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Series - P
Summary: Edward's POV at various key moments on the honeymoon. Nothing explicit.
Categories: Breaking Dawn Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Ever wanted to read a fanfiction that was so good, so well-written, so well-characterized, that you swear it could be canon? Step right up, you've found them! rn I created this series to "keep track" of my favorite "practically canon" fan-fictions because oddly enough, I actually DO enjoy the series as it is and as much as I love a really good AU story, I find that my favorite stories tend to be those that feel as though they've just fallen out of the pages of Stephenie Meyers' series. rn Pre-Twilight and post-Breaking Dawn stories are also included, because many people like to explore the characters' budding relationships and back stories, or continue the series, and those can feel just as canon as fics set during the series. rn If you'd like to add a story to the list, please do let me know and I will gladly consider it, as I'm always looking for "so-good-it's-practically-canon" fanfics!
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn, Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Post-Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Characters: None
Challenges: Open: Moderated
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