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Other Results: 13 Series
North Star Rising by spaniard Rated: PG-13 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 225]


Bella has set her sights on immortality, and finally, Edward has bent to her will. What could possibly go wrong as they plan for their own private eternity?

The best laid plans…

The ripples of the destruction caused by James’s coven have not yet settled, and the Cullen’s are about to understand exactly how much one moment in time can alter their fragile piece of perfection.

Categories: Breaking Dawn, AU Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Irina, Jacob, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: No Word count: 112884
[Report This] Published: September 13, 2008 Updated: April 29, 2020


Bella and Edward are both broken by his abrupt departure following her birthday. In an attempt to heal her pain, Bella turns to pen and knife for release, until a nomad vampire crosses her path and new possibilities bloom. Meanwhile, Edward deals with his self-inflicted torment through music, which brings him closer to his family. But the tides of sorrow are too strong, and he must learn to accept fate or drown.

Bella-singer, Edward-singer/piano, writing notes and blood, Jasper-guitar, Alice-violin/percussions


Categories: New Moon Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Carmen, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Garrett, Irina, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: No Word count: 187595
[Report This] Published: January 03, 2010 Updated: May 14, 2019


Spring Tide photo STBANNER.png

With a family of his own to protect and the Volturi coming to once and for all put an end to the Olympic Coven, Jason must go to battle with Aro and the Guard one final time.

However with Aro's wrath so great that he is willing to suspend all vampire laws in order to raise a newborn army of such a scale as to guarantee his victory, the odds are stacked firmly against the Cullens and their allies.

Jason knows, they all know, that above all else, the children must be protected and so they will hold back nothing and sacrifice everything in order to assure the safety of Harry, Chloe, and Renesmee.

Open war is upon vampire-kind and even if the Cullens cannot win this battle of all battles, they must win the war, for the sake of their children. The time of Aro ruling from on high in Volterra must end.

Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alice, Alistair, Aro, Bella, Benjamin, Billy, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Garrett, Heidi, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Kachiri, Kate, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Maria, Mary, Paul, Peter, Quil, Randall, Renata, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Vladimir, Zafrina
Series: The Jason Culhane Saga
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 34217
[Report This] Published: February 28, 2014 Updated: January 10, 2017

Concrete Angel by ginamr Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 21]

Since her parents were killed in a car crash, 11-year-old Bella is forced to endure an abusive adoptive family. It’s up to Edward to save her before it’s too late.

Categories: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, AU Characters: Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Kate, Laurent, Rosalie, Tanya, Victoria
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 5113
[Report This] Published: November 08, 2012 Updated: May 30, 2016


The Cullen family seem to relax now that Renesmee is no longer in danger of death and the Volturi. But what happens when years pass and the Volturi once again become interested?

Alice sees various visions of what she believes to be the same person, could this be the nail in the coffin for the Cullen family or is this something to look forward to?

Enjoy a post-Breaking Dawn fanfic from various points of view and romantic smut in further chapters.

Rated NC-17 for sex, violence, and some language.

Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Alec, Alice, Aro, Bella, Billy, Brady, Caius, Carlisle, Charlie, Claire, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Kate, Leah, Marcus, Nessie, Paul, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 40 Completed: No Word count: 70064
[Report This] Published: April 15, 2010 Updated: January 03, 2016


If there’s one thing Bella Swan knows for sure it’s this; she's a wreck. Living in the shadow of her father’s death has certainly taken its toll on her. With no family and her friends on the other side of the country, her therapist is the only person she can turn to. When she finds a broken, lost little girl hiding in the subway, can they be each other’s saving grace?




Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Renee, Rosalie, Seth, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No Word count: 45169
[Report This] Published: December 13, 2010 Updated: March 01, 2015


Where Breaking Dawn ends, Leaving Forks begins. It has been four years since the Volturi attacked the Cullens, and everything is going well. Or, is it? Aro has something up his sleeve to lure the Cullens where he wants them. When a new vampires is presented to the Volturi, Aro sees this as his chance to finally have the Cullens where he wants them. Will they survive the Volturi this time around? Or will life as they know it change?


Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Corin, Demetri, Didyme, Diego, Edward, Edward Masen, Sr., Eleazar, Elizabeth Masen, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Felix, Fred, Garrett, Gianna, Harry, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, James, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Lauren, Laurent, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Maria, Mary, Mike, Nessie, Other Character, Paul, Peter, Phil, Quil, Randall, Raoul, Renata, Renee, Renesmee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Santiago, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Sulpicia, Tanya, Tia
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 696
[Report This] Published: January 14, 2015 Updated: January 27, 2015




Summary: One Bride, One Groom… One Huge Lie. Edward and Bella get together at a party hosted by Mike Newton, but by the end of the night, something's come between them. Fast forward four years to Edward's wedding to Tanya. Bella learns the truth behind what happened on that long ago night. Can she convince Edward to listen to the truth before it's too late?

Authors: SaritaDreaming and Wendy73 (wmr1601)

Loosely based on the song 'Speak Now' by Taylor Swift.

Lemonade will be served, eventually.


Categories: AU-Human Characters: Bella, Edward, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: No Word count: 178534
[Report This] Published: March 01, 2011 Updated: November 11, 2014




Find a penny pick it up and all the day you’ll have good luck. Edward was the luckiest kid alive. Or so he thought.


Categories: Other Characters: Bella, Edward, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 4201
[Report This] Published: October 21, 2014 Updated: October 23, 2014


rock music collage


When Bella Swan begins her career halfway across the country, it quickly becomes more than she expected. Teamed up with Emmett "Bear" McCarty, she is the voice of reason on Kansas City's lewd and popular morning radio show. Sparks immediately fly between the two hosts, but fate adds another person to the mix-- one of the show's surprise guests, jumpstarting more than just her heart. Bear, Bella, and the morning show crew through the fun and exciting world of being a local celebrity. See how tragedy unites them and how love heals them.







Rated NC-17 for language, gratuitous sex in every chapter, and rock & roll!


WARNING: Does contain femmeslash/poly.






Categories: AU-Human Characters: Angela, Bella, Demetri, Emmett, Jacob, Lauren, Leah, Paul, Renesmee, Riley, Tanya, Tia, Victoria
Series: Emmett Stories
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 41121
[Report This] Published: July 27, 2011 Updated: May 04, 2014


What do you do when the one you thought would love you forever up and leaves you? You move to Vegas of course!

It's 3 years after Edward left Bella. She's discovered a new life, and made new friends, but has never really gotten over Edward's abandonment.

When a chance encounter with Alice at a local Vegas night club brings the Cullens back full force into Bella's life, how will she react? Is there any hope for them to rekindle their friendships? More importantly, is there any chance that she and Edward can work through her distrust and his shame and guilt to get back their undying love, or does attention from a new love interest have Bella distracted?

Come on in to the world of Crooked Halo's and Ink Junkies, and find out!

New Banner


Categories: New Moon, AU Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Lauren, Other Character, Renee, Rosalie, Tanya, Victoria
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: No Word count: 99051
[Report This] Published: November 19, 2009 Updated: December 19, 2013


Banner by the wonderful Wolf Lover42Future Imperfect

Banner by the talented Fuzzyltlwingedthing


"They have something I want..."

Aro has coveted the talents of Alice & Edward for a long time, but when human Bella weds into the already powerful Cullen clan, Aro sees the perfect opportunity to get what he wants -- and more. Armed with the information he took from Edward and Alice's minds, he recruits Gianna and a special young American, Dominic, to carry out his plan. Will Alice see it coming? Will Edward believe he's lost Bella forever?

Canon characters/AU, rated NC-17 for some lemon action and vampire immorality/violence. Dark but HEA promised.

Categories: Breaking Dawn, AU Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Chelsea, Corin, Demetri, Didyme, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Gianna, Heidi, Jane, Jasper, Kate, Marcus, Other Character, Renata, Rosalie, Santiago, Sulpicia, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 46 Completed: Yes Word count: 208212
[Report This] Published: August 18, 2011 Updated: October 28, 2013


Seeking a vaccine for vampirism, Edward and Carlisle created another type of monster - someone they love who can't remember how to be anything but deadly. With love, science, and murder in the air, the ultimate outcome is
anyone's guess. Mature themes for mature readers.

Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Aro, Bella, Ben, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Jacob, James, Jane, Jessica, Laurent, Leah, Mike, Paul, Quil, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya, Victoria
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: No Word count: 41008
[Report This] Published: November 11, 2009 Updated: August 28, 2013

Equinox by JasonCulhane Rated: R starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 47]


Having lost his sister, his family, his newfound friends, and his home, Jason is on the run from the Volturi, hoping to hide himself so at least Fiona and Dermot will be safe.

However, unexpectedly, he encounters other vampires in the Pacific Northwest, the Cullens, a true family, one who invites him in.

With a new lease on life, Jason finds there are many quirks, many wonders that this family has in store but perhaps most importantly, among their allies, Jason finds love.

However on discovering this seemingly unnatural union, the Volturi force their way back into Jason's life to once again take that which he loves. The question is, this time, can he stop them?

Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Aro, Bella, Benjamin, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Corin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Mary, Paul, Peter, Randall, Renata, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Santiago, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Vladimir, Zafrina
Series: The Jason Culhane Saga
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes Word count: 123228
[Report This] Published: June 19, 2012 Updated: June 16, 2013

Failure by KrysCullen Rated: PG-13 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 197]

What would have happened if Edward had lost control on Bella's first day of school? How would the Cullens have adjusted to this new addition to their life? When Edward fails to keep his self-control, he begins a journey like nothing he could ever have imagined...

Story banner

Banner by M81170. THANK YOU!



Categories: Twilight Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Carmen, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Irina, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes Word count: 56628
[Report This] Published: October 22, 2009 Updated: March 31, 2013


*Credit to EllaB for my rocking banner!

Twilight/ The Ring Crossover

After the tragic death of Edward's girlfriend, Tanya, he tries hard to move on. With the help of his best friend, Jacob, he gets the attention of Bella, the new girl next door. But Edward can't stop thinking; how the hell did she die? That phone call that told her, Seven days . . . that couldn't have been real . . . could it?

Things seem fine until he and Jacob come into the path of a strange cult that forces Jacob and Edward to watch a videotape—and it's exactly what Tanya described from the tape she saw a week before she died.

With the clock ticking and as little information to go on as possible, how will Edward and Jake rid themselves of The Ring?

Categories: AU-Human, Crossover Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Other Character, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes Word count: 36863
[Report This] Published: September 03, 2009 Updated: February 13, 2013


Nessie & Jakes baby as well as wedding

Absolutely awsome banner by the lovely, talented Frozen Soldier!!!!!!!!!

Nessie has saved her world. Now she just wants a simple wedding, to get back to Forks quickly, and is looking forward to spending forever with Jake and their daughter by their side.

This story is going to be very close to canon, but there will be a lot of surprise pairings. If there is such a thing as a record for imprintings/ proposals/ weddings/ pregnancies in one twilight fanfic this may very well hit it.

There are a lot more lemons than I've ever written before, so please be kind on reviews, some of them will be rather unique.

Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Alice, Amun, Aro, Bella, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Jacob, Jared, Jasper, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Nessie, Paul, Peter, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Vladimir, Zafrina
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No Word count: 16723
[Report This] Published: July 14, 2010 Updated: January 11, 2013


Isabella Swan is a twenty-two-year-old woman living with her high school sweetheart and childhood best friend. She's sheltered and hardly ever leaves from apartment 24b. Edward Cullen is convinced she's keeping secrets, and he's determined to find out what it is.

Warning - this story talks about: abuse, self-harm and suicide. It also contains lemons and bad language.

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Edward, Embry, Emmett, Jacob, Jasper, Leah, Quil, Rosalie, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 18367
[Report This] Published: April 19, 2012 Updated: December 06, 2012

Storm by TaintedDarkInuShemeeko Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstar [Reviews - 9]

Disclaimer: I hold no claim over the characters in the Twilight Saga. All rights belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer.




Summary:  Edward & Bella are getting ready to take the next step toward together forever. Just when they think it’s safe to move on. A series of dark events just might put a stop to their happy ending for good.






Categories: AU, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Characters: Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Lauren, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Mary, Mike, Nessie, Other Character, Paul, Peter, Phil, Quil, Randall, Renata, Renee, Renesmee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Sulpicia, Tanya, Tia, Tyler, Victoria, Vladimir, Zafrina
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 8289
[Report This] Published: November 13, 2011 Updated: December 02, 2012


The Black Pirate by madaboutforks

When Lady Renesmee de Cullen's ship is attacked by buccaneers, led by the infamous Black Pirate, she suddenly finds herself thrown into a dangerous world of passion and adventure.

A swashbuckling Twipirate romance. AH/AU

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alec, Alice, Angela, Aro, Bella, Ben, Billy, Brady, Caius, Carlisle, Charlie, Claire, Edward, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Leah, Marcus, Mike, Paul, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya, Tyler
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 32452
[Report This] Published: January 19, 2012 Updated: September 22, 2012


All Human.  Bella gets knocked up during her senior year of high school, but Edward doesn't believe her.

Thank you to Mehek18 for the banner. Her site can be found here:

Recently Reviewed on Indy Fic Pimp - 

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Angela, Bella, Billy, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Jasper, Jessica, Mike, Other Character, Renee, Rosalie, Tanya, Victoria
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 96724
[Report This] Published: December 13, 2010 Updated: September 09, 2012


When Bella Swan moves to Seattle to live with her father, she keeps her head down and her mouth closed about what brought her here. Edward Cullen dismisses her, thinking that no secret could be as horrific as his own.

But the dark shadows in Bella's life rival his, and put her in far more danger than he ever could. He could save her if he let her in.

Are either of them strong enough for that?

Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Irina, Jasper, Kate, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 89832
[Report This] Published: April 06, 2011 Updated: September 04, 2012


Middle class Southampton residents Isabella and Angela Swan are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Titanic, White Star's newest luxury liner, is ready to make her maiden voyage across the expansive Atlantic, and the sisters have a direct passage to the states, leaving behind the only home they've ever known to start anew in New York.

The two find excitement, adventure, and so much more during their five days afloat, but one dark and fateful night, and a signal seconds too late, could cause it all to come crashing down, possibly taking away the only things that have ever mattered most to them.

This apparent Ship of Dreams could hold the key to a lifetime of happiness, or to a world of heartache.



Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Bree, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Irina, James, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 17140
[Report This] Published: January 27, 2010 Updated: July 18, 2012

Twinlight by kelsssey Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 155]


How would Twilight have gone if Bella weren't an only child?

Bella and her fraternal twin brother Adam make the move to Forks during their junior year of high school. This story follows Bella and Adam through the events of Twilight, and shows what a difference having a sibling can make.


This is an AU version of Twilight, Bella's personality is slightly OOC

Categories: Twilight, AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Embry, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Other Character, Rosalie, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes Word count: 46325
[Report This] Published: March 23, 2011 Updated: July 10, 2012


Of all the coffee houses, in all the cities, in all the world, he walks into mine. That was the only thought that ran through my head when the ex-love of my life walked into my local haunt. Is fate giving us a second chance?


Banner by: candykizzes24

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Edward, Tanya
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 10115
[Report This] Published: May 31, 2012 Updated: June 02, 2012


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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.