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Summary: I'm a normal 15 year old girl living in Europ and a Twilight fan not to crazy but i love the story. My life was pretty normal well was untill the day the Twilight books disappeared and my mom broke the news that we move to Forks. If you think that's crazy wait up what happend next.
Categories: None Characters: None
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: "why should we even try Bella" i said and i knew that broke her heart
Categories: None Characters: Bella
Challenges: Open: Open
Summary: The Swan family is much bigger than anyone's considered, and many of the most powerful people in the world belong to it. After the Cullens leave in New Moon, Charlie's sister, Penny, moves back to Forks with her two daughters, Ellie and Ari, and an ancient family secret is unleashed, causing Bella and her two cousins to join the ever growing world of the supernatural. They are women, protectors of man, blessed with powers beyond the norm... But will they be enough to survive Victoria, the wolves, Bella's missing heart and running off to save someone everyother day with their lives intact?
Categories: Post-Eclipse, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Nessie, Other Character, Renesmee, Rosalie
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: This is about Edward and my fan character. My character is really complex but I swear that you will catch on eventually
Categories: Other Characters: Emmett
Challenges: Open: Closed
Summary: rn Bella’s heart is damaged so severely from a lingering childhood illness; she has been told she will die, short of a heart transplant or a miracle. Edward is a vampire who struggles with abstaining from human blood, but encounters in Bella, his Yuletide Canticle while Christmas shopping. What happens when hopelessness and hunger collide? How do you give life to the very one whose blood sings to you like no other? rn
Categories: Twilight Characters: Bella, Edward
Challenges: Open: Closed
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.