Series - E
Summary: A collection of one shots of Edward and Bella's tender loving and hot fu..... Well, you catch my meaning.
Categories: None Characters: None
Challenges: Open: Closed
rn What if Bella got exactly what she wanted from Edward for her birthday? What if it changed everything? rn What if the Consequences lead Bella away from Forks and into the arms of the Volturi? rn What if Edward finds out that Bella is dead? rn Consequences is the story for Bella's point of view. rn Cause and Effect tells the same story told entirely by Edward
Categories: New Moon, AU Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: This series is a gathering of stories with Emmett Cullen as the lead character. rn 
Categories: AU Characters: Emmett
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: What happened to Emmett before he bacame a vampire? What happened after Emmett after he changed? How did he and Rosalie fall in love?
Categories: None Characters: Emmett, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Bella is known now to be with Jacob Black. After a two year healing, Bella has now become a stronger woman, that she wasnt before. Her life with Jacob is helping her forget Edward. Edward regrets leaving her in the woods by herself. But when he comes back to town, what will he find that is breath taking? Tears are nothing more then emotions, trailing down your face. glass is broken, can it be replaced?
Categories: None Characters: Edward
Challenges: Open: Open
Summary: Have you ever wanted a place where you could go to find Jasper or Alice centric stories? Well this is the place for you! This is a series solely dedicated to the Pixie and her blond haired empath.
Are you looking for an All-Human story? How about All-Vampire? I'll assure you that you will find that in this very series. You don't have to be a Jasper/Alice fan to love these stories.

If you have, or know of a story that you think would be suitable for this series then feel free to contact me. But non canon, such as Jasper/Bella stories are not allowed and will not be accepted.
You'll find the multi-chapter stories are listed at the top, whereas the one shots are at the bottom. All multi-chapter stories are listed according to the amount of chapters they have. The more chapters you have, the higher up the list you'll be. The one shots are listed alphabetically.
Contributing Authors:
Adharmic, agiismsxx, Aussiemum1204, babymonsta, BeautifulMessenger, Beckylady, cakes4547, casket4mytears, Cerena, Chakrakhan, Chocolatebrowneyes, cicada, CoyotegurlNikki, DizziBlnde, Dizzydaydream, emm, erikasbuddy, ermireallydontcare, FrozenSoldier, glitteratiglue, Gravity, HeartOfDarkness, idealskeptic, Jenny Cullen, kaatee, koko23cat, kyla713, Looby Luscious, luckyj52587, marybetherrrrs, MissBella, MissManda, mmtwilight, omgiluffbleachvampires, openhome, rainsoakedhello, Realynn, renesalecau, Rosalynn, Rusulka, SapphireStar328, Several Ways, siDEADde, SirenPrincess, Squeeka Cuomo, Struck Upon A Star, Subtlynice, TheDoctor, Thejazeffect, tigerwriter, Twivamp, umbrellas_can, valelf, WinniePony.
* My photobucket account keeps exceeding its bandwidth due to the number of images I have used within this series. If you are a contributor and using my banner, please can you host the image yourself.
Banner by Delicious Dreamer:

Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU, AU-Human Characters: Alice, Jasper
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: I walked out the front door of our one-story home, a black school bag slung over my shoulder. "Bye, Mom!" I yelled over my shoulder as I jogged down the front steps and to my car. My mom, dad, and I have lived here for six years. I pulled out my keys to the small, black Bug car sitting in the driveway and unlocked the doors, hopping in quickly. I put the keys into the ignition and pulled out of the driveway slowly, then started in the direction of Carmel Valley High. I am Desiree Etoile, and I live in the small coastal town of Carmel Valley, California. As I drive past other nice houses lined up along the pavement, I rolled down the window and let the soft, salty breeze blow through my long, wavy, golden hair that always shines in the sun. Unfortunately, there are few fully sunny days in Carmel. As my ocean-colored eyes swept across the other cars ahead of me, I thought about my schoolwork from the night before, which had taken me only a half hour to finish. This was not because I had had little homework to do, though. I was simply because I was a genius. I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything, but I just am. I have always been this way. I have always been smarter than the rest of my class and sometimes I really hate that part about me. I am glad that I do not show it off like some kids would likely do, or else I probably would have been bullied throughout school. I just lie low, and even though I get lonely sometimes without any true friends that I can open up with, but it is worth it. At least, that is what I tell myself. rn rn rn I arrive at school, driving my little car into the student parking lot. I drive past a crowd surrounding something or someone in interest, but I ignore it. There always seems to be something ‘phenomenal' happening around here. I will probably have heard all about it by the end of lunch, anyway. I pull into an empty parking space near the back and turn off the ignition. I lean back and take in a deep, soothing breath of air before I pull by bag from the backseat and get out of my car. Glancing around, I think, I really hope this day goes better than normal.
Categories: Twilight, Other Characters: Other Character
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: Preparations for the wedding and changing occupy the summer, but nothing goes as planned. The Cullen's stuggle through the shocking discovery that Bella’s future is not her choice: it is her destiny. rn The Cullens' struggle with Bella's changing which they suspect is the most brutal in vampire history. Each will be scarred but will her family rediscover their lost humanity in her loving heart. Bella must face her fears and manage her gifts to bring them life. Just as it seems that they have found they way, a shocking discovery threatens their understanding of their world. The future for Bella has always been an unwritten page but it has never been more unsure, until now. rn Mature Situations for sexuality, horror, agnst, and sorrow. rn Alternative to Breaking Dawn, this fan fiction was written before the release of the closing installment and begins as Eclipse closes. rn
Categories: Post-Eclipse Characters: Carlisle
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: rn rn rn 
rn rn rn A collection of moments with our favorite couple and their friends. rn rn rn There is real life, then there's Real Life. rn rn rn We all know that Rob and Kristen belong together. So what happens when that finally happens, just years down the road? Enter Ever After . . . rn rn rn A series of one-shots, that are tied together by the moments that make up a couple's life together. Add a few 'sex-haired' babies and some Twilight friends for fun. rn rn rn Rated NC-17 because you just never know when the lemon muse will show up. rn rn rn A new series from jakeward and the shrew . . . or as we like to call ourselves, Team Shreward. rn rn rn *stories will not be necessarily be in chronological order. Cause that's how we roll. :)
Categories: Other Characters: Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Other Character, Robert Pattinson
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: What if Breaking Dawn was only a dream? What if Bella, being the lovable clutz that she is, fell and hit her head and imagined it all? No happy ending, not Edward's love child?
Categories: None Characters: Edward
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Childhood friends Jasper and Alice were inseparable - until she moved to the other side of the country in seventh grade. Now Alice returns for her junior year of high school, and finds that things are a little bit different down in Forks. AU/AH.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: A look at the life of all the charecters in the Twilight Saga.
Categories: Eclipse, Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Jessica, Lauren, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.