
“Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you gotta find the ones worth suffering for.”– Bob Marley
This story starts right where New Moon left off.
Edward has just proposed and Bella can’t seem to give him a straight answer. She just got back from Italy and is grounded until for-ev-er! Jacob isn’t talking to her and to top it off Charlie and Renée decide to come clean about a huge secret they’ve been harboring.
Can Bella deal with this new information, without her best friend? Can she embrace a past she never knew existed?
As Bella comes to terms with this new revelation and all it entails, Victoria runs rampant with her newborn army in Seattle.
Head over to and get teasers for upcoming chapters as well as other goodies.
Categories: Eclipse, Post-Eclipse, AU, Other Characters: Alec, Alice, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Charlie, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kim, Leah, Marcus, Mike, Other Character, Paul, Phil, Quil, Renee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tyler, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No
Word count: 45502
[Report This] Published: April 27, 2010 Updated: April 19, 2016
Thank you Mist for the beautiful banner.
Summary: Leah has gotten past the pain of Sam imprinting on her cousin, but she still keeps a wall around her heart. Can she let go of the pain, and let love in? Jacob finally finds love, but can he find the courage to tell her about his wolf. Meanwhile, a new enemy builds strength in the south, threatening to destroy everything and everyone they hold dear.
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn, AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Billy, Brady, Carlisle, Charlie, Collin, Edward, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jared, Jasper, Kim, Leah, Nessie, Other Character, Paul, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: No
Word count: 126628
[Report This] Published: June 19, 2011 Updated: September 07, 2015
Summary: If there’s one thing Bella Swan knows for sure it’s this; she's a wreck. Living in the shadow of her father’s death has certainly taken its toll on her. With no family and her friends on the other side of the country, her therapist is the only person she can turn to. When she finds a broken, lost little girl hiding in the subway, can they be each other’s saving grace?

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Renee, Rosalie, Seth, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No
Word count: 45169
[Report This] Published: December 13, 2010 Updated: March 01, 2015
Summary: Where Breaking Dawn ends, Leaving Forks begins. It has been four years since the Volturi attacked the Cullens, and everything is going well. Or, is it? Aro has something up his sleeve to lure the Cullens where he wants them. When a new vampires is presented to the Volturi, Aro sees this as his chance to finally have the Cullens where he wants them. Will they survive the Volturi this time around? Or will life as they know it change?
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Afton, Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Corin, Demetri, Didyme, Diego, Edward, Edward Masen, Sr., Eleazar, Elizabeth Masen, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Felix, Fred, Garrett, Gianna, Harry, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, James, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Lauren, Laurent, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Maria, Mary, Mike, Nessie, Other Character, Paul, Peter, Phil, Quil, Randall, Raoul, Renata, Renee, Renesmee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Santiago, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Sulpicia, Tanya, Tia
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 696
[Report This] Published: January 14, 2015 Updated: January 27, 2015
Bella Swan is a writer that is on a trip of a lifetime. Edward Cullen is a famous actor, whose life is a blur of film-sets, hotels and screaming fans. A destined encounter and a battle of mind over matter erupt amongst sensual music and a shared longing.

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Edward, Emmett, James, Jasper, Jessica, Laurent, Mike, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 52 Completed: No
Word count: 294886
[Report This] Published: January 02, 2010 Updated: September 28, 2014
Summary: Izzy Swan was a good girl until she fell in with the wrong crowd. Determined to reform her troublesome daughter, Renee sends her to Forks to live with her father. Izzy was determined to serve her sentence and get back to Phoenix as soon as her mother would allow it. Those plans all changed when she met one Edward Cullen and her life was turned upside-down by the secret she couldn’t have imagined he held back.
Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Carlisle, Charlie, Claire, Collin, Edward, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Jacob, James, Jasper, Lauren, Laurent, Mike, Paul, Phil, Quil, Renee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No
Word count: 14609
[Report This] Published: November 08, 2012 Updated: September 09, 2014
When Bella Swan begins her career halfway across the country, it quickly becomes more than she expected. Teamed up with Emmett "Bear" McCarty, she is the voice of reason on Kansas City's lewd and popular morning radio show. Sparks immediately fly between the two hosts, but fate adds another person to the mix-- one of the show's surprise guests, jumpstarting more than just her heart.
Follow Bear, Bella, and the morning show crew through the fun and exciting world of being a local celebrity. See how tragedy unites them and how love heals them.
Rated NC-17 for language, gratuitous sex in every chapter, and rock & roll!
WARNING: Does contain femmeslash/poly.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Angela, Bella, Demetri, Emmett, Jacob, Lauren, Leah, Paul, Renesmee, Riley, Tanya, Tia, Victoria
Challenges: Series: Emmett Stories
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes
Word count: 41121
[Report This] Published: July 27, 2011 Updated: May 04, 2014
banner made by TwilitedAddict
~The story of how Angela becomes a Cullen.~
Everyone has a secret that they try to hide, some are just better at it than others. For Angela, that secret was being alone. Assigned to work on history project with Emmett Cullen, he becomes troubled by certain things about Angela that make him question her safety. Later, when Angela realizes that the notes and flowers she has been receiving aren’t from Ben and that someone is stalking her and covering their tracks well enough to make her feel like she is loosing her mind, Emmett and Jasper step in, bringing Angela into the protection and care of the Cullen family.
There is a heavier focus on Angela Webber and her interactions with the Cullens than with the Edward/Bella theme. You have been warned.
“There’s one thing you have to understand about Emmett,” Rosalie told Angela with an almost annoyed sounding sigh. “He has a very severe case of BBS.”
“BBS?” the girl asked with a confused shake of her head.
“Big Brother Syndrome.”
*Special Note: In the books, Angela has younger twin brothers, in this story she does not have any siblings.*
Categories: Twilight, New Moon Characters: Angela
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 77 Completed: No
Word count: 668068
[Report This] Published: May 23, 2012 Updated: January 12, 2014
Summary: Seeking a vaccine for vampirism, Edward and Carlisle created another type of monster - someone they love who can't remember how to be anything but deadly. With love, science, and murder in the air, the ultimate outcome is anyone's guess. Mature themes for mature readers.

Categories: AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Aro, Bella, Ben, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Jacob, James, Jane, Jessica, Laurent, Leah, Mike, Paul, Quil, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: No
Word count: 41008
[Report This] Published: November 11, 2009 Updated: August 28, 2013
Summary: Conformity has always been the key to success in the sleepy town of Forks, Washington, but when the punky Bella Swan arrives, she teaches the nerdy Edward Cullen that it's okay to be a little different.
*Warning: Story contains school bullying, underage drinking, and OOC characters.

Based on this amazing banner I adopted from FatesLoveQueen.
Story beta'd by the amazing SqueakyZorro.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Jessica, Lauren, Mike, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 22741
[Report This] Published: May 22, 2011 Updated: July 16, 2013
Summary: Six Years Post Breaking Dawn, an invitation to their friend Angela's wedding arrives at the Cullen's house. What will their friends from high school think when they encounter Bella, now that she looks like a supermodel and no longer has a heartbeat? Fluff and Fun, short story. Rated T / PG-13.
Categories: Post-Breaking Dawn Characters: Angela, Bella, Edward
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 1199
[Report This] Published: April 17, 2013 Updated: April 27, 2013

WINNER of Indie Twific Award: Best Use of a Parent. Congratulations to all nominees.

Mimiteh = Native American word meaning "New Moon". Thanks to Lorne for the banner!
*Alternate Ending to New Moon* Consumed by worry about Bella’s depression, Charlie drags her to counseling with a Quileute psychologist, Dr. Nina Carlton. Unbeknownst to Bella, Nina has wolfish relatives in Forks, a past with Charlie, and a shield of her own. When Alice sees Bella throwing herself into harm's way, Edward races back to Forks. He is torn between staying out of Bella's life, as promised, and saving her from peril. Through a journey forged in therapy, friendship, and the support of their parents, Bella and Edward will learn important lessons about themselves and their love.
Categories: New Moon Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Billy, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Embry, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Leah, Mike, Quil, Rosalie, Seth
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 26 Completed: Yes
Word count: 90771
[Report This] Published: November 02, 2009 Updated: April 14, 2013
Summary: SEQUEL TO A Different Kind of Moon. Fifteen years have passed since the fateful day that Angela Cullen (formerly Weber) was turned. Follow her story as she recounts her adjustments to her new life as a vampire as well as becoming the newest member of the Cullen clan. How does she really feel about her new life? Her family? What does she want to do with the eternity that now lays before her? Did Edward and Bella find their happily ever after? Will Angela find love? All this and more will be answered in Careful What You Wish For!
Many thanks to JustBiteMePlease for my awesome banner!!

Categories: New Moon, AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: No
Word count: 56581
[Report This] Published: July 30, 2010 Updated: February 23, 2013
Summary: Isabella Swan is a twenty-two-year-old woman living with her high school sweetheart and childhood best friend. She's sheltered and hardly ever leaves from apartment 24b. Edward Cullen is convinced she's keeping secrets, and he's determined to find out what it is.
Warning - this story talks about: abuse, self-harm and suicide. It also contains lemons and bad language.
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Edward, Embry, Emmett, Jacob, Jasper, Leah, Quil, Rosalie, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 18367
[Report This] Published: April 19, 2012 Updated: December 06, 2012
Summary: Disclaimer: I hold no claim over the characters in the Twilight Saga. All rights belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer.
Summary: Edward & Bella are getting ready to take the next step toward together forever. Just when they think it’s safe to move on. A series of dark events just might put a stop to their happy ending for good.

Categories: AU, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Characters: Alec, Alice, Alistair, Amun, Angela, Aro, Athenodora, Bella, Ben, Benjamin, Billy, Brady, Bree, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Claire, Collin, Demetri, Edward, Eleazar, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Heidi, Irina, Jacob, Jane, Jared, Jasper, Jessica, Kachiri, Kate, Kebi, Kim, Lauren, Leah, Liam, Maggie, Makenna, Marcus, Mary, Mike, Nessie, Other Character, Paul, Peter, Phil, Quil, Randall, Renata, Renee, Renesmee, Riley, Rosalie, Sam, Senna, Seth, Siobhan, Stefan, Sulpicia, Tanya, Tia, Tyler, Victoria, Vladimir, Zafrina
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 8289
[Report This] Published: November 13, 2011 Updated: December 02, 2012
Summary: Bella and Mike wed four years ago and their marriage hasn't exactly been the picture of bliss. A carefully guarded secret surfaces, destroying an already fragile Bella. Everything she knew was a lie, everything she wanted for her life, wiped out with the click of a mouse. An E x B story.
Warning: There is mention of past sexual assault, crappy childhoods, an even crappier marriage, and some very prevalent social issues (that I’m not going to mention here, because it would defeat the purpose of reading the story).

Banner thanks to Forthelongestday
Excerpt: I looked at the clock again, 5:44. Jesus Christ, did time stand still? Those fourteen minutes felt like fourteen hours. As the moments ticked by, my palms began to sweat and a nervous pressure mounted in my chest. It's not the end of the world Bella; just the end of your marriage...and everything you knew. God, how was I going to do this? People up and left their spouses on a daily basis and never looked back. Of course, how many of them were under these same circumstances, I wondered. How many women were faced with leaving the man they loved because he'd woven a lie so hurtful? When it finally surfaced, did it kill them?

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Mike, Renee, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 37 Completed: Yes
Word count: 171435
[Report This] Published: August 29, 2011 Updated: November 27, 2012
When Lady Renesmee de Cullen's ship is attacked by buccaneers, led by the infamous Black Pirate, she suddenly finds herself thrown into a dangerous world of passion and adventure.
A swashbuckling Twipirate romance. AH/AU
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alec, Alice, Angela, Aro, Bella, Ben, Billy, Brady, Caius, Carlisle, Charlie, Claire, Edward, Embry, Emily, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Leah, Marcus, Mike, Paul, Quil, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sam, Seth, Tanya, Tyler
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 32452
[Report This] Published: January 19, 2012 Updated: September 22, 2012
Summary: All Human. Bella gets knocked up during her senior year of high school, but Edward doesn't believe her.

Thank you to Mehek18 for the banner. Her site can be found here:
Recently Reviewed on Indy Fic Pimp -

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Angela, Bella, Billy, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Jasper, Jessica, Mike, Other Character, Renee, Rosalie, Tanya, Victoria
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes
Word count: 96724
[Report This] Published: December 13, 2010 Updated: September 09, 2012
Summary: We all know that Edward Cullen has the ability to read everyone's thoughts, except for Bella's.
This story is about Bella having the same gift, as a human, and being able to read even Edward's thoughts.
Takes place during the timeframe of Twilight.

Categories: Twilight, AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Jasper, Jessica, Lauren, Mike, Renee, Rosalie, Tyler
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 7454
[Report This] Published: February 01, 2009 Updated: August 14, 2012
An accident leaves Bella confined to a wheelchair, she has to undergo physical therapy. Add in one gay best friend, an odd set of parents, and an extremely attractive physical therapist, and things go beyond what she has ever expected. AH (Except Carlisle and Esme)/AU MA=lemony goodness.
Categories: Crossover, AU, AU-Human Characters: Angela, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, James, Jasper, Mike, Other Character, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: No
Word count: 100771
[Report This] Published: March 05, 2010 Updated: July 30, 2012
Summary: Middle class Southampton residents Isabella and Angela Swan are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Titanic, White Star's newest luxury liner, is ready to make her maiden voyage across the expansive Atlantic, and the sisters have a direct passage to the states, leaving behind the only home they've ever known to start anew in New York.
The two find excitement, adventure, and so much more during their five days afloat, but one dark and fateful night, and a signal seconds too late, could cause it all to come crashing down, possibly taking away the only things that have ever mattered most to them.
This apparent Ship of Dreams could hold the key to a lifetime of happiness, or to a world of heartache.

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Ben, Bree, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Irina, James, Jasper, Kate, Rosalie, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 17140
[Report This] Published: January 27, 2010 Updated: July 18, 2012
How would Twilight have gone if Bella weren't an only child?
Bella and her fraternal twin brother Adam make the move to Forks during their junior year of high school. This story follows Bella and Adam through the events of Twilight, and shows what a difference having a sibling can make.
This is an AU version of Twilight, Bella's personality is slightly OOC
Categories: Twilight, AU Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Embry, Emmett, Esme, Jacob, James, Other Character, Rosalie, Tanya
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes
Word count: 46325
[Report This] Published: March 23, 2011 Updated: July 10, 2012
Summary: Bella, a budding photographer and videographer, moves to Forks after the death of her mother where she meets Edward, the most popular guy in school. Personalities and styles clash forming surprising new bonds... but do they last?

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Jacob, Jasper, Lauren, Tyler
Challenges: Series: Always Human
Chapters: 35 Completed: Yes
Word count: 222318
[Report This] Published: October 27, 2009 Updated: July 05, 2012
Summary: Both damaged, Edward and Bella meet and the chemistry is instantaneous. Will she still love him when she discovers that he is the criminal defense attorney that got her rapist acquitted just two days before her attack? Can he forgive himself enough to give her justice?
Turn to Stone has been nominated for top ten favourite fics for July at twifanfictionrecs . com. Please Vote!
Thank you, padme35, for the beautiful new banner!

Finalist - The Faithful Shipper Awards
Fiction You Most Wish Was In The Spotlight
Best Secondary Character AH - Cynthia

Much thanks to throwitaway45 for the new banner!

Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Carlisle, Edward, Edward Masen, Sr., Elizabeth Masen, Emmett, James, Jasper, Jessica, Lauren, Mike, Other Character, Rosalie
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 52 Completed: Yes
Word count: 248688
[Report This] Published: July 06, 2009 Updated: July 01, 2012
All Human: Bella is a depressed drug addict sent to Forks to heal after "a bad... breakup." Instead, she meets Edward and gets him into things he isn't ready for. All-canon ships; rated Nc-17 for drug use, cutting, and mild lemons.
(banner by ReaderGoof)
Categories: AU-Human Characters: Alice, Angela, Bella, Billy, Carlisle, Charlie, Edward, Emmett, Eric, Esme, Jacob, James, Jane, Jasper, Jessica, Kate, Lauren, Mike, Other Character, Renee, Rosalie, Sam, Tyler
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 30 Completed: No
Word count: 48854
[Report This] Published: February 03, 2011 Updated: May 26, 2012
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.