Series - A
Summary: You know those fics where Edward doesn't come back and Bella forgets about him and five seconds later she's in bed with Jacob and none of it makes any damn sense? Yeah, this isn't one of them.

The first story picks up from the moment in New Moon when Jacob has driven Bella home after the cliff diving incident, right before he catches the scent of Alice. Only in this telling, Alice wasn't looking, so there's no sudden appearance at Bella's house, no Rosalie calling Edward and sending him on a suicidal mission to Volterra, and no reason for Bella to do anything but believe that Edward didn't love her anymore. This is simply a story of what might have happened if everyone stayed mostly in character and Edward's return was delayed. Yes, delayed. Because we all know that he was "this close" to coming back on his own anyhow. So what would have happened if Bella had tried to move on with her life? Would she have found happiness with Jacob?
Several one-shot companion stories give us a glimpse at things through the eyes of Charlie, Angela, Jessica, Embry, and the other characters.
Mike & Lauren complicate things, Bella's planning to go to college, Victoria is on the prowl, and imprinting is running rampant. And that's just the beginning! How will Edward react when he finds out what's been going on while he was gone? And who will Bella choose in the end?
Categories: New Moon, AU Characters: Bella, Jacob
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: A series of oneshots, exploring the minds of the Twilight characters during significant moments of the series. E/B, canon. All 1000 words only. rn rn The Delving stories are now also available in Spanish over at under Mar2402's profile.
Categories: Twilight, New Moon Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Though I am much more a vampire person than a werewolf person it seems that I've been doing a lot of work with imprints lately. For those of you who know me I joined this site with a story called "His Little Red Head" this was about Seth Clearwater and a vampire he imprinted on named Kimmi Odell. rn rn rn Before even that story was started I had began to write "Something To Live For" which featured Seth's sister Leah and the man she imprinted on in "His Little Red Head". rn rn rn Now that "His Little Red Head" is finished I've been starting new fanfictions. Soon one of them will be a Jacob/Renesmee story so I decided to create a series.
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Leah, Other Character, Seth
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Bella presents magical abilites and grows into her own. Not only Edward, but the entire Cullen family has to deal with that while Bella and her new friends have to deal with the vampires. I know this is a suckish summary, but you really have to read them to get them. It all starts with Things That Go Bump in the Night and goes through A New Age. New titles will be added if/as they come.
Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Other Character, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Banner created by the talented FrozenSoldier. rn A collection of old-fashioned canon stories by Elise Shaw that tell the saga of the Cullen family with a special focus on the love shared by Carlisle and Esme. From their first meeting in a Columbus hospital, the lonely Dr. Cullen was intrigued by the lovely Esme Platt, a kind girl of only sixteen with a heart strong enough to heal all the hurts of his past. Their love was something rare, and from three broken strangers, a family unlike any other was eventually forged. A history of the Cullen family from the early 1900’s to their time in Forks, in canon and historically accurate.
Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Characters: Carlisle, Edward, Esme
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: I only remember the pain and agony of burning. Believing I had gone to hell, having no recollection of any wrong doing that would place me here. Suddenly, God himself walked into the room and all I could think was, ‘what was God doing in hell.' I really hoped he was here to end my agony. rn OPPS!!! My mistake... rn You wanted to hear about my new life, not my new existence... rn Pardon me... This is my story... rn Edward Cullen rn
Categories: Twilight, New Moon Characters: Edward
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: A side-shot for my story, Lost and Found. This takes place during Chapter Six. The gang all gathers for dinner so that Jasper can introduce everyone to his sister, Rosalie. And let's just say, it appears that Emmett has met his match.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Emmett, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: What if Alice didn't have her vision and Edward never really went to the volturi. But Bella didn't want to wait that long for Edward to return. What if she had a fast recovery? Characters: Alice,Bella,Edward,Emmett,Rosalie,Esme,Carlisle,Jasper,Jacob,Charlie,and a suprise character that's not in the books.
Categories: New Moon Characters: Benjamin
Challenges: Open: Open
This series will be a collaboration of merciless minds. I and my two cohorts, Twilightzoner and spotzle, plan to take our readers on a journey of consecutively ridiculous (one-shot) proportions. Hope you wore your sense of humor!
Categories: AU-Human, Crackfic Characters: Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Sorry everybody, there aren't any Cullens in this story. Sigh, I know. But the vampires are the same kind. (Can't kill them with garlic, stake through the heart, they shine in the sun,) They're also vegetarians. rn rn rn You guys should know that I'm younger than some of the other Twilighted authors. rn rn rn Anyway, this is the story of Catherine Cromwell, who is changed in the first chapter. She and her vampire friends are having a good time, when Ming (Catherine's creator) finds and changes Margaret, Catherine's human best friend. Let's just say, that Margaret had a major attitude adjustment. Catherine can't stand her. Margaret acts so different from other vampires, Catherine isn't really sure if she's an actual vampire. Then, during a game, Margaret kills a human. In front of witnesses. Catherine's just ready to kill.
Categories: None Characters: None
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Find out what a week in the life is like for some random Twilight characters I chose. rn If you don't review , You'll be feeling what Bella's Eclipse-Jacob-punch was like on a HUMAN. Yeah.
Categories: Eclipse, Twilight, New Moon Characters: Victoria
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: rn A family is torn apart by the death of a beloved member. Victoria came back for Bella but killed another before she was destroyed. No one can deal with the grief of loss and they suddenly find themselves all on very different paths, but all essentially broken with no light to guide them. Can a chance encounter eight months later bring this family back together? Can they heal? Can they let the one they lost go and be at peace? Can they learn to act on faith? Can the learn to act on hope? rn rn Can they heal? rn
Categories: Post-Eclipse, AU Characters: Alice, Aro, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Leah, Renee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya, Victoria
Challenges: Open: Moderated
It's not often people stumble upon the chance to start a new life as a horrifyingly beautiful and supernatural vampires. The second chance at life, wanted or not, is eternal. This is the afterlife. A collection of stories describing the transformation of each of our favorite vampires, told from the perspective of either Dr Carlisle Cullen or the perspective of the dying. Each story can stand alone, but the order of the stories listed in this series is the suggested order of reading. This series is not complete yet.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alice, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Opening my eyes, I sensed something different about me. My throat burned but I was not sure what for. My vision was ten times better than it usually was. I could also hear everything: the chirping of a bird, the patter of an insect somewhere near me. My skin had the paleness of the moon. My hair was also different it was the straight black hair that I had always longed for. It was all so strange. What was I?
Categories: None Characters: Alice
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: This is a collection of stories revolving around Bella, a 24/7 consensual slave and Edward, her Master. rn rn rn 
rn rn rn Follow Bella's tale in the central story, All of Me. The life of a 24/7 consensual slave can be tedious at times, titillating at others, but always, her world revolves around his. Take a peek at the trials and triumphs in the life of a 24/7 consensual slave and find what happens when outside forces threaten to expose her lifestyle. rn rn rn Additional stories in the series offer outside perspectives and scenes from outside the main story's timeline that take place within this universe. rn In the Dog House is a oneshot set prior to the events in All of Me and shows what happens when Bella pushes Edward too far. It's Domward at his Dommiest as Bella learns her lesson the hard way. Read this anytime after the first few chapters of All of Me. rn Three's Company is an alternate reality smuttake that picks up from the middle of Chapter 14 of All of Me and explores the what could have happened between Jasper, Bella and Edward in the middle of the night...and the next morning...and the next day.... Seek not here for enlightenment, this is all about the sexy times. rn Somebody's Watching Me is Jacob's point of view on life in Dr. Cullen's house as an outsider looking in. Being Edward's gardener isn't easy, but it comes with some unique perks and not of the 401K variety. Jacob is foul-mouthed and sarcastic, but he sees things others miss. This story will make the most sense after Chapter 22 of All of Me.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary:  ◊A Collection of Great AU-Human Stories◊
All fics are NC-17 with Bella/Edward as the main canon couple. We have romance, drama, humor, smut, you name it.
The twi-fics recommended are both incomplete and complete but must have a minimum of 10 chapters completed.
rn Have a good fic in mind for the series? Contact me on my profile and I will look into adding it.**
**All stories have the author's approval. rn
rn Series Authors include: AMayes, AngryBadgerGirl, antiaol, Belindella, Carson1, ciaobella27, coachlady1, ebalways, EdwardsBloodType, emarroquin, Forever17, GreenEyedGirl17, Hannah81, hunterhunting, jennlynnfs, jslack0816, Kikiblue, Leahtheweary, lexiecullen17, lola_pop, Michelle M Marie, Mrs_Robward, mybluesky, ocdmess, Oliviamk1218, Paige Parkker, pomme_de_terre, Sebastien Robichaud, sixeightshuffle, Snowqueens Icedragon, spanglemaker, twilightcrazy, venemousgal, Whitney Love, WndrngY
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: 'Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that change your life forever.' rn After a freak accident, Alice develops the ability to see the future. Not exactly what you want to happen when your starting a new school. Strange events push her towards fellow 'outsider' Jasper. But is everything what it seems? AU. rn Includes; rn Ambiguity rn Ambiguous Perceptions; rn 'Conversations' (Chapter 6) Bella POV (Similarity & Contrast)
Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Bella, Edward, Jasper
Challenges: Open: Closed
rn A series of fluffy short stories and one-shots. Read just one, or read them all! At least one missing moment will be posted for each chapter of Twilight in the order of ocurrence. Fluffy fun for everyone! rn rn ***If you would like to submit a short story (under 5,000 words) or a one-shot to this series you can PM me. Please no AU or human. Remember, these stories are supposed to feel like they could have just fallen out of the book by mistake***
Categories: Twilight Characters: None
Challenges: Open: Open
Summary: rn rn Set after New Moon. When Edward, and the rest Cullens leave. Bella tries to move on. She moves out of forks and becomes more confident and outgoing. She becomes a get in your face sarcastic b****. rn rn rn Still hurt from the Cullens leaving her, how does she react when a human male comes along and changes her life forever? Can she let someone in her heart again? Can she trust someone again? rn rn rn Read this series and find out rn rn rn This series is for the people who want Bella to have a human love, husband and kids. rn rn rn This series does not mean you don’t like the vampire, or the werewolf love; it’s just something different. rn rn rn Brace yourselves you’re in for a wild ride rn rn rn
Categories: New Moon, AU-Human Characters: Bella, Other Character
Challenges: Open: Moderated
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.