night haunts all three young, horny teenaged vampires.

Rosalie's Point of View

Em/Ro/Ed but ending w/ Em/Ro, of course

Warning: Read at your own risk. Rated NC-17 for a reason for adult language, themes, and uber-strong sexual content. It’s all lemons with angst and a small touch of fluff. You’ve been warned.

Part of the series "Twilight After Dark." A Smutt Anthology by KariAnn, cfmom, and Achelle131.


Categories: Pre-Twilight, AU, Crackfic Characters: Edward, Emmett, Rosalie
Series: Twilight After Dark: A Naughty Smut Anthology Series
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 10251
[Report This] Published: October 22, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009

Forsaken by thejamster Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 151]

Bella Swan is an FBI agent whose devastating past continues to haunt her. Edward Cullen is the powerful CEO of a defense contracting firm. When his life is threatened Bella is assigned to his case. She must race against the clock to track down his would-be killers before they silence him for good. But, will she forsake her own heart in the process?

Rated NC-17 for graphic violence, language, illegal substances and sexuality. Canon-pairings, ExB!


Many thanks to patsyrobinson for TWO smokin' banners!!! :) She's got mad-skillz.


Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Jasper, Laurent, Mike, Renee, Rosalie, Victoria
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 41692
[Report This] Published: June 02, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009

Stages by bellabeth222 Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 425]

As a college senior, Edward can't wait to graduate.  He's made some great friends but that's all.  That is until he starts paying attention to the girl down the hall, Bella.  Something terrible happened to her and he finds himself watching over her and the downward spiral that is becoming her life.  Can he help her?  Can he save her when she can't even see she needs saving.

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Jasper, Rosalie
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No Word count: 56056
[Report This] Published: February 23, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


His Little Red Head chapters in diffrent POV's, oneshots of Kimmi's flashbacks, and missing moments.

Chapters written only by request.

Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: None
Series: Hey, Move The Damn Spotlight!
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 1711
[Report This] Published: October 30, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


Edward's phone call during New Moon goes a little bit differently, and Bella finds herself wanting more than just friendship from Jacob. Rated R for language. 

Image and video hosting by TinyPicbjc cont


Categories: New Moon, AU Characters: Angela, Bella, Charlie, Embry, Jacob, Jessica, Mike, Quil
Series: The Bella and Jacob Chronicles
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 58186
[Report This] Published: June 16, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


What happens when the life you know is no longer the one you want? You yearn for something more, but you don't want to hurt the people you love in order to make yourself happy.

Edward has loved Bella from the first moment they met. The only problem is that she's happily attached to one of his best friends. But is everything actually as it seems? 

Bella lifts her head to look me in the eye, and I think I see a flash of something there. Sadness? I'm not sure. "Yeah...friends are great," she says in a quiet voice. A strand of hair has fallen over her left eye, and I brush it back for her. Her eyes close momentarily. I watch her swallow hard, and my breath whooshes out all at once. What is this? 

A collab between tiffanyanne3 and myheroin. Rated NC-17 for language and lemons


Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Garrett, Irina, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 4744
[Report This] Published: October 27, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


Bella has a bad day. Edward tries to convince her that what she truly needs is some personal attention and maybe a hug...or two? Cute fluffy one-shot inspired by the song, "Somebody Needs a Hug" by Keith Anderson. Slightly OOC Bella, but all the better for it. Humor and cuteness ensued!

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2075
[Report This] Published: October 30, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


A quiet day in the Cullen house. What does Jasper think when Bella and Edward return from Italy?

A cute, fluffy one-shot. Sure to bring the warm fuzzies!

Categories: New Moon Characters: Jasper
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1181
[Report This] Published: October 30, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


Set in Breaking Dawn during Bella's change. Edward's meets his new daughter for the first time. Fluff. One-shot.

Categories: Breaking Dawn Characters: Edward, Jacob, Nessie, Renesmee
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1478
[Report This] Published: October 30, 2009 Updated: October 31, 2009


When Bella and Edward meet at a party, it's lust at first sight- he thinks she's the funniest girl he's ever met, and she thinks he's a total hottie. It could all be perfect, except he's leaving for a summer in Europe in... oh yeah, about three hours.

Bella is determined to make the most of their time together, but five drunken frat boys, three alarmed chickens, and one very expensive thong conspire to pull them apart. When the feathers have cleared, Bella finds that Edward has disappeared, leaving only a note that reads ‘I'm so glad I met you.' Still feeling the effects of the tequila, she decides that this is one opportunity she isn't going to miss.

Armed with a hastily drawn map of Europe, a pink suitcase with only one wheel, and her insane best friends, Bella leaps on a plane and straight into the unknown. As she hides from drag queens in London, and sips fifty cent cocktails in Estonia, will Bella realise it's more than just romance she's missing in her life? Will her travels inspire her to make some big changes? And most of all, will she ever find freakin' Edward?!

AU/AH Canon pairings. Rating for sex, swearing, and a bit of drinking.


Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 8159
[Report This] Published: October 16, 2009 Updated: October 30, 2009


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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.