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Twilighted :: All-Inclusive, High-Quality Twilight Fan Fiction

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Miracle Girl by Wish Upon A Star
[ - ]

Currently contains: Miracle Girl




13-year-old Bella is in California visiting Charlie when Edward's adopted sister, Alice calls.  The news leads to a startling train of events that only bring them closer. 


Some fluff, some angst, some humor...  Okay, let's just say that this story is a mixed bag.  Teen for angst and romance in future chapters, but I'm going to do my absolute best to keep this PG-13 at the most.


AU, AH, sort of OOC, just enough to make the story make sense.  Mostly Bella and Edward's point of view, but some others.


This is just my second fanfiction, but please be generous and read it!!  I have most of it written already, so the more reviews the more chapters!!




Coming soon: Diamonds in the Mud


Summary: Edward, Bella, and Alice visit the orphanage Alice came from for her 14th birthday, where they meet a pair of siblings with a startling story. 


Meet Rosalie and Jasper: the same father, different mothers, the same horrible pasts.  Will Edward, Bella, and Alice be able to help them get over their past experiences in order to love again?


Some fluff, some angst, hurt/comfort, some humor (Emmett), possible lemons (I don't really know what they are, so I'm warning you), some mature content at first, but nothing too explicit, PG-13 to the best of my ability.


AU, AH, slightly OOC, but just enough so the story makes sense.  Edward, Bella, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett's points of view mainly, with some others.  All canon pairings.


Sequel to Miracle Girl, and won't make much sense without it.




There will be at least one more story after that one, possibly called Pave the Rocky Road.


Summary (as I get further along, like Alice's visions, there are many more ways this will be different):  I can't really summarize this yet, because there are some MAJOR spoilers for Diamonds in the Mud.  All canon pairings.  Mostly fluff and hurt/comfort.  Upper-end PG-13.

Categories: AU-Human
Characters: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 1
Series Type: Closed


13-year-old Bella is in California visiting Charlie when Edward's adopted sister, Alice calls.  The news leads to a startling train of events that only bring them closer. 

Some fluff, some angst, some humor...  Okay, let's just say that this story is a mixed bag.  Teen for angst and romance in future chapters, but I'm going to do my absolute best to keep this PG-13 at the most.

AU, AH, sort of OOC, just enough to make the story make sense.  Mostly Bella and Edward's point of view, but some others.

This is just my second fanfiction, but please be generous and read it!!  I have most of it written already, so the more reviews the more chapters!!

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Esme, Renee
Series: Miracle Girl
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 3732
[Report This] Published: June 25, 2009 Updated: July 18, 2009



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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.