Series - I
Summary: Bella Swan has never been sexually satisfied by a man. After a series of one night stands and meaningless relationships she has given up hope that any man could ever sexually please her. rn That is until one snowy night she meets a mysterious, beautiful man in a chat room who convinces her he could change everything she knows about sex.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Charlie, Edward, Eric, Jacob, Jessica
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: My tattered heart will mend rn If and when we love again. rn rn Bella decides against cliff-diving, causing the Cullens to continue their life away from her. But how long is Victoria willing to wait in the wings before she seeks her revenge? And how can the Cullens protect her without hurting her again?
Categories: AU, New Moon Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Other Character, Rosalie, Victoria
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: This story follows a very differnt bella what if in stead of the usual dark haird beauty she was 4'10 a Ballrina and had dark blonde hair. like myself how would this change events in the story?
Categories: Post-Eclipse, AU Characters: Alice
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Love 'em together? Hate 'em? Like it or not, it's canon, baby! Welcome to the Jacob and Nessie Archives, your one stop place for the best in Jacob/Renesmee-centric fanfiction. rn 
rn rn rn Got a Jake/Ness fic you'd like added to the series or know one that can't not be included? Go ahead & submit it (it'll have to wait for my approval before it's added to the archive) or contact me! As I don't generally go fic-diving for stories to add, I depend on the readers/writers to draw my attention to new potential submissions to the archive. rn Your fic doesn't necessarily have to be romantic or even centered primarily on the pairing, just as long as as there's quite a bit of J/N. rn Contributing authors: Hopeful Wager, KariAnn, Suzybear (aka SusanAshlea), artbeatsandlife, KenoshaChick, DreaC, Mkystich, restlessxpen, BEEternity (aka Jules), LJ Summers, duskwatcher, Todream, & more! rn **All stories are listed in alphabetical order by title. rn **I reserve the right to remove fics from the archive at any time for any reason that I see fit, particularly if a story marked as "incomplete" hasn't been updated within a reasonable 6-month timeframe, as I don't wish to host abandoned fics. rn Thanks so much to artbeatsandlife for the awesome banner!
Categories: Post-Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU, AU-Human Characters: None
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: IMPRINTING rn rn What's a guy to do when he finds that biology has determined his life's partner? Whether or not he wants to be, he is instantly drawn to his imprint. He is hers, body, mind, heart and soul. rn rn This is not a comfortable process for strangers or near-strangers. rn This series is intended to explore the imprint as a mating imperative. A biological necessity that prompts a werewolf to devote himself to his imprint in a bond that transcends romance and infatuation. rn rn The imprint will be explored through the non-canon pairings of Embry Call and Bella Swan as well as the imprinting of Jacob on another character and Leah Clearwater on Charlie Swan!
Categories: AU Characters: Embry
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Like the title says, this is a series that really wasn't going to be one until I had a random idea for an epilogue. So now, there are three five stories for this series. rn rn Edward and Bella stay in touch after she chooses Jacob and reunite after Jacob imprints unexpectedly. Edward wins Bella back in FROM THE WINGS. The epilogue of FtW indicates that the Cullen Coven is going to have to disband, by order of the Volturi. rn rn Feeling it is all her fault, Bella plans a way to fix things for her family forever in PLACES, EVERYONE! rn rn ...but there are consequences to her actions. LIGHTS UP will conclude the trilogy and detail the futures of the Cullens.
Categories: AU Characters: Edward
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Twenty Years ago Edward left Bella In New Moon.She thought she had moved on with her life now Jacob's desturbing phone call is taking her back to Forks. How will she get through the funeral? and who left the bedroom window open? Team Jacob to start and then all Team Edward with a new meadow scene and lots of surprises!
Categories: New Moon Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: Meet the three main characters - AnnaBelle Swan (Belle), Isabella Swan (Bella), and Ewdard Cullen, along with all of the other characters we know and love! rn rn rn rn rn rn rn This series first takes place in the 1950s, and Belle (who is NOT Bella) is modeled after the very talented Judy Garland. She is VERY much like Bella, but is a completely different person. Edward meets Belle and a friendship blooms... rn rn rn rn rn rn Then, Bella is brought into the story. Edward has not met Bella yet, for she had not been born. Now that he has met her, what are his feelings towards Belle? rn rn rn rn rn rn It is still undecided if i will create a 3rd story to this series, so you will just have tio wait and see ;)
Categories: AU Characters: Edward
Challenges: Open: Moderated
Summary: A new take on when Edward hear's Renesme's thought's for the first time in Breaking Dawn.
Categories: Breaking Dawn Characters: Renesmee
Challenges: Open: Closed
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.