Summary: You can call me a villain... by all intents and purposes, I am. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, right? Well, I'll tell you one thing. Hell has nothing on me. They say vengeance is a living thing, and I assure you it is. But this isn't all about the vengeance. I wasn't always the villain. I had a life once, along with dreams and passions that filled my beating heart. But my world fell apart around me, and that was all taken away. Once I was turned, I had one thing in this world: my thirst. I bowed to it, became a master at taming it, and enjoying myself while taming it. Then he became my world, and for 40 years, the stars revolved around him alone; he was my everything. And then he was taken from me. Just like my heartbeat, my soul, my James... and now I'm really pissed off. This is my story.

Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse Characters: James, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 11394
[Report This] Published: January 20, 2009 Updated: April 13, 2009
"They are not complete without each other–and never were. They were already not-whole before they met, waiting for each other."--Stephenie Meyer
The path that led Jasper to Alice was filled with suffering, but fate was leading him to someone who could soothe his pain.
Pairings: Alice/Jasper (Maria/Jasper in the beginning)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alice, Jasper, Other Character
Challenges: Series: Eternal Hope: The Alice and Jasper Archive
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 5700
[Report This] Published: April 01, 2009 Updated: April 09, 2009
[Report This] Published: March 24, 2009 Updated: April 08, 2009
Summary: Mary Alice Brandon, better known as Alice, lives alone locked in her parents attic until they decide to send her away. When she is admitted to Southern Mississippi Institute Alice befriends an orderly named Nicholas, who happens to be a vampire. Little does she know that this man will send her off towards her destiny and her true love by believing that she truly can see the future. Watch as she goes from a frightened and fragile little girl to the scary little monster she becomes while she searches for Jasper, the Cullens, and the life she never got to experience as a human.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlotte, Edward, Elizabeth Masen, Emmett, Esme, Irina, James, Jasper, Kate, Other Character, Rosalie, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 4866
[Report This] Published: March 24, 2009 Updated: April 08, 2009
Summary: He moved! How? When? I was sure I hadn’t taken my eyes off him, yet he was now closer, definitely closer, at least half the distance he was before. An errant thought flashed through my mind that if I was to go, could I have picked a more beautiful killer? No, killer was wrong; the way he looked at me almost seemed like he was looking at prey, this man in front of me was a predator.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Emmett
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 2531
[Report This] Published: March 30, 2009 Updated: April 05, 2009
When you are young, it is difficult to see the influence your parents have over you, the way their experiences and personalities shape you. But when your human memories disappear, it becomes impossible.
This is the story of Edward and Elizabeth Masen.
Huge thanks to Achelle131 for the amazing banner!
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Edward Masen, Sr., Elizabeth Masen
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 3596
[Report This] Published: March 08, 2009 Updated: April 03, 2009
Summary: A totally different life in Elmbetre, what has happened to Elle in her past?
Who is Elle, and what connection does she have with Bella?
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: None
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 509
[Report This] Published: March 20, 2009 Updated: April 02, 2009

I lay back on my bed as I remembered. Even years after I met him, it still felt as if that had happened only yesterday. I still could remember the pain of thinking that I would never see him again.
“Esme,” he said as he came into our room, I had been so caught up in my recollections that I hadn’t heard him coming, “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” I muttered, even after all this time my motionless heart still felt as if it jumped whenever he said my name, “I was just remembering.”
“Remembering what?” he asked as he lay down beside me.
“Surely you can guess, my beautiful angel,” I said softly as I turned on my side to face him.
“The day we met,” he said as put his hand to my face the same way he had done so long ago.
“Yes,” I whispered as I leaned towards him.
A short, sweet little One Shot about Esme and Carlisle.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Carlisle, Esme
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1156
[Report This] Published: March 27, 2009 Updated: March 29, 2009
[Report This] Published: March 26, 2009 Updated: March 27, 2009
[Report This] Published: March 22, 2009 Updated: March 27, 2009
Summary: I had a sister named Mary Alice Brandon. She was taken away from me. My name is Cynthia. This is my story.

Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alice
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 11729
[Report This] Published: December 06, 2008 Updated: March 23, 2009
Summary: For weeks he had visited my plantation and I had watched as the slaves disappeared one by one. Yet I could not find it in me to fear his presence, dangerously I craved it. The desire to follow my demon was acted out by my body before my mind had even considered the consequence of my rash behaviour.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Jasper
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1847
[Report This] Published: March 21, 2009 Updated: March 22, 2009
Summary: Written to coincide with the US release of the Twilight DVD, a short story to place one piece of the movie canon back into the written story of our favorite family:
It's the Cullens' first Christmas in Forks, and Carlisle surprises his family with the gift of some very unique jewelry. Later, he and Edward have a quiet talk about what the future holds.
A tender one-shot in Carlisle's voice. Merges and adheres to movie and book canon. Rated for Emmett's innuendo...
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alice, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3794
[Report This] Published: March 20, 2009 Updated: March 22, 2009
[Report This] Published: March 19, 2009 Updated: March 22, 2009
This is a one-shot about the day Alec and Jane were changed. What made them become so bitter? This is my version of what happened to them to make them who they are as vampires. It's a story about how one mistake changed everything for these twins.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alec, Aro, Jane
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 6669
[Report This] Published: March 17, 2009 Updated: March 18, 2009

Didyme. Didyme. Didyme. Didyme.
The word – her name – wracked through his head, repeating itself over and over again.
Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
Another word joined it, turning the horrible situation into reality. She was gone.
Didyme. Dead.
And he was alone.
How would you feel if your mate was taken away from you?
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Didyme, Marcus
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 835
[Report This] Published: March 13, 2009 Updated: March 15, 2009
Summary: "I understand the average vampire who regard Alec and me as particularly qualified for this life. In fact, they have plenty of names for us to reflect that: “witch twins” being one of them.
They have no idea how right they are with that one, considering our family history."

Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Jane
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1134
[Report This] Published: March 07, 2009 Updated: March 14, 2009
Emma is a terminally ill patient, under Carlisle's care. What happens when they form a bond? What happens when a Psych patient threatens everything? How does Edward take to the girl? And How will it effect Edward when she dies? BETA'D by my lovely Emily
Finished... but the sequal "Will You Have Gone Forever" will be posted soon!
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alice, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Other Character, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 12849
[Report This] Published: December 18, 2008 Updated: March 13, 2009
Summary: In the last century, an extraordinary man lived in Italy, Gustavo Rol. He was a psychic with astounding paranormal powers, which he never used for personal gain. Very appropriately, he was from Turin, the white (and black) magic city in Northern Italy.
I like to think that, in the ‘30s, he and Carlisle met. This is the story of their momentous meeting.

Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Carlisle
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1517
[Report This] Published: March 08, 2009 Updated: March 10, 2009
We know Edward wrote a song for Esme, but what if he also wrote one for Carlisle?
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Alice, Carlisle, Edward, Esme
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 701
[Report This] Published: March 04, 2009 Updated: March 10, 2009
Summary: A final confrontation between Esme and her former husband, Charles.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Esme
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3034
[Report This] Published: March 03, 2009 Updated: March 09, 2009
Summary: She could touch him, but heaven forbid he lay one hand on her... RxEm Canon pre-Twilight first kiss. Angsty, clichéd fluff.
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Emmett, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 2549
[Report This] Published: March 05, 2009 Updated: March 06, 2009
Summary: When Edward is turned, he starts running and doesn't stop. This new world is black and white until he runs into something that leads him to question what he thought he knew. EPOV
Categories: Pre-Twilight Characters: Bella, Edward, Garrett, Irina, Kate, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 1196
[Report This] Published: February 28, 2009 Updated: March 05, 2009
Summary: When Carlisle introduces Edward to a young coma patient, they discover that Leia's mind still works just fine. What would happen if the hospital is forced to disconnect her life support? Can vampire venom heal *everything*?
Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, James, Jasper, Jessica, Other Character, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: Baby Sister
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes
Word count: 48832
[Report This] Published: February 10, 2009 Updated: March 04, 2009
Summary: Being a working class girl in 1988 was something that Bella Swan hated. She wanted out of it and she got her wish when she is turned into a vampire. Going through time drinking blood was the normal for Bella until she stumbles across Edward Cullen and his family. They take her in and try to teach her the alternative to live. Bella is getting the hang of it and the hang of Edward Cullen. Everything seems to be going right in her life, until a person from her past comes back and threatens to destroy it.
Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, AU Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Jasper, Rosalie, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 5644
[Report This] Published: February 22, 2009 Updated: March 03, 2009
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.