Summary: Bella and Edward are both broken by his abrupt departure following her birthday. In an attempt to heal her pain, Bella turns to pen and knife for release, until a nomad vampire crosses her path and new possibilities bloom. Meanwhile, Edward deals with his self-inflicted torment through music, which brings him closer to his family. But the tides of sorrow are too strong, and he must learn to accept fate or drown.

Categories: New Moon Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Carmen, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Garrett, Irina, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: No
Word count: 187595
[Report This] Published: January 03, 2010 Updated: May 14, 2019
With a family of his own to protect and the Volturi coming to once and for all put an end to the Olympic Coven, Jason must go to battle with Aro and the Guard one final time.
However with Aro's wrath so great that he is willing to suspend all vampire laws in order to raise a newborn army of such a scale as to guarantee his victory, the odds are stacked firmly against the Cullens and their allies.
Jason knows, they all know, that above all else, the children must be protected and so they will hold back nothing and sacrifice everything in order to assure the safety of Harry, Chloe, and Renesmee.
Open war is upon vampire-kind and even if the Cullens cannot win this battle of all battles, they must win the war, for the sake of their children. The time of Aro ruling from on high in Volterra must end.
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alice, Alistair, Aro, Bella, Benjamin, Billy, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Garrett, Heidi, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Kachiri, Kate, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Maria, Mary, Paul, Peter, Quil, Randall, Renata, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Vladimir, Zafrina
Challenges: Series: The Jason Culhane Saga
Chapters: 4 Completed: No
Word count: 34217
[Report This] Published: February 28, 2014 Updated: January 10, 2017
Summary: Since her parents were killed in a car crash, 11-year-old Bella is forced to endure an abusive adoptive family. It’s up to Edward to save her before it’s too late.
Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, AU Characters: Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Kate, Laurent, Rosalie, Tanya, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No
Word count: 5113
[Report This] Published: November 08, 2012 Updated: May 30, 2016
Summary: The Cullen family seem to relax now that Renesmee is no longer in danger of death and the Volturi. But what happens when years pass and the Volturi once again become interested?
Alice sees various visions of what she believes to be the same person, could this be the nail in the coffin for the Cullen family or is this something to look forward to?
Enjoy a post-Breaking Dawn fanfic from various points of view and romantic smut in further chapters.
Rated NC-17 for sex, violence, and some language.

Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Alec, Alice, Aro, Bella, Billy, Brady, Caius, Carlisle, Charlie, Claire, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Kate, Leah, Marcus, Nessie, Paul, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 40 Completed: No
Word count: 70064
[Report This] Published: April 15, 2010 Updated: January 03, 2016
Summary: Where Breaking Dawn ends, Leaving Forks begins. It has been four years since the Volturi attacked the Cullens, and everything is going well. Or, is it? Aro has something up his sleeve to lure the Cullens where he wants them. When a new vampires is presented to the Volturi, Aro sees this as his chance to finally have the Cullens where he wants them. Will they survive the Volturi this time around? Or will life as they know it change?
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Corin, Demetri, Didyme, Diego, Edward, Edward Masen, Sr., Eleazar, Elizabeth Masen, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Felix, Fred, Garrett, Gianna, Harry, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, James, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Lauren, Laurent, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Maria, Mary, Mike, Nessie, Other Character, Paul, Peter, Phil, Quil, Randall, Raoul, Renata, Renee, Renesmee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Santiago, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Sulpicia, Tanya, Tia
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 696
[Report This] Published: January 14, 2015 Updated: January 27, 2015
Banner by the wonderful Wolf Lover42
Banner by the talented Fuzzyltlwingedthing

"They have something I want..."
Aro has coveted the talents of Alice & Edward for a long time, but when human Bella weds into the already powerful Cullen clan, Aro sees the perfect opportunity to get what he wants -- and more. Armed with the information he took from Edward and Alice's minds, he recruits Gianna and a special young American, Dominic, to carry out his plan. Will Alice see it coming? Will Edward believe he's lost Bella forever?
Canon characters/AU, rated NC-17 for some lemon action and vampire immorality/violence. Dark but HEA promised.
Categories: Breaking Dawn, AU Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Chelsea, Corin, Demetri, Didyme, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Gianna, Heidi, Jane, Jasper, Kate, Marcus, Other Character, Renata, Rosalie, Santiago, Sulpicia, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 46 Completed: Yes
Word count: 208212
[Report This] Published: August 18, 2011 Updated: October 28, 2013
Summary: Seeking a vaccine for vampirism, Edward and Carlisle created another type of monster - someone they love who can't remember how to be anything but deadly. With love, science, and murder in the air, the ultimate outcome is anyone's guess. Mature themes for mature readers.

Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Aro, Bella, Ben, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Jacob, James, Jane, Jessica, Laurent, Leah, Mike, Paul, Quil, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: No
Word count: 41008
[Report This] Published: November 11, 2009 Updated: August 28, 2013
**THANK YOU PAYDAY00 for my beautiful banner!**
Exhaust...motor oil...leather...
Motors rumbling...laughter...gunshots...
Any combination of one or all of these things makes me feel at home...makes me feel safe.
What happens as Bella and Edward wade their way through the mess of living deep within the life of a motorcycle club? Will their love conquer all? Or will something bigger than both of them tear them apart? Twilight/Sons of Anarch cross.
Categories: AU-Human, Crossover Characters: Alice, Bella, Billy, Carlisle, Carmen, Charlie, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jared, Jasper, Laurent, Other Character, Renee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Stefan, Victoria, Vladimir
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No
Word count: 12785
[Report This] Published: February 04, 2013 Updated: July 04, 2013
Having lost his sister, his family, his newfound friends, and his home, Jason is on the run from the Volturi, hoping to hide himself so at least Fiona and Dermot will be safe.
However, unexpectedly, he encounters other vampires in the Pacific Northwest, the Cullens, a true family, one who invites him in.
With a new lease on life, Jason finds there are many quirks, many wonders that this family has in store but perhaps most importantly, among their allies, Jason finds love.
However on discovering this seemingly unnatural union, the Volturi force their way back into Jason's life to once again take that which he loves. The question is, this time, can he stop them?
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Aro, Bella, Benjamin, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Corin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Mary, Paul, Peter, Randall, Renata, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Santiago, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Vladimir, Zafrina
Challenges: Series: The Jason Culhane Saga
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes
Word count: 123228
[Report This] Published: June 19, 2012 Updated: June 16, 2013
Summary: The chances of a vampire finding the one human in the world whose blood sings to them so strongly as to challenge their very being are so small that most vampires never find theirs. When Edward Cullen was over a century old, he found his, and against all odds, he fell in love with her. Fifteen years after his mate Bella was changed into a vampire, she found hers. And it nearly drove her crazy. Edward worried it would one day become her undoing. Either way, it was seven against one when Bella tried to claim the infant's blood for her own. Not even her brother-in-law Jasper would stand aside to give her what she wanted.

Bella finds her singer, but it's not someone anyone expects. And no one expects it to nearly tear her and Edward apart. But the Volturi find out, and danger ensues.
Not too many warnings with this one, but it's Post-Breaking Dawn and as close to canon as I can make it with a few exceptions. It's rated Mature for implied adult situations, but nothing explicit.
We'll also be switching POV's, but there will be consistency eventually.
Banner made by me using several resources. Thanks for reading!
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn, AU Characters: Alice, Aro, Bella, Billy, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Leah, Maggie, Marcus, Other Character, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Siobhan, Zafrina
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No
Word count: 68629
[Report This] Published: August 26, 2012 Updated: May 12, 2013
Summary: Sequel to Broken Dawn and companion to Solstice, High Noon follows Renesmee on an all new adventure that finds her falling in love, and learning about life.
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn, AU Characters: Alice, Aro, Bella, Billy, Caius, Carlisle, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Gianna, Jacob, Jasper, Kate, Nessie, Sam, Seth, Sulpicia
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 15127
[Report This] Published: May 25, 2010 Updated: April 26, 2013
Summary: What would have happened if Edward had lost control on Bella's first day of school? How would the Cullens have adjusted to this new addition to their life? When Edward fails to keep his self-control, he begins a journey like nothing he could ever have imagined...

Banner by M81170. THANK YOU!
Categories: Twilight Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Carmen, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Irina, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes
Word count: 56628
[Report This] Published: October 22, 2009 Updated: March 31, 2013
Absolutely awsome banner by the lovely, talented Frozen Soldier!!!!!!!!!
Nessie has saved her world. Now she just wants a simple wedding, to get back to Forks quickly, and is looking forward to spending forever with Jake and their daughter by their side.
This story is going to be very close to canon, but there will be a lot of surprise pairings. If there is such a thing as a record for imprintings/ proposals/ weddings/ pregnancies in one twilight fanfic this may very well hit it.
There are a lot more lemons than I've ever written before, so please be kind on reviews, some of them will be rather unique.
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Alice, Amun, Aro, Bella, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Jacob, Jared, Jasper, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Nessie, Paul, Peter, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Vladimir, Zafrina
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No
Word count: 16723
[Report This] Published: July 14, 2010 Updated: January 11, 2013
Summary: Disclaimer: I hold no claim over the characters in the Twilight Saga. All rights belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer.
Summary: Edward & Bella are getting ready to take the next step toward together forever. Just when they think it’s safe to move on. A series of dark events just might put a stop to their happy ending for good.

Categories: AU, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Characters: Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Lauren, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Mary, Mike, Nessie, Other Character, Paul, Peter, Phil, Quil, Randall, Renata, Renee, Renesmee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Sulpicia, Tanya, Tia, Tyler, Victoria, Vladimir, Zafrina
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 8289
[Report This] Published: November 13, 2011 Updated: December 02, 2012
Sequel to TURN TO STONE!
Edward and Bella have their HEA, but life isn't a fairy tale... especially for the sons of Edward Masen, Sr. Can Edward and Bella's love survive when Edward is pulled back into a life he thought that he'd left behind? Will they get out of this with their lives... or their sanity?
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Bella, Charlie, Edward, Eleazar, Elizabeth Masen, Emmett, Jacob, Jasper, Leah, Paul, Quil, Rosalie, Sam, Seth
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 22595
[Report This] Published: July 21, 2012 Updated: November 21, 2012

Nearly fifty-five years after her "tranformation," Bella Swan, moves to Gatlinburg, Tennessee in the year 1935. Upon her arrival, she meets a massive, bear of man, with a million-watt dimpled smile and hypnotic blue eyes. A human—Emmett McCarty. The chemistry between them is immediate, but where will it lead them?

Bella Swan: After nearly fifty-five years of being on her own, Bella can either accept the destiny that has been laid bare before her feet, or she can resist it and attempt to fight fate.

Emmett McCarty: Emmett supects something "otherworldy" about Bella Swan from the moment he meets her. After their first encounter, will Emmett's life ever be the same again?
PAIRINGS: Bella/Emmett, Jasper/Alice, Carlisle/Esme, Peter/Charlotte, Edward/ Rosalie or an Alternate Character, Rosalie/ Edward or an Alternate Character
Mature Readers Only: Story is rated NC-17 for Graphic Sexuality.
A Special Thank you to Enchanted-Mind for creating this wonderful Banner! And another special thank you to my awesome "Twilighted Beta," nikkipattinson!
Categories: Pre-Twilight, Post-Breaking Dawn, AU Characters: Alice, Aro, Bella, Caius, Carlisle, Charlotte, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Marcus, Peter, Rosalie, Sam
Challenges: Series: Emmett Stories, Bella & Emmett Romantic Pairings
Chapters: 10 Completed: No
Word count: 82597
[Report This] Published: April 14, 2012 Updated: August 23, 2012
Bree wasn't stupid. She knew Riley was lying and she didn't want to fight. She just wanted to find Diego and meet up with Fred. She meets the Cullens, will she stay or go. Makes more sense if you have read Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

Categories: Eclipse, Post-Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Characters: Alice, Bella, Bree, Carlisle, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Fred, Garrett, Jared, Jasper, Kate, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 25 Completed: Yes
Word count: 75864
[Report This] Published: August 15, 2011 Updated: March 24, 2012
Messier Object-82 is a galaxy with two black holes at its center. Alice’s life has two black holes, James and Victoria, at its center, sucking up everyone she loves. It all starts when James comes across her scent just a little too early. Knowing that she is his singer, she is forced to flee from her parents in order to stay alive. Her visions lead her to Jasper and then Carlisle, but when Jasper takes off to confront James, Alice feels like she has lost yet another important person in her life to the all-consuming black hole. And when Victoria gets hold of Alistair, will Carlisle leave her, too, in order to save his friends?
Nominated for an iSparkle Award!
Now nominated for two Emerging Swan Awards! Please vote for me!
Categories: Pre-Twilight, AU Characters: Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Aro, Benjamin, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Esme, Felix, Heidi, Irina, James, Jane, Jasper, Kate, Kebi, Laurent, Liam, Maggie, Marcus, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Victoria, Vladimir
Challenges: Series: Eternal Hope: The Alice and Jasper Archive
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes
Word count: 71282
[Report This] Published: May 13, 2011 Updated: March 21, 2012

After the surprising demise of her relationship, a broken Bella relies on her music, friends and one night stands to make it through. But the appearance of a handsome, green-eyed stranger takes her breathe away.
Can he be the keeper of her elusive "O"? Or might he be even more than she was looking for?
(Featuring: Felix and Demetri)

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alec, Alice, Angela, Aro, Bella, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Charlie, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Gianna, Jacob, James, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kristen Stewart, Laurent, Marcus, Mike, Nessie, Paul, Phil, Quil, Renee, Renesmee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tyler, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: No
Word count: 92988
[Report This] Published: October 15, 2010 Updated: January 22, 2012
History is what defines us, personal and otherwise. To conquer it, one must decide not what they love more, but what's more important, and where one stood—with ALL things considered—could make all the difference.
AU-NM. All TwiCharacters. Nom'd "Best Shock Value" in the Avant Garde Awards, Polled in PTB's "Best Non-Canon Pairing Fic," Nom'd in the Sunflower Awards, featured in TwiFic Database's "Fic of the Week."
One year after the Cullens leave, Bella is thrown back into the vampire world in the least expected way and learns that Edward is not her mate. Pulled in different directions, with nothing being as it seems or what she thought, Bella will need to rediscover herself and where she stands. Yet, Bella is not the only one that has a past or emotions and circumstances that govern her. Unknown history is learned, especially by the Quileute. Secrets and betrayals are revealed, and by more than just a couple of the Cullens. Where love is found and bonds are broken, a war is brewing. And in the midst of another ancient war, what will be the most dangerous weakness? Love? Greed? Family? Old hate? Forgiveness? Will it be everything that makes you, you?
Categories: AU Characters: Alec, Alice, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Kate, Leah, Makenna, Marcus, Other Character, Paul, Peter, Quil, Rosalie, Seth, Stefan, Tanya, Vladimir
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No
Word count: 80561
[Report This] Published: March 04, 2011 Updated: January 22, 2012
The Volturri have departed and life goes on for the Cullens and the pack. Renesme is growing up and Jacob is growing deeper and deeper in love. Their love is magical, but how with the magical world respiond to it. What happens when Nahuel returns to fight for his percieved destiny? And can the Volturi survive a betrayal and a parting that will ally some with the Cullens and make others forever their enemies?
A Special thank you to content1 not only the best validation Beta, but the best story Beta EVER. Thank you so much.
Twilighted beta: content1
Awesome banner provided by Moonlit Dreams

Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Alice, Bella, Billy, Caius, Carlisle, Charlie, Claire, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Leah, Marcus, Nessie, Paul, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth
Challenges: Series: Imprint Me: The Jacob and Nessie Archives
Chapters: 27 Completed: Yes
Word count: 50261
[Report This] Published: July 11, 2010 Updated: November 14, 2011
What if in the beginning Edward lied to everyone about being in love with Bella? What if originally it actually was all about Bella's scent? And what would happen then if accidentally, much against his will, Edward kind of sort of fell head over heels in love with this not-so-dull human girl?
This is an AU of the Twilight Saga using an entirely different plot as to how, why, and when Edward and Bella fell in love. It offers a different explanation for what was so special about Bella Swan, why Edward vigilantly enforced those physical boundaries, why there's tension between the Cullens and the wolves, and why Edward behaved the way he did not only with Bella but with his family. Expect romance, mystery, angst, and humor. Dark Edward.
Canon Pairings, No BxExJ, OOC.
This story is rated NC-17 because of occasional naughty language, violence (or implied violence) against humans, vampires, werewolves, animals, insects, minding-their-own-business-pajamas, entities, books, coffee tables, leather recliners, bridges, sword ferns, shrubs, rocks, and worst of all....trees. It is also rated NC-17 due to excessive snarkiness by Edward, references to underage drinking, practical jokes and/or enthusiastic tormenting of secondary characters particularly Mike Newton, Jacob Black, and Charles Swan. It also is rated NC-17 due to sexual content.
Thanks to Mizra for the banners.

Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Irina, Jacob, Jasper, Kate, Lauren, Leah, Other Character, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 74 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1085631
[Report This] Published: October 29, 2008 Updated: May 31, 2011
Summary: Summary: When I first caught her scent, I turned my wanting into hate. Later, as my cold yet sparkling hand touched her warm flesh, sunlight streamed through the trees making her skin glow as golden as the sun. Bella was an immortal. It was the day that secrets were spilled and lives changed forever. I had at last found a reason for my eternal life, someone who understood my pain.

Categories: Twilight, AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Billy, Carlisle, Carmen, Charlie, Claire, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Jacob, James, Jasper, Laurent, Leah, Mike, Other Character, Phil, Quil, Renee, Rosalie, Sam, Tyler, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No
Word count: 38753
[Report This] Published: March 02, 2010 Updated: May 19, 2011
Summary: Three years after "Crescent Moon" Renee Dwyer has come to an impasse in her personal life, Charlie Swan has come to a crossroad in his professional life and Nessie Cullen is a senior in high-school. She is also in love with a mortal, much to the worry of Renee. The Cullen family of vampires is, for the most part, indifferent to Nessie's affections for a boy. They are too busy dealing with their own worries. As the preeminent Coven of Vampires, they must decide to either take action against a threat to the doctrine that all vampires live under and by doing so put the family in harms way, or do nothing and watch as all hell breaks loose.
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Alec, Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Nessie, Renata, Renee, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: Crescent Moon
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes
Word count: 73508
[Report This] Published: February 13, 2011 Updated: April 22, 2011
Summary: What if Jacob didn't see Renesmee right after she was born? What if he and Leah left town together instead? What if he came back five years later? What if the first time Jacob sees Renesmee, she looks sixteen, and he doesn't know who she really is?

This story picks up in Chapter 26 of Breaking Dawn with one small change. Jacob doesn't imprint on newborn Renesmee. Instead, he leaves town. When he finally returns for Charlie's wedding to Sue Clearwater five years later, things are very different between the Cullens and the Wolfpack. How will Jacob fit in with the Cullen family now, and should we be worried about the Volturi?
Categories: Breaking Dawn Characters: Alec, Alice, Aro, Bella, Caius, Carlisle, Charlie, Chelsea, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jared, Kate, Leah, Marcus, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 28138
[Report This] Published: July 06, 2009 Updated: April 10, 2011
© 2008, 2009 Twilighted Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.