With a family of his own to protect and the Volturi coming to once and for all put an end to the Olympic Coven, Jason must go to battle with Aro and the Guard one final time.
However with Aro's wrath so great that he is willing to suspend all vampire laws in order to raise a newborn army of such a scale as to guarantee his victory, the odds are stacked firmly against the Cullens and their allies.
Jason knows, they all know, that above all else, the children must be protected and so they will hold back nothing and sacrifice everything in order to assure the safety of Harry, Chloe, and Renesmee.
Open war is upon vampire-kind and even if the Cullens cannot win this battle of all battles, they must win the war, for the sake of their children. The time of Aro ruling from on high in Volterra must end.
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alice, Alistair, Aro, Bella, Benjamin, Billy, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Garrett, Heidi, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Kachiri, Kate, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Maria, Mary, Paul, Peter, Quil, Randall, Renata, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Vladimir, Zafrina
Challenges: Series: The Jason Culhane Saga
Chapters: 4 Completed: No
Word count: 34217
[Report This] Published: February 28, 2014 Updated: January 10, 2017
Summary: Where Breaking Dawn ends, Leaving Forks begins. It has been four years since the Volturi attacked the Cullens, and everything is going well. Or, is it? Aro has something up his sleeve to lure the Cullens where he wants them. When a new vampires is presented to the Volturi, Aro sees this as his chance to finally have the Cullens where he wants them. Will they survive the Volturi this time around? Or will life as they know it change?
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Corin, Demetri, Didyme, Diego, Edward, Edward Masen, Sr., Eleazar, Elizabeth Masen, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Felix, Fred, Garrett, Gianna, Harry, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, James, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Lauren, Laurent, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Maria, Mary, Mike, Nessie, Other Character, Paul, Peter, Phil, Quil, Randall, Raoul, Renata, Renee, Renesmee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Santiago, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Sulpicia, Tanya, Tia
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 696
[Report This] Published: January 14, 2015 Updated: January 27, 2015
(banner by me, just so you know)
When Alice and Jasper's worlds collide, it seems like a coincidence may have created something great for them. Amidst suicide attempts, lies of life-changing proportion, and true love, Jasper fails to see just how broken and unstable Alice really is. But, Edward is determined to prove it by any brutal means necessary.
A story of cruel twists of fate, emotional endurance, and a love that can rise above it all.
Or can it?
Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Maria, Other Character, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No
Word count: 8502
[Report This] Published: May 01, 2012 Updated: May 31, 2012
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