rn Carlisle and Esme are the foundation of the Cullen coven. Though this series, view key events from the Twilight saga through their POV. This series was written as a complimentary piece to my story Carlisle and Esme: How the Love Story Began. However, each one-shot was written to stand alone. New entries to be added on an on-going basis.
Categories: Pre-Twilight, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Elizabeth Masen, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Nessie, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Edward never discovered 'Vegetarianism' and wasn't given such a sheltered upbringing by Carlisle. While hunting, an irresistibly sweet smell invades his senses and he heads in for the kill. Alice, having had visions of Edward joining their family for a while, sees his entire future disappear having made the decision to kill Bella. She must race to save them both before Edward makes the decision that will unequivocally change their lives, for the worse. rn While helping Bella recover, Edward finds himself drawn to her, in more way than one. And he is eventually forced to ask himself the hardest question he has ever been faced with. What is more tempting, her blood or her body? rn With such an unorthodox relationship, it's guaranteed to go wrong. And, for Bella, the consequences could be deadly.
Categories: AU Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: From rn Totality: n. Astronomy. total obscuration in an eclipse. rn This is my collection of stories from Eclipse that are written from Edward's point of view. Stephenie Meyer owns all of Edward (and twilighted) and no infringement is intended.
Categories: None Characters: None
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Renesmee Cullen is living happily with her family in Forks, Washington. She has the love of a werewolf and the adoration of her family and friends. So what happens when the Cullens and Jacob have to move to another city? Renesmee is soon stuck between Jacob, the love of her life, Nahuel who wasn't named after the jungle cat for nothing and Leonardo, a seducter from the sidelines who is convinced that Nessie is the one for him. rn rn rn Game on!
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Renesmee
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: What happens when three dirty, horny girls come together in friendship in a fandom such as Twilight? We decide to write an anthology of dirty, horny oneshots/short stories, that's what! rn So sit back, relax, and enjoy some naughty fun written by KariAnn (author of In Pursuit of Normalcy), cfmom (author of Fractured Hearts), and achelle131 (author of Vanity and Patience). rn Anything goes as far as pairings and sometimes triplings - the should be's, the what ifs, and the never agains: Edward and Bella? Edward, Bella, and Jacob? Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward? Jacob and Bella? Paul and Rachel? Nessie and Felix?? We've got it, baby. (Or at least we will very soon!) rn 
rn Gorgeous, sexy banner by our very own achelle131!
Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Post-Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU, AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: Hi my name is Artica Cullen. I am the child of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. As a baby my real parents left me at the hospital Carlisle worked at. So Carlisle decided to take me in as his own. I have three siblings named Emmet, Edward and Alice. There is something wierd about my family some dark secret that they havent told me but I will fnd out. Enough about my family. I am turning 16 in a week and I am so excited. It is also the first week of school where I run into the hottest guy ever. To bad my family hates him. Why? because he is Jacob Blacks cousin. Nicholas Black becomes the love of my life and no one can stop that.
Categories: Post-Eclipse Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Open
Summary: Imagine The Twilight vampires meeting up with Bill Compton and Sookie Stackhouse from the Charlaine Harris Novels The Sookie Stackhouse Novels. Now also an HBO series called, True Blood. rn Jasper fought with Bill Compton in the Civil War and when the Old World Vamps, Bill Compton, "Come Out of the Coffin" and mainstream into society a chance meeting between the two very different worlds of each Vampire Breed collide.
Categories: Crossover, Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Carlisle
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Mate bonds can only be detected between creatures of the same species. A human and a vampire may fall in love, but are they truly mates? rn How does one detect a mate bond? It is a tangible, unmistakable sensation and it only happens between one vampire and another. The bond is unbreakable, unshakable, undeniable. rn In this series, find out how Edward meets his true mate, devastating Bella – and how she goes on to find love without a mate bond. rn Then, find out out she meets HER true mate after decades of happiness. rn And be patient...there might be more. ;-) rn
Categories: AU, Post-Eclipse Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: alice and jasper are soulmates - meant to be, forever. but what happens when temptaition is stronger than affection? and when trust turns into something broken?
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alice, Carlisle, Carmen, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Irina, Jasper, Jessica, Rosalie, Tanya
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: "You can come with us, Blair. You're one of a kind, a facinating creature. So much can be learned from you, and you'd be so much stronger, if only you'd give it the chance."I folded my arms. "But so many of you dream of being human. Why would I willingly give that away?""You wouldn't! You'd still be the same girl as the one standing before me now; blonde-haired, hazel eyed as ever, only then you'd be immortal.""My human blood is too strong. You know and I know that I can never be immortal in this rnform.""Blair...""You say that I could change that at any time I wanted, and live as a human again. If I'm trying to experience a vampire life, isn't that cheating? No other vampire would get that choice. Besides, why would I want to change my mind after living your life? It would be on my mind for my whole life, knowing how many lives I'd have taken.""Then don't give it up! Stay as one forever! Or as close to forever as you can get. It would be worth it."I hesitated, seeing his reasons and considering his offer. Maybe he was right...When Blair Harare discovers a frightening thing about herself, she has a choice to make; live the normal, happy life she always wanted, or bend towards her diluted, but still strongly dominent vampire part, and live as her great-grandfather and her grandfather do, feeding off blood, and always being strong, while she aged so slowly that she might as well be immortal in that prospect. Both hold their appeals, and have their advantages and disadvantages, so it comes down to what she thinks is best for herself. What is she going to do?
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Other Character
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: Stories of Nessie growing up- not necessarily her and Jacob romance stuff, just the pointless fluff, family, humor type of thing. rn Post Breaking Dawn to Nessie being fully grown, please specify how old Nessie is (maturity). rn No human or alternate universe, canon couples only. rn The characters listed are just suggestions, feel free to use others of course. rn G, Pg, Pg-13... nothing dirty please!!!
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Nessie, Renee, Renesmee, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: this is a mega crossover if you had seen avatar the last airbender then you will know what am talking about in this story. okay when aang katara and sokka are runing katara aang and sokka are runing away form the fire nation, with there 1 year old daugther kaya, when their is no place to run for katara she hides kaya and tell yue to take some where safe but it turns out that takes her to the Cullens, now she must find out her past and she hast to make a desion it is LIFE OR DEATH ONE.
Categories: New Moon, Pre-Twilight, Twilight Characters: Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: what happenes when Bella can't remember anything about her past? when she runs into someone that she new and was dating at the time of her kidnapping, what will she remember... if anything. what do you think will happen to poor Bella when she is forced into a world that she never new belonged to her in the past?
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: what happenes when James kidnapps Bella and makes her forget about the life that she had before? he makes her forget everything. from school, to friends, to family, and most importantly, Bella's boyfriend. rn What happenes when she see's her boyfriend in a mall with his sister. will she remember him and asked to be held like he used to do, or will she walk by without a thought of who he is?
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: what happens when James kidnapps Bella and makes her forget? Makes her forget the life that she had been living up to that point, all of it. from the school, to the friends, to the family, and most importantly, makes her forget the love of her life, Edward Cullen. rn What happens to Bella when she sees Edward in a grochery store with his sister? will she remember or will she walk by without a word?
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Did you ever think about what would've happened if Edward was a little late all those times he saved Bella from trouble during Twilight? A lot could have changed! Oneshots/Twoshots that imagine what would have happened in each troublesome situation.
Categories: Twilight Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: When the Cullen's get back to Forks from their vacation to a small town in Australia, Alice see's a young girl haunted by dreams of her family get changed and go on a masacre. To stop the volturi from using this girl as an excuse to kill her family, the Cullen's go back and claim the girl as their new family member.
Categories: Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Corin, Demetri, Didyme, Edward, Edward Masen, Sr., Eleazar, Elizabeth Masen, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Gianna, Harry, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, James, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Kristen Stewart, Lauren, Laurent, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Mary, Mike, Nessie, Other Character, Peter, Phil, Quil, Randall, Renata, Renee, Renesmee, Robert Pattinson, Rosalie, Sam, Santiago, Sasha, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Sulpicia, Tanya, Tia, Tyler, Victoria, Visilii, Vladimir, Jasper
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Set after Eclipse/Before Breaking Dawn: Edward is such a Bella-Hog! Alice is jealous of that and decides to do something about she kidnaps Bella of course! Craziness occurs! Really funny! ExB JxA EmxR. Very very slightly just a tad bit OOC, but not much, i promise!
Categories: Post-Eclipse Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: This story is about Jasper Cullen. He was a mortal at one point. He was 17 when he ran away to go join the army. What happened before that? Did he have a love interest? This is a story about Jasper Cullen and Nicolette Blacksmith. I do not own Jasper Cullen or anyone else in the Twilight Saga. I do, however, own Nicolette Blacksmith. Created by AntoinetteBlacksmith on Saturday, September 27, 2008
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Jasper
Challenges: Open: Open
Summary: This story is about Jasper Cullen. He was a mortal at one point. He was 17 when he ran away to go join the army. What happened before that? Did he have a love interest? This is a story about Jasper Cullen and Nicolette Blacksmith. I do not own Jasper Cullen or anyone else in the Twilight Saga. I do, however, own Nicolette Blacksmith.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Jasper
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Stories involving characters where they feel completely alone and suffocated despite having family and friends surrounding them rn Catagories may include: tragedy, hurt/comfort, angst, crime
Categories: Twilight, New Moon, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU, AU-Human Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Other Character, Renee, Renesmee, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: From Wikipedia: “The midnight sun is a phenomenon occurring in latitudes north and nearby to the south of the Arctic Circle and south and nearby to the north of the Antarctic Circle where the sun remains visible at the local midnight. Locations above 60 degrees latitude that are south of the Arctic Circle or north of the Antarctic Circle experience midnight twilight instead.” This phenomenon is called white night. This collection is my version of various scenes from Twilight in Edward’s POV – my version of portions of Stephenie Meyer’s Midnight Sun. She, of course, owns all of the Twilight universe. No infringement is intended; no money is being made from this writing.
Categories: Twilight Characters: Edward
Challenges: Open: Closed
© 2008, 2009 Twilighted Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.