Summary: Jacob and Bella have been the best of friends since birth. They've grown up together, side by side, never apart for a day. After Billy dies and Jacob has no more ties left, travelling and gaining experience of the world seems his only route forward.
A lot can change over half a year, and not always for the best.
Songfic inspired by 'Congratulations' by Blue October
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Jacob
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 8163
[Report This] Published: September 07, 2010 Updated: October 05, 2010
Summary: Bella had the perfect life. The perfect husband to love, the perfect house, the perfect job.. everything perfect. Until one night the shutters came up and the perfect movie life she thought she was living came crashing down around her. Enter... The Sexy Bella..
After shenanigans in the tool shed go awry, Bella's forced into sex therapy with one hot looking doctor. But when he can't handle her, he calls the only person he knows who can ...
A series of unusual sessions, admissions and out and out seduction become the norm for her Tuesday Appointments. But will Bella ever get any better?

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Carlisle, Edward, Elizabeth Masen, Emmett, Esme, Garrett, Jacob, Jasper, Paul, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 25 Completed: Yes
Word count: 165008
[Report This] Published: July 08, 2009 Updated: October 04, 2010
20 y/o Isabella searches for a way to be with the man she loves - her bother-in-law, Edward - but her powerful husband didn't buy her just to let her slip through his manicured fingers. OOC/AH. Not a BDSM or slavery fic WARNING: Contains scenes of non-consensual sexuality. Reader discretion advised. 
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No
Word count: 47941
[Report This] Published: March 25, 2010 Updated: October 04, 2010
Summary: Everyone has a demon that makes you sin. Can Alice escape the violence to find her white rabbit? Will Jasper see through the pain for his true salvation? AH/AU Not intended for the weak hearted. Rated M for Sex, Drugs and Violence

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Jasper
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 4490
[Report This] Published: August 27, 2010 Updated: October 03, 2010
Summary: Bella is good and ready to lose her virginity. It's just a matter of who should she give it to. Every girl wants their first time to be remarkable. So who will it be? Edward, the lusty sweetheart, Jacob, the friend, or James, the sleazy rich guy.
Lemons, Language, the usual.

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 11682
[Report This] Published: December 26, 2009 Updated: October 03, 2010
*Banner by time_lights over at Livejournal*
Life doesn’t always go as planned, especially in Georgian London, a world of arranged marriages and strict social hierarchy. Written for The Age of Edward 2010 contest.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3508
[Report This] Published: October 02, 2010 Updated: October 03, 2010
Edward, Bella and the gang are adults living in Seattle. Edward and Bella meet due to a klutzy accident in the restaurant where she works. Bella's ovaries love Edward and they voice their opinions quite often. There's an instant attraction between them, but Bella notices there's something that's troubling Edward.
Lovely banner made by famouslyso...because she rocks.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 40 Completed: Yes
Word count: 240878
[Report This] Published: March 16, 2009 Updated: October 03, 2010
Summary: Bella, Alice and Rosalie have a plan: Enroll in a British Military Academy to bag a hot soldier. The Problem: Fraternization is forbidden. The Solution: Seduce a officer, at any cost. Slightly OOC characters and some military structures. M for a reason. B/E R/Em A/J
Categories: AU, AU-Human Characters: Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No
Word count: 3515
[Report This] Published: June 09, 2010 Updated: October 03, 2010
Edward comes to town determined to get his revenge on the Cullens and he is hell bent on using Bella Swan to do so. But what he doesn't plan on is actually falling for her. Will she be just a pawn in his game or something more?
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No
Word count: 25999
[Report This] Published: July 15, 2010 Updated: October 02, 2010
Summary: Jake is injured and Carlisle gets a threatening message. Is the same person behind both incidents? A Military Jake and Dr. Carlisle story. This fic takes place about four months before "Three is a Magic Number." AH/AU, rated M for slash.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Carlisle, Embry, Jacob, James, Quil
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 5047
[Report This] Published: August 28, 2010 Updated: October 02, 2010
Summary: Bella is really really busy, so to find a date she tries internet dating. Since Edward wouldn't be considered a smooth operator, he's turned to the internet as well. Will the internet give them what they both want? AH/AU

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No
Word count: 22123
[Report This] Published: April 10, 2010 Updated: October 02, 2010

Banner lovingly created by: laurasfirsttime (Thanks, Sis! You ARE the craftiest bone I know)!
Special Agent and assassin, Bella Swan, finds herself trapped in a web of international intrigue following a series of unfortunate events. She, her handler Emmett and their team of agents must partner with a team from British Intelligence, MI6, and one particular British agent, for deep cover operation that will take them to the far corners of the globe. In the process they will face a dark evil, and recover much more than they were seeking. This story is a continuation from the one-shot penned for the Les Femmes Noires Contest in November 2009.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No
Word count: 77768
[Report This] Published: January 11, 2010 Updated: October 01, 2010
Banner by: TwiliteAddict
This is a two-shot from a parallel universe to my story "Forbidden Desire" I wrote for the Fics for Nashville fundraiser. Bella is an untried pleasure slave given to Edward on his 18th birthday by his insistent father.
Greek Togaward and Slave-girl Bella. AH, NC-17 for nudity, slavery (adult themes) and light citrusy feel. My typical oddly In-Character OOC
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 4284
[Report This] Published: August 13, 2010 Updated: October 01, 2010
With many thanks to FrozenSoldier for my beautiful banner. You are amazing.
Bella is about to leave for college and pursue her dream of becoming a teacher, but an unexpected complication leaves her plans in ashes as she struggles to pick up the pieces of her broken life.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: Yes
Word count: 41947
[Report This] Published: July 08, 2010 Updated: September 30, 2010
Edward Masen is a gorgeous politician about to become prime minister of New Zealand. Everybody loves him, but behind the public persona he has a secret desire. Political journalist Bella Swan is determined to find out what it is.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes
Word count: 56095
[Report This] Published: March 03, 2010 Updated: September 29, 2010
“My name is Bella Swan. This is the story of my freefall into hell without any chance of capture.”
Bella is miserable in her abusive relationship but feels she has no escape and no where to turn. Her older brother Emmett has always been close but with the introduction of his new roommate Edward Cullen, Bella feels even more hopeless in her future. Can anyone catch Bella before she slips too far out of reach?
Rating: NC-17 for strong language, physical abuse, sex without full consent and of course, the good stuff, sexual scenes!
(Many amazing thanks to ms_ambrosia for the beautiful banner)

Amazing banner by the fan-tabulous FrozenSoldier
Categories: AU-Human Characters: None
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: No
Word count: 73461
[Report This] Published: September 15, 2009 Updated: September 28, 2010

A chance meeting turns into unbridled attraction and a month of hot days and even hotter nights. Can a relationship be grounded on toe-curling, mind-blowing sensuality?
AU/AH Jake & Bella. Rated M for epic, EPIC lemons, language, and adult situations.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Jacob
Challenges: Series: The Bella and Jacob Chronicles
Chapters: 2 Completed: No
Word count: 7439
[Report This] Published: August 08, 2010 Updated: September 27, 2010
Summary: Love Lost Contest Entry - Three years ago, Edward was supposed to board a flight to Forks. He went to Spain instead. When he asks Bella to coffee out of the blue, what could he possibly have to say to her after all this time?
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 7331
[Report This] Published: September 25, 2010 Updated: September 25, 2010
Summary: Separated by years, yet tied to each other through the birth of a child, Edward and Bella struggle to work together when confronted with the unthinkable.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 955
[Report This] Published: September 01, 2010 Updated: September 24, 2010
Summary: Bella is an uppity, bitchy, in-demand movie star. Edward is her busboy...or is he?
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1375
[Report This] Published: September 06, 2010 Updated: September 22, 2010
Summary: MB is for Masters in Business
MB is for Multiple Bed-hopping
A subject that Bella never intended to major in. A night of preterm revelry makes her blush to meet Emmett’s eye, but Edward is looking better every day. Hopefully Business Studies includes a minor in boyfriend embezzlement—a skill Bella will need if she's to keep hold of Edward.
MB is for Misbehaving Boyfriend
Edward didn’t intend to be unfaithful – he never thought he’d find one woman who wanted him, let alone two. But since he can’t even pick a major, how can he choose a girlfriend?
MB is for Misleading Behavior
Emmett might be a jokester, but he has more secrets than the CIA. Including one whammy that could get him expelled. What would happen if Rosalie found out?
MB is for Marriage Bait
Rosalie's goal is perfection: perfect marks, perfect six-figure salary, perfect (I.e. rich, gorgeous, sexy) New York banker husband. . .candidate already identified as Royce King the Third. But you know what they say about the best-laid plans…
MB is for Mysterious Behavior
Which Alice's favorite hobby-- aside from fashion, that is. And then there's her interest in Jasper, but we'll file that under Extra-curricular Activities for now.
MB is for Mister Brooding
Aka, Jasper. His sullen but fine looks attract every girl in the class, but there's only one he has his eyes on. What will happen when he pulls in a major favor from his ex to save Alice? The only thing that’s certain is that Maria will not be pleased.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Edward, Emmett, Irina, James, Jasper, Jessica, Kate, Mike, Other Character, Phil, Renee, Tanya, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 2276
[Report This] Published: August 25, 2010 Updated: September 22, 2010
Summary: Bella meets Edward at the annual Cullen Family Independence Day Picnic. Both are recovering from broken hearts, so what will happen when they feel an instant attraction? How will Edward deal with Bella's past coming back to haunt her?
AU, AH, Some OOC. Rated NC17 for language and possible future lemony goodness!
Lots of thanks to Anne Cullen for the fabulous banner!!!

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Bella, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Mike, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: No
Word count: 113916
[Report This] Published: May 06, 2009 Updated: September 21, 2010
Summary: Sometimes your life doesn’t follow a straight path, as was the case for Bella Swan, whose life twisted and turned. What happens when a series of events sends her on a completely different path? How will she get back to her destiny? AH, OOC, M for potty mouths and lemons.

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No
Word count: 93037
[Report This] Published: November 08, 2009 Updated: September 20, 2010
Summary: When Edward first sees Bella, he never suspects that she is different, that she is blind. How will he handle it? This is a story of differences, overcoming obstacles, rebuilding relationships, loss and above all; finding love.

Thank you ReachingAsIFall for the banner!!

Thanks to AngstGoddess003 for the banner!
Blinkie made by Rose Arcadia!
I got interviewed by Sue from SYTYCW:
Link to Twilighted thread:
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 19 Completed: No
Word count: 96204
[Report This] Published: November 15, 2009 Updated: September 20, 2010
Bella and Alice are on an extended visit to Australia. A combination of homesickness and patriotism see them meeting up with some U.S. Military forces personnel on shore leave. An overheard conversation, a little deception, can all be forgiven?
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 8903
[Report This] Published: September 18, 2010 Updated: September 20, 2010
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.